2020 research and engagement insight reports

All three reports shared with Council that summarize the engagement and research findings for 2020. Reports are organized by language.





Traditional Chinese

Simplified Chinese


The 2019-2022 service plans and budgets, known as One Calgary, provide a roadmap for how The City delivers services and the financial plan to do this. On July 27, 2020 Council will set the indicative tax rate for 2021.The indicative rate is Council’s direction on the tax rate that will guide Administration’s adjustments to the pre-approved 2021 service plans and budgets.

In November 2020, in a process known as the Mid-Cycle Adjustments, Council will review Administration’s proposed adjustments and make decisions on the 2021 service plans and budgets.

The Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE) Program will be a key element of the Mid-Cycle Adjustments. The SAVE Program supports The City’s financial sustainability and is committed to finding, implementing and realizing savings in ways that support our long-term purpose of making life better every day for Calgarians. It also:

  • Provides a strategic approach to meeting the fiscal challenges faced by The City while minimizing the need for future across-the-board reductions.
  • Targets savings of $24 million by the start of 2021, and $50 million by the start of 2022 from tax-supported budgets.
  • Helps us to find these savings while maintaining or improving overall customer satisfaction and citizen outcomes.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on adjustments and the SAVE initiatives, the engagement is now closed.

Next Steps

  • November: Report back to you with a summary of everything we heard
  • Nov. 9: Special Council Meeting on Service Plans and Budgets
  • Nov. 23-27: Service Plan and Budget deliberations
  • To learn how to watch and participate in Council meetings visit https://www.calgary.ca/citycouncil/citycouncil.htm



How is my input used?

Your input will be used in several important ways during the Mid-Cycle Adjustment process. Administration will use the input to help determine appropriate adjustments to City services to present to Council in November. Council will then use the input to inform their decisions on the proposed adjustments. Additionally, the input could be used to inform the ongoing work of the SAVE Program beyond this fall.

To learn more about engagement at The City, visit engage.calgary.ca/about.

Who does what?

Our government has three groups: Council, Administration, and citizens. Each group plays a vital role in our city’s purpose and function.
Council: provides leadership and direction
Administration: manages and delivers services
Citizens: identify and fund priority services

The relationship (and conversations) between Council, Administration and citizens are key in making Calgary work:
Council and Calgarians: Listen to citizen aspirations and set direction based on shared community values and priorities
Administration and Calgarians: Show value in the delivery and management of services to citizens
Council and Administration: Ensure strategic direction and alignment of Calgarians’ values into municipal results

2020 questions

We want to hear from you

The City is committed to ensuring that the services we provide are aligned with the needs of Calgarians and delivered in an effective, efficient, and financially sustainable way. This year, The City has undergone extraordinary challenges. To respond to these changes, we are preparing to review our plans and budgets to make appropriate adjustments and serve you better.

Before we make changes, we want to hear from you about which City services you feel are a priority and whether you feel you are receiving value for your municipal tax dollars.

1. In 2019 Calgarians shared the following five expectations of City Council. Of the five, check the one that you feel is the most important for you now.
You have 400 characters left.
You have 400 characters left.


The City provides a wide range of services, from the Aquatics and Fitness Calgarians enjoy, to essential services like Water Treatment & Supply and Public Transit.

This page offers detailed information on all of the services that The City provides.

Use the form below to share your thoughts on specific City services.

Tell us things like why this service is important to you, how it impacts your life, or your ideas about this service.

You have 300 characters left.

Tell us things like why this service is important to you, how it impacts your life, or your ideas about this service.

You have 300 characters left.

Tell us things like why this service is important to you, how it impacts your life, or your ideas about this service.

You have 300 characters left.


You have 300 characters left.
7a. What do you need more information about? Check all that apply.
You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

HOW ARE WE DOING? (optional)

This information is not used in project decision making and is not connected to your engagement input. However, your feedback on the engagement process can help The City to improve how we conduct engagement. All of these questions are optional and by clicking Submit below you agree to share this information with The City of Calgary.

