Below you will find all the external services under the Council priority A City that Moves. For City Council this means that Calgary’s transportation network offers a variety of convenient, affordable, accessible and efficient transportation choices. It supports the safe and quick movement of people and goods throughout the city, and provides services enabling Calgarians and businesses to benefit from connectivity within the city, throughout the region, and around the globe.

We wanted to hear from you about the services The City provides. Your priorities and reasons why will be used to develop the service plans and budgets for the next four years. Learn more about the 2019-2022 Service Plans and Budgets and why they are an important part in helping us deliver the services you value most.


The survey is now closed. Thank you for sharing your input with us. Below you will find services the City provides. For each service there is a list of values that you ranked by dragging each value over to the right in the order of what was most important to you.

You also shared why that value matters to you. After each service there was a short question where you could tell us a bit about why that service matters to you.

Everything on this survey was optional.



This service manages Calgary parking lots and spaces and enforces parking regulations.
  1. Safety - Parking restrictions for safer mobility. #
  2. Convenience - Parking systems and signage are easy to use. #
  3. Accessibility - Parking is provided for users with a variety of needs. #
  4. Responsiveness - Parking bylaws are enforced in a timely manner. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Public Transit

Public Transit

This service provides train and bus transportation for citizens to help them get from place to place safely, reliably, affordably and easily.
  1. Safety - Public transit is safe. #
  2. Reliability - Public transit is reliable. #
  3. Quality - Transit staff greet me with a smile, pleasant tone of voice and the right attitude when I need help. #
  4. Informs - Information is clear and consistent. #
  5. Attractiveness - Transit is convenient, easy to use, and clean. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Sidewalks & Pathways

Sidewalks & Pathways

This service provides a network of sidewalks, pathways and trails enabling citizens to travel throughout Calgary.
  1. Safety - I feel safe using sidewalks and pathways. #
  2. Accessibility - Everyone can use sidewalks and pathways. #
  3. Connectivity - I am able to reach my destination using streets, sidewalks and pathways. #
  4. Responsiveness - The City responds to service requests in a timely manner. #
  5. Reliability - Sidewalks and pathways are in good shape. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Specialized Transit

Specialized Transit

This service provides specialized transportation (specialized buses, vans and taxis) for citizens with disabilities to help them move from place to place safely, reliably, affordably and easily.
  1. Safety - I am safe when on transit. #
  2. Reliability - I can get transit when I needed. #
  3. Quality -Transit staff greet me with a smile, pleasant tone of voice and the right attitude when I need help. #
  4. Informs - Information is clear and consistent. #
  5. Attractiveness - Transit is convenient, easy to use, and clean. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.



This service provides roads that enable citizens to travel throughout Calgary.
  1. Safety - I feel safe using the streets in Calgary. #
  2. Accessibility - Everyone can use the streets in Calgary. #
  3. Connectivity - I can get to where I am going by using Calgary’s streets, sidewalks, and pathways. #
  4. Responsiveness - The City responds to service requests in a timely manner. #
  5. Reliability - Calgary streets are in good shape. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Taxi, Limousine & Vehicles-for-Hire

Taxi, Limousine & Vehicles-for-Hire

This service ensures taxi and vehicle-for-hire bylaw compliance through enforcement and education.
  1. Responsiveness - Licenses are issued within a reasonable timeframe. #
  2. Quality - Drivers and companies are satisfied with the licensing service. The information is clear and easily to find, and decisions on applications are consistent. #
  3. Quality - Regulations are enforced with professionalism and courtesy, and staff are responsiveness and knowledgeable. #
  4. Legislative compliance - The City does investigations and inspections to make sure drivers and companies meet regulations. #
  5. Fairness - Enforcement is transparent, fair and consistently delivered by Inspectors. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


City of Calgary as we build the service plans and budgets for the next four years. To see how your input will influence The City’s next four years and the services you use everyday, check back to the project page on May 17.