We understand that City services are valued and important to Calgarians and their families.

As Administration, we work on finding the right balance between the cost of services and the value they bring to Calgarians. The impacts of the economic downturn and COVID-19 pandemic have made finding this balance particularly important and challenging this year.

In November, we will be undertaking our annual review of our plans and budgets through Mid-Cycle Adjustments.

We are also working on the SAVE Program, which is committed to finding and realizing savings in ways that support our long-term purpose of making life better every day for Calgarians.

There are many initiatives under the SAVE Program, but the questions below focus on four areas where we are currently exploring potential cost savings that may have future impacts to citizen-facing services.

Further engagement on these and other citizen-facing initiatives is possible as the work of the SAVE program moves ahead and is presented to Council for approval in November.

Feedback from stakeholders plays a key role in developing and implementing changes to citizen-facing initiatives. The current SAVE engagement is just the beginning of an ongoing conversation on the best way to address The City’s fiscal challenges and deliver our services more effectively.

Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on adjustments and the SAVE initiatives, the engagement is now closed.

Next Steps

  • November: Report back to you with a summary of everything we heard
  • Nov. 9: Special Council Meeting on Service Plans and Budgets
  • Nov. 23-27: Service Plan and Budget deliberations
  • To learn how to watch and participate in Council meetings visit

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