Tell us what you think of this engagement. Select the option that best describes your experience.

You have 255 characters left.

TELL US ABOUT YOU (optional)

This information is not used in project decision making and is not connected to your engagement input. However, this information does help The City understand who we are reaching, and helps us to better design engagement processes that are accessible to all Calgarians. All of these questions are optional and by clicking Submit below you agree to share this information with The City of Calgary.

5a. Please select any of the following that apply to you.
You have 255 characters left.
You have 100 characters left.
You have 100 characters left.


This information helps us understand what are the most effective ways to reach Calgarians.

11a. Please select any that apply.
You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Past engagement

Online Engagement

Thank you for providing your input. The survey form is now closed.


Over the last year Calgarians have shared the following five expectations of City Council. Of the five, check the one that resonates with you most.
You have 400 characters left.
You have 400 characters left.


We are looking for what you value and why it is important to you. In your answer be specific about why this is important to you and to everyone in Calgary.

You have 500 characters left.

In the past we’ve heard from Calgarians about City services that they do not think are a priority. In your answer, tell us about why it’s not important to you and to everyone in Calgary.

You have 400 characters left.


During the spring pulse survey our research found that 93% of Calgarians are interested in knowing how property tax dollars are invested. However 52% said that we do a good job in providing that information.

You have 300 characters left.
What do you need more information about? Check all that apply.


By entering in your demographic information it helps us make sure we are targeting our promotions to best reach all Calgarians.

You have 3 characters left.
Please select your age range.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

The service level for each Service will either increase, decrease or remain the same over the next four years. The City has considered your feedback in their recommendations to Council for 2019-2022. We asked you to help us understand how these recommendations will impact you. Your input will then be shared with Council for consideration in their budget deliberations in November.

Services were divided into three categories for you to provide your input. These are:

  1. Increased Service Level
  2. Decreased Service Level
  3. Service Level staying the same

Click on the tab for each Service Level to learn about the recommendations.

For detailed explanations of Services and Service Levels, please see the document library on the right of this page for links to each of these. They are organized by Citizen Priority. Citizen Satisfaction results by Ward are also included in the document library for your reference.

The feedback form is now closed. Thank you for providing your input.

For those that preferred to provide feedback in person, there were a series of pop-ups scheduled which are listed on the right of this page. We hosted one pop-up event per ward to connect with you.

Thank you for your feedback!

Increased Service

The chart below describes each Service, its definition and Administration's proposed Service Levels based on the budget recommendations. The current recommendation for these Services are to increase Service Levels. The Proposed Service Level describes what an increase would look like. For more information about the Services, click on the Service highlighted in red to open a new page.

Provide your comments at the bottom of this page. You can comment on as many services as you like.



Proposed Service Level

Environmental Management

Addresses environmental issues, risks, opportunities, and trends related to delivery of your services

•Undertake comprehensive environmental audits to ensure legislative compliance, reduce risk and support implementation of standards

•Address climate change through appropriate energy management, greenhouse gas reduction and risk reduction from severe weather events

•Implement corporate wide environmental programs and improve education within communities to improve environmental protection and enhancement

Sidewalks & Pathways

Plans, designs, builds and maintains sidewalks and pathways that help you where you want to go

•Implement Step Forward, improving the safety, accessibility and attractiveness of walking

•Increase maintenance along Main Street corridors

•Increase investment in targeted safety improvements

•Reduce investment in new public realm improvements like complete streets and main streets

•Reduce investment in maintaining the +15 network

•Invest more in clearing snow and ice from sidewalks and pathways

Specialized Transit

Safe, reliable and affordable transporation through specialized buses, vans, and taxis for differently abled Calgarians

•Increase investments in evaluating Public Transit and Specialized Transit trip integration

