Phase 2 COMING SOON Spring 2025
Phase 1 engagement was open for input from July 15 - August 12, 2024 - results are in!
To view the Phase 1 What We Heard Report click here.
What are we doing?
We're developing dedicated pathway and bikeway routes in Ward 9 (Marlborough Park, Penbrooke Meadows, Forest Heights, Forest Lawn, Dover, Erin Woods and Eastfield) aligning with Calgary's established Pathway and Bikeway Network. The proposed routes will aim to connect residential, recreation, shopping, education and work destinations. When the routes are improved, they will provide safe, healthy, and affordable travel choices for people of all ages and all abilities, year-round.
Why are we doing it?
High traffic safety incidents and connecting nearby amenities are the two main reasons we are investing in pathways and bikeways in these neighbourhoods. Calgary data shows that this area experienced higher numbers of injury collisions between 2017 and 2021. Designing safer streets and addressing missing connections will allow a safe and comfortable choice for everyone when exploring their neighbourhood.
What will we do with your feedback?
Phase 1- Discover: is now complete. Public input from this phase is being considered alongside factors such as cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, and long-range plans to inform design options that will be presented in Phase 2- Explore coming in Winter 2025.
At the conclusion of each engagement phase, a What We Heard report summarizing feedback will be produced and made available at You can read the Phase 1 Discover: What We Heard Report here.
Phase 1 engagement asked participants to share their valuable local perspectives, opinions, and concerns. This will help the project team understand the local context and needs of the area as we consider options for Phase 2: Explore. The input from this phase will be considered alongside factors such as cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, and long-range plans to inform design options that will be presented in Phase 2 - Explore.
Royal Canadian Legion Hall #275
755 40 Street S.E.
Join us outside the Legion Hall on 8th Ave. to discuss Calgary's bikeways and pathways in Ward 9!
Big Marlborough Park
6033 Madigan Drive NE
Meet us beside the Community Association building.
Dover Village
3525 26th Ave SE
Enter on 36th Street SE
Thank you for your interest, this event has passed. Please join us at one of our other pop-ups!
Forest Lawn Library
4807 8 Avenue SE
Come join us outside the Forest Lawn Library to share your thoughts on Calgary's bikeways and pathways in Ward 9!
Think about the experiences of students, people with mobility challenges, parents with strollers / young children, and seniors travelling in the community. If we consider improvements for the most vulnerable it will make the pathways and bikeways safer for all!
- Review Comments: Take a look at the comments left by your neighbors.
- Thumbs Up or Down: Show your support by giving a thumbs up or express disagreement with a thumbs down.
- Submit Your Idea: Feel free to share your unique ideas (maximum 140 characters per box).
- One Idea Per Box: Aim for one idea per box to make it easy for others to react to each comment. You can add more than one idea if you like.
What else do you want The City to consider when improving the area for walking, biking, and wheeling?
Note: comments are pre-moderated - harassing, abusive, or non-inclusive speech won't be posted.
12 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Consider large families and safety for all sometimes going for walks with strollers is difficult.
12 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
More bicycle lockers or safe places for us to lock up our bicycles, especially along 17th ave!
12 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Please connect the east side of the city to the central area where people work (e.g. Highfield Industrial). 17 Ave SE alone is not enough.
12 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
All pedestrian pathways in Dover located between 36 and 28 street and 34 ave and 28 ave are in disrepair making pedestrian traffic challenge
11 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Clean up the weeds and take away.Those ugly barriers make her neighborhood look nice again. Plant some trees in the middle not weeds
11 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Make the landscape beautiful and create places that people want to walk, gather, relax with tables,chairs, greenery, art and away from cars.
11 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Permeability paths need widening, leveling out so they're not so steep, curb cuts, marked crossings, plus lighting.
11 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
The little added corners that jut into the road at crosswalks are awesome for allowing pedestrians to be seen. Like the ones in Erin Woods.
11 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Have a neighborhood grocery store and other amenities like any other community. Recognition as an inner city community and not the hood
11 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Please please fix 34ave SE. plant some tulips or bring back the nice planters we had before. Poisonous plants are now invading the area.
10 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Connect the Dover bike path to Erin Wood Boulevard along 36 street.
10 August, 2024
Anonymous says:
Please, please, please once the design is finished don't delay building it. It's long past needed