Project Information
The Forest Lawn Civic Centre will be a new multi-service centre that will be a key community hub in the Greater Forest Lawn Area. It is being designed through a collaborative process to address the area’s aging infrastructure. The centre will feature a mix of indoor and outdoor recreation spaces, an arts and culture centre, housing, and a fire station.
The site is in Forest Lawn between 14 Avenue S.E. and 8 Avenue S.E., and between 47 Street S.E. and 52 Street S.E. It covers 26.4 acres and is close to the City of Calgary's 17 Avenue Main Streets initiative and the planned 52 Street S.E. BRT route.
For more information
Engagement summary
In 2022, The City engaged with citizens, interested groups and community organizations in two phases.

Phase 1 Engagement
In January and February 2022, the project team asked stakeholders and community organizations to provide feedback and share their aspirations for the proposed spaces and facilities.
Participation Snapshot
- 7 invitations to 270 stakeholders and organizations
- 19 participants at 3 virtual stakeholder engagement sessions
- 5 Community Association and Business Revitalization Zone (BRZ) representatives at one joint meeting with the Local Area Plan (LAP) team
- 7 online contributions
What We Heard / What We Did
Click on the link to review the What We Heard and What We Did Report to learn how feedback received during Phase 1 Stakeholder Engagement influenced the preparation of two preliminary design concepts, which were presented during Phase 2 Engagement.
Phase 2 Engagement
From March to May 2022, the project team undertook a comprehensive public engagement program to understand desires, aspirations, priorities and preferences for a future recreation and cultural civic centre of the Greater Forest Lawn communities. Phase 2 Public Engagement was broken out into two sub phases:
- PHASE 2A (March to April 2022)
- Community members were engaged to understand aspirations, desires and priorities for the site. The feedback collected during Phase 1 Stakeholder Engagement and Phase 2A Public Engagement was used by the project team to prepare two preliminary design concepts, which were shared in Phase 2B.
- PHASE 2B (May 2022)
- Community members and stakeholders were presented two preliminary design concepts and were asked to provide their input to help the project team prepare a refined preferred concept, which will be shared with the community in Fall 2022
Click to review Phase 2 Report
Jane's Walk Event (Phase 2B)
Over the last two months, The City of Calgary has collected thousands of comments from the community on aspirations and ideas for a future recreation and cultural hub in Forest Lawn. We now invite you to join us for a Walking Tour in partnership with Jane’s Walk, to view our preliminary design ideas and provide your input to help refine our plans.
Date/Time: Saturday, May 7, 2022 | 12 – 4 p.m.
Location: Bob Bahan Aquatic and Fitness Centre (4812 14 Ave SE, Calgary, AB)Meet us outside on the south side of the building.
How to Participate
- 1. Self-Guided Walking Tours- Drop by between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. to pick up your tour booklet and participate in a self-guided tour. No registration necessary.
- 2. Guided Walking Tours - Register via Eventbrite below to join a guided walking tour at 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. Register for a guided walking tour in Tagalog, Vietnamese or Arabic. Translation provided by Action Dignity.
What to Expect
- Members of the My Forest Lawn Centre project team will be at key locations along the walking tour route to share the latest project information and collect input on our preliminary design ideas for the site.
- The walk should take approximately 30 minutes – please wear comfortable footwear.
- The route follows sidewalks and paved pathways to make the tour as accessible as possible.
**Hot beverages and refreshments available for walking tour participants.
**Live art and hip hop dance performance by Antyx Community Arts at 2 p.m.