•Increase investments in strategies to improve customer commitment

•Increase the number of trips provided

•Continue to optimize the system of services to consistently maintain directness and
on-time performance

•Reduce investment in asset management

Taxi, Limousine & Vehicles-for-Hire

Regulates drivers, vehicles and companies to ensure you have a safe ride

•Support the livery industry to help increase accessible services for all Calgarians

•Conduct a review of the Livery Transport bylaw to promote a level playing field of all livery stakeholders

•Replace in-person training for taxi drivers with an online platform

City Planning & Policy

Give land-use policies, guidelines and plans to inform and guide the development of Calgary from homes and businesses to communities and industry

•Enhance Calgarians’ ability to participate in planning through more accessible events and tools

•Provide more communities with new local area plans that are modern, enabling tools

•Increase funding to the Heritage Restoration Grant Program to support our communities’ culture

Pet Ownership & Licensing

Regulating and ensuring pet ownership while providing many animal-related service

•Continue to promote responsible pet ownership practices through community advocacy and engagement

•Conduct a review of the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw to meet citizens' evolving needs

•Review Animal Shelter Operations to focus on improved service delivery for the recovery, socialization and adoption of pets

Affordable Housing

Safe and affordable homes for lower-income Calgarians

•Get the Calgary community building by providing incentives and expediting approvals for the development of affordable homes

•Regenerate and maintain City-owned affordable housing to ensure the health and safety of residents

•Support development of seniors lodge and off-reserve Indigenous housing in Calgary

Arts & Culture

Creating vibrant, unique and community based public art and cultural opportunities to enhance and engage you

•Address increased security demands at festivals and events

•Develop and implement a Winter City and Event strategy

•Support implementation of the Cultural Plan

Business Licensing

Grants licenses and inspects business operations to ensure public safety and regulatory compliance

•Be ready for growth within sharing economies such as short-term rentals

•Increase use of online platforms to promote greater flexibility

•Implement the Calgary-specific regulatory response to the legalization of cannabis

Community Strategies

Planning and policies that support all Calgarians’ social wellbeing

•Advance key actions from the Enough for All, White Goose Flying and Seniors Age Friendly strategies

•Establish an Indigenous Relations Office to support the advancement of Truth and Reconciliation

•Develop a community-wide mental health, addictions and crime prevention strategy and a gender equity and diversity strategy to support Calgarians’ social wellbeing

City Auditor’s Office

Provides independent and objective assurance, advisory and investigative services to improve governance, risk management, and control processes at The City of Calgary.

•Increase the level of essential service by improving the City Auditor’s Office assurance coverage

•Improve audit efficiency through increased resource investment in data analytics, continuous monitoring and desktop auditing

•Improve risk-based audit, advisory, and investigative responsiveness to risks

•Provide continuous improvement of service through utilization of best practices, software tools and technology

Council & Committee Support

Provides the structure by which the City of Calgary’s legislative decision-making meetings and protocol functions are conducted.

•Provide the structure by which The City’s legislative decision-making meetings are conducted

•Enhanced protocol support for visiting delegations, indigenous relations, and dignitaries

•Improve use of technology in BCC recruitment and legislative meetings

•Implement the recommendations of the 2018 business process review

Municipal Elections

Empowering you to cast a ballot for municipal candidates through a fair, transparent and balanced process

•Develop new partnerships to administer elections

•Conduct annual census

•Reduce administrative costs while expanding use of technology

Records Management, Access & Privacy

Provides the structure and tools to manage, protect, preserve and release records by The City

•Provide the framework and tools for the management and preservation of records

•Administer the FOIP program and complete access requests within the legislated timelines

•Complete Privacy Impact Assessments in a timely manner

•Implement the recommendations of the 2018 business process review

How would this recommendation affect you?

The Service Levels for Services listed above are recommended to increase. Use the text box below to provide your input. Make sure to select the service you are talking about from the drop down menu before you click submit. You can submit more than once.

