Thank You For Your Input
Public Engagement for the Franklin Station Area Improvements project was open for input from April 29 to May 12, 2024 and is now closed.
For updates on the project and what’s happening next, please SUBSCRIBE FOR UPDATES or send an email to the project team at
The City of Calgary is pursuing a land use change in order to redevelop the property for housing and mixed-use buildings. We are seeking Calgarians' input on the public space enhancements as part of the Franklin Station Area Improvements project, located in the community of Albert Park/Radisson Heights.
The project area includes the south Park-and-Ride lot of the Franklin CTrain Station, nearby green space, and the appearance of a portion of Radcliffe Drive SE. Public space improvements in the community will enable better mobility, connectivity, and safety to and from the station, and help address the current housing and affordability challenