Below you will find all the external services under the Council priority A City of Safe and Inspiring Neighbourhoods. For City Council this means that every Calgarian lives in a safe, mixed and inclusive neighbourhood, and has the right and opportunity to participate in civic life. All neighbourhoods are desirable and have equitable public investments.

We wanted to hear from you about the services The City provides. Your priorities and reasons why will be used to develop the service plans and budgets for the next four years. Learn more about the 2019-2022 Service Plans and Budgets and why they are an important part in helping us deliver the services you value most.


The survey is now closed. Thank you for sharing your input with us. Below you will find services the City provides. For each service there is a list of values that you ranked by dragging each value over to the right in the order of what was most important to you.

You also shared why that value matters to you. After each service there was a short question where you could tell us a bit about why that service matters to you.

Everything on this survey was optional.

Bylaw Education & Compliance

Bylaw Education & Compliance

This service ensures bylaw compliance through enforcement and education.
  1. Responsiveness - My complaints and bylaw issues are answered and fixed quickly. #
  2. Safety - I feel safe and protected in my community. #
  3. Fairness - Bylaw enforcement is clear, fair and consistent. Bylaw education is conducted by skilled Peace Officers. #
  4. Public Awareness - Calgarians understand bylaws and the importance of being a good neighbour. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Calgary 9-1-1

Calgary 9-1-1

This service responds to emergency calls and sends emergency responders.
  1. Reliability - I can depend on 9-1-1 in my time of need. #
  2. Responsiveness - 9-1-1 calls are answered quickly. #
  3. Quality - I get courteous and professional support every time I call for help. #
  4. Quality - First responders (Police, EMS, and Fire) have the right information to respond appropriately. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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City Cemeteries

City Cemetaries

This service maintains public cemeteries, and provides affordable burial and memorial services.
  1. Quality - City cemeteries provide a dignified service for the respectful interment and memorialisation by families of loved ones. #
  2. Availability - I have access to a range of affordable cemetery space types. #
  3. Sustainability - City cemeteries are well-managed for the long-term. #
  4. Legislative Compliance - City cemeteries follow legislation. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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City Planning & Policy

City Planning & Policy

This service creates policies to guide development or re-development.
  1. Reliability - What is set out in City plans is followed in the future. #
  2. Convenience - City plans and rules are easy to find and understand. #
  3. Fairness - My interests and ideas are reflected in City plans. #
  4. Reduces effort - It doesn’t take a lot of effort for me to participate in City planning and approvals. #
  5. Reduces risk - City plans and policies limit financial risk to The City and don’t block economic growth. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Development Approvals

Development Approvals

This service reviews and approves all land development proposals to ensure they meet regulatory requirements.
  1. Legislative Compliance - Legislation, bylaws and policy are followed. #
  2. Responsiveness - Timeline commitments are met. #
  3. Quality - Decisions are made by analyzing relevant factors. #
  4. Convenience - Information, processes and applications are easy to access. #
  5. Fairness - Decisions are fair. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Emergency Management & Business Continuity

Emergency Management & Business Continuity

This service coordinates and supports stakeholders to prepare, respond and recover from disasters and emergencies in Calgary.
  1. Prevention - Everyone is prepared to respond to and recover from major emergencies. #
  2. Reduces risk - The City takes action to prevent or reduce hazards and risks. #
  3. Resilient - Calgary bounces back from the effects of a major emergency quickly. #
  4. Connectivity - The right people with the right skills help respond to and recover from emergencies. #
  5. Coordination/collaboration - The City has the experts and resources needed to be ready to respond to major emergencies. #
  6. Communication - The City gives me the information I need to be ready for emergencies. #
  7. Legislative - The City meets the requirements in having an emergency management agency as required by the Province of Alberta's Emergency Management Act. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Fire & Emergency Response

Fire & Emergency Response

This service provides emergency response support for fires, medical incidents, accidents and hazardous material incidents.
  1. Responsiveness - Emergency calls are responded to quickly. #
  2. Availability - Fire fighters come with the right equipment. They are competent, polite and caring. #
  3. Reliability - There are programs, plans and systems in place to manage all hazards. #
  4. Provides Hope - Fire fighters stay with me until my emergency is done. #
  5. Safety - Fire fighters do whatever they can to keep me and my family safe. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Fire Inspection & Enforcement

Fire Inspection & Enforcement

This service helps businesses comply with fire safety regulations.
  1. Legislative compliance - Fire helps me comply with Fire Safety Codes and Standards. #
  2. Prevention - There are programs that keep me safe and minimize damage from fires and other dangers. #
  3. Reduces risk - Fire does whatever it can to keep me and my family safe. #
  4. Quality - Fire inspections and investigations are done well. I can access these reports. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Fire Safety Education

Fire Safety Education

This service provides fire safety education.
  1. Informs - I can get information about fire and life safety risks that affect me, my family and my property. #
  2. Prevention - There are services for me that reduce fires and risks to me and my property. #
  3. Reduces risk - Fire does whatever it can to keep me and my family safe. #
  4. Legislative Compliance - Fire helps me follow the Fire Safety Codes and Standards. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Library Services

Library Services

This service supports Calgary libraries.
  1. Accessibility - At the Library, Calgarians can access information, resources, and technology regardless of social, geographic and physical barriers. #
  2. Availability - I have a public library in my community, or nearby. #
  3. Convenience - It is convenient to use my Library. #
  4. Self-Transcendence - Libraries are easy to access for everyone. #
  5. Reconciliation - Libraries are a welcoming, supportive and inclusive for Indigenous cultures. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Neighbourhood Supports

Neighbourhood Supports

This service supports creating stronger neighbourhood communities.
  1. Connectivity - The City works with Calgarians and community organizations to address social issues. #
  2. Accessibility - The City offers programs that bring residents together and supports community organizations in doing the same. #
  3. Equity - Everyone is included and can participate. #
  4. Sustainability - There are resources to help residents contribute to their neighbourhood. #
  5. Wellbeing - There is support for residents to make their community a better place to live, work, and play. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Pet Ownership & Licensing

Pet Ownership & Licensing

This service issues pet licences. It supports animal control, sheltering and adoption.
  1. Safety - Cats, dogs, owners, and neighbours live together safely. #
  2. Responsiveness - Bylaw complaints about pets are resolved quickly. #
  3. Fairness - Bylaw enforcement is clear, fair and consistent. Bylaw education is conducted by skilled Peace Officers. #
  4. Quality - Pet licensing meets my needs. #
  5. Prevention - There is understanding of responsible pet ownership. #

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Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.

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Police Services

Police Services

This service provides police services including crime prevention and education, law enforcement and investigations.
  1. Safety - Communities are safe, diverse and inclusive. #
  2. Prevention - Crime is prevented and reduced. #
  3. Quality - Police officers are professional. #
  4. Reliability - The Police answers my calls well and works to keep good relationships with Calgarians. #

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Why did you pick your top value for this service? In a few words tell us why this matters to you.