24 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Residents/community assoc in Bridgeland have worked for years to improve the nbourhood. Don’t stop supporting Main Streets, it’s working.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Bridgeland has been waiting for a wholistic mainstreets solution to the patchwork of updating started by The Bridges 20 years ago!

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

How many Calgarians actually supported bike lanes? Stop telling us what we need and actually listen to the people you supposedly represent.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

All the bike lanes especially in DT make it more dangerous for people that HAVE to drive there for their work like truck drivers.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

No more money spent on bike lanes! What percentage of Calgarians actually use them?

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

The cycle track network is excellent but needs to be completed! Finish making the connections on 12 Ave, 5 St, and 8/9 Ave.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

We need to invest much, much more in climate change mitigation. Calgary has done almost nothing on one of the defining problems of our time.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Bridgeland’s 4 Street, Edmonton trail and 1 Ave were promised revitalization

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Heritage Restoration Grant Program needs to be increased to match that of YYZ. Desperate need is required by the city to show support here!

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

If we want to reduce the city’s GHG emissions, we need to build more pedestrian and cycling infrastructure. Get people out of their cars!

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

In Bridgeland, 1st Ave, Edmonton Trail and 4th Street NE were all promised revitalization. It is much needed for residents and local busines

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Increasing the Heritage Restoration Grant Program garners further preservation of a starved Historical culture & promotes a + progressive CC

Decreased Service Levels

The chart below describes each Service, its definition and Administration's proposed Service Levels based on the budget recommendations. The current recommendation for these Services are to decrease Service Levels. The Proposed Service Level describes what a decrease would look like. For more information about the Services, click on the Service highlighted in red to open a new page.

Provide your comments at the bottom of this page. You can comment on as many services as you like.



Proposed Service Level

Urban Forestry

Cares for, and grows your urban trees for improved quality of life and environmental benefits

•Prioritize protection of existing trees, over tree planting

•Focus on watering to establish young trees

•Utilize technology to monitor and manage tree care


Building and maintaining your network of Calgary streets to keep you safe with reliable roads throughout Calgary

•Reduce investment in major road construction and new infrastructure

•Increase investment in targeted safety improvements

•Reduce lifecycle maintenance on streets, interchanges and bridges

•Increase the amount of traffic signal optimization on major corridors

•Continue to clear snow and ice in accordance with Council’s policy

Property Assessment

Prepares property value assessments to distribute local taxes

•Focus resources on pre-roll consultation in order to collaborate with customers and reduce non-residential assessment value under complaint

•Improve products, processes, and systems to deliver better service to increasingly engaged and educated customers

•Prioritize process and system improvements to set Property Assessment up to be efficient and effective now and in the future

How would this recommendation affect you?

The Service Levels for Services listed above are recommended to decrease. Use the text box below to provide your input. Make sure to select the service you are talking about from the drop down menu before you click submit. You can submit more than once.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Strongly agree with reducing investment in interchanges and road widening. Invest in walking & biking instead: cost-effective and healthy.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

It's ridiculous to cut back on trees. They literally give us oxygen to breathe!

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Increase road construction for communities such as Evanston-when will the 14th street exit onto Stoney be completed? Also Saddleridge-96 Av?

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

We need more budget for more cycle tracks and bike lanes around the city, and for maintenance on existing cycle tracks (especially 8th Ave S

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

I don't get snow removal on my cul de sac. Never have. If you "maintain" that budget, will the main roads suffer too? Hire private

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Increase protected cycling and pedestrian infrastructure; limit car-only road projects.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Streets should be first priority! Especially improved cycling and pedestrian infrastructure, then snow clearance.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

A single person posting over and over again about their hatred of cars, suburbs and a desire for everyone in the city to ride bicycles.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Yellow centrelines are proven to increase speeds and we spend money to maintain them. Why?

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Reduce the city's reliance on property taxes; now may be a good time to look at permits or pricing for storing vehicles on street.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Streets need to provide separated cycling infrastructure. This infrastructure is used disproportionately by children, elderly and poor.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Streets need to focus on traffic calming. Residential speeds will be reduced, need to have budget to implement curb bulb outs, speed bumps..

Same Service Levels

The chart below describes each Service, its definition and Administration's proposed Service Levels based on the budget recommendations. The current recommendation are for the Service Levels for these Services to remain the same (no increase or decrease). The Proposed Service Level describes what staying the same would look like. For more information about the Services, click on the Service highlighted in red to open a new page.

Provide your comments at the bottom of this page. You can comment on as many services as you like.



Proposed Service Level

Parks and Open Spaces

Caring for Calgary’s green spaces to ensure a green future for our city, and make your life better, every day

•More inclusive and accessible play spaces where feasible to address changing demographics

•Realign service levels in strategic areas

•Focus capital funding on maintaining existing assets

Recreation Opportunities

Providing you accessible places and affordable spaces to play, work out and relax

•Meet new industry standard for lifeguard to participant ratios

•Support Fair Calgary initiatives to ensure accessibility for low income Calgarians

•Develop a service delivery model capable of responding to ongoing growth and change in the industry

Stormwater Management

Collection and management of rain and snow/ice melt, protecting you, your property and our environment

•Invest in flood resiliency and improvements to river and riverbank health

•Collaborate with citizens and partners on flood mitigation and preparedness

•Continue to evolve stormwater management practices

Waste & Recycling

Collects and manages waste, landfills, recycling, and composting programs

•Provide residential blue, green and black cart based programs

•Engage with customers to optimize waste reduction and diversion

•Manage landfills and waste diversion programs and facilities for waste generators and haulers in Calgary and the region

Wastewater Collection & Treatment

Capture and treatment of Calgary’s wastewater; protects public health, property, and the environment

•Invest to maintain regulatory compliance and accommodate growth

•Implement energy efficiency and alternative energies

•Improve approach to prevent and respond to sewer back-ups in homes

Water Treatment & Supply

Treatment and delivery of your drinking water, ensuring public health and long-term sustainability of a precious resource

•Improve operational practices and communication during service interruptions

•Continue to assess and mitigate water quality risks to our source water

•Collaborate with stakeholders to evaluate impacts of climate change


Provides on- and off-street public parking and enforcement of Calgary’s parking policies and bylaws

•Implement tactics to optimize parking revenue

•Enact operational efficiencies

•Pursue workforce efficiencies

Public Transit

Safe, effective, reliable and affordable public transport

•Increase investments in public safety, evaluating new technologies and more-efficient service delivery

•Increase investment to sustain low income transit passes, supporting vulnerable Calgarians

•Increase investments to improve customer commitment

•Expand BRT service, the Primary Transit Network, and service to developing communities

•Reduce investment in asset management

•Manage the impact of U2 fleet retirement (may result in impacts to 4-car CTrain service)

Building Safety

Reviews and issues building permits, inspects projects under construction, and deals with site safety concerns

•Expand the use of alternate methods of verifying safety to reduce the number of inspections while maintaining service levels

•Increase site safety through education and collaboration with industry partners

•Ensure existing buildings are safe through a Building Maintenance Bylaw audit process

Bylaw Education & Compliance

Maintains standards in your community for safe, healthy and harmonious neighbourhoods

•Implement Calgary-specific regulation for cannabis legalization

•Enhance customer interaction through implementation of a Hybrid Officer Program

•Address the evolution of sharing economy and assess additional enforcement activities based on changes

Calgary 9-1-1

Connects you with emergency services from your phone

•Implement Next Generation 911 system, adapting to advances such as texting, video and social media

•Reduce total number of call transfers by optimizing Public Safety Answering Points

•Implement call processing and technology changes to reduce call answer and dispatch times, while maintaining high quality service to citizens

City Cemeteries

Burial options and perpetual care services. Mandated by the provincial Cemeteries Act

•Shift casket burial sales to the new south cemetery

•Pursue opportunities for new cemetery space in north Calgary

•Customers are assured quality cemetery services with a variety of affordable options

Development Approvals

Reviews and approves all land development proposals to align with regulations, legislation, bylaws and community fit

•Work with industry to understand their business imperatives, reduce barriers and enhance responsiveness through continuous process improvements

•Strengthen the urban design review of applications

•Enhance digital and online service offerings and leverage technology to improve service delivery and strengthen collaboration

Emergency Management & Business Continuity

Handles preparation of and response to major emergencies, disasters, and City business disruptions

•Collaborate with partners and customers to reduce the impacts of disaster through risk prevention and mitigation

•Support partners before and during smaller events that may impact their operations or reputations, or that have the potential to escalate

•Host fewer in-person citizen preparedness sessions in cases where content can be delivered through other mechanisms, such as online methods

Fire & Emergency Response

Responds to and addresses fires, medical emergencies, car accidents, hazardous spills and specialized rescues

•Focus on improving response times, including the effective response force target to have 12 firefighters on scene in 11 minutes

•Increase frontline prevention and safety awareness in the community

•Continue efforts to improve psychological and physical wellbeing of staff

Fire Inspection & Enforcement

Enhancing your safety by ensuring compliance to fire codes, minimizing fire risks and protecting lives, property and the environment

•Continue to provide inspections, permits and enforce compliance to meet the legislated standards within the Quality Management Plan

•Increase the number of risk based inspections on high risk commercial and industrial properties

•Increase the number of Safety Codes Officers to address risks and stay compliant with the Quality Management Plan

•Reduce the number of reinspections on non compliant occupancies through behavior modification

Fire Safety Education

Providing fire and life safety education and prevention to you, to create safer living in Calgary

•Provide education programs, resources and intervention programsto efficiently reduce community risk and to ensure Calgarians are safe

•Develop tools and training and programs for frontline firefighters and citizens to increase citizen education at the community level

•Focus delivery of specialty education to high risk Calgarians

•Develop relationships with partners to maximize educational reach

Neighbourhood Support

Fostering social inclusion, participation and a sense of belonging

•Provide support for community groups to be more accessible and representative of the diverse needs of residents

•Develop additional resident-informed community hubs by leveraging City facilities and existing partnerships

•Reprioritize the Capital Conservation Grant investment with an increased focus on preventive maintenance

Police Services

Crime prevention and education, law enforcement and criminal investigations to make Calgary a safer place to live

•Deliver police services to keep our communities and roads safe

•Strengthen partnerships to prevent crime, disorder and victimization

•Apply innovative approaches to maintain investigative excellence

Economic Development & Tourism

Supporting a vibrant, diverse and resilient economy, building Calgary’s global reputation and encouraging entrepreneurs. A Calgary Civic Partner

•Using existing resources in the lifecycle capital funding program to further integrate climate change adaptation considerations into lifecycle projects to improve resilience and sustainability

•Invest operating funding in Civic Partners to support the implementation of a refreshed economic strategy for Calgary to diversify and build a resilient local economy

Land Development & Sales

Development and sales of City-owned land

•Support transit-oriented development intensification around CTrain stations

•Continue to develop industrial land

•Develop a stronger partnership with Calgary Economic Development

•Implement an effective marketing program

Library Services

Loaning books and other materials, while supporting learning, discussion, and community programs. A Calgary Civic Partner

•Maintain current levels of service at 21 locations (estimated 65,000 hours annually) including year-round Sunday service at 13 locations

•Deliver programs focused on inclusion, reconciliation, connectedness, early literacy, life-long learning support, and personal empowerment

•Assess communications priorities and channels to reduce printing and distribution expenses

Social Programs

Delivering services in communities to support, protect and enrich Calgarians’ lives

•Provide access to subsidized City programs and services for low income Calgarians by maintaining the current service level of Fair Entry

•Deliver programming that provides cultural opportunities for children and youth

•Offer programs for youth who are not equipped to access traditional employment services

Executive Leadership

Works to secure the trust and confidence of citizens and Council by setting strategic direction and priorities, ensuring financial sustainability and proper use and management of public resources through Corporate oversight.

•Sustain a cooperative and meaningful relationship with Council

•Foster a safe and respectful workplace for all employees

•Continue to promote a progressive public service culture through One City, One Voice

•Focus attention on planning and building a resilient city, including flood mitigation and climate change

•Enhance service to our customers and communities, including citizens and businesses

•Further strengthen the Corporation's financial position

Appeals & Tribunals

An impartial way to challenge City assessment, development, subdivision & more

•Provide impartial process for residents to challenge specific City decisions

•Implement the recommendations of the 2018 business process review

•Reduce printing, newspaper advertising and courier use

•Required increase in board member working hours to address increasing complexity and volume of files

Citizen Engagement & Insights

Safe, fair & accessible feedback & participation in our government

•Provide safe, fair and accessible opportunities for citizens to provide input on City programs, services, and quality of life

•Provide meaningful and actionable insight to inform City decision making, mitigate risks, and drive continuous improvement

•Collaborate with administration to report back to citizens and stakeholders on how input was used

Citizen Information & Services

Public information &City service delivery support

•Provide 24/7 Access to City information and services through 311 and calgary.ca

•Continue to migrate service requests to digital platforms

•Continue to use scripts to manage call volumes at 311

•Reduce standalone mobile applications and integrate them with calgary.ca as web applications

Corporate Governance

Works to build a resilient city and organization by executing the strategic direction established by Council and Executive Leadership.

•Develop and embed the resilience strategy within The City and the Calgary community

•Advance The City’s interests with higher levels of government and the Calgary Metropolitan Regional Board

•Strengthen governance practices within the organization

•Initiate more cross-collaborative approaches to corporate governance

•Optimize the administrative policy library and improve adherence to internal policies, frameworks and procedures


Ensures property taxes are correctly billed and collected

•Leverage technology to create capacity to accommodate rise in transactional volumes

•Enhance cross-training and develop more androgynous positions

•Offer compassionate property tax penalty relief under certain circumstances

How would this recommendation affect you?

The Service Levels for Services listed above are recommended to remain the same. Use the text box below to provide your input. Make sure to select the service you are talking about from the drop down menu before you click submit. You can submit more than once.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Direct revenue from traffic fines to fixing streets so people don't break the law so much, and increase safety in the process

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Most of the work done by firefighters does not involve fires. Use cheaper labour for those things! Fire needs budget reductions.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Invest heavily in public transit, please!

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Charge more for parking! It's way too cheap to store this private property in public spaces.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Fire & Emergency response services are vitally important, but I agree that funding levels do not need to significantly change.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Police service funding levels do not need to increase; agreed.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Library services are becoming more and more relevant, rather than less. Consideration should be given to increasing funding here.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Post after post by one person obsessed with punishing people for owning cars. Not at all representative of the views of Calgarians.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Why am I paying taxes to fund my neighbours' ability to store their cars in the street? Is Park+Ride the highest and best use near LRT?

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Move towards more user-pay systems on negative externalities like waste and road use. We're in a crisis; let's not waste it!

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Why are cemeteries a City responsibility? Consider exiting this business.

23 October, 2018

Anonymous says:

Parks needs increased service levels to adequately maintain pathways both in summer and winter. I'm afraid to fall on slippery pathways.


In a few sentenced tell us if there is anything else you would like The City to keep in mind as we create the service plans and budgets.

You have 500 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


By entering in your demographic information it helps us make sure we are targeting our promotions to best reach all Calgarians.

Please enter only the first 3 digits of your postal code

Select age range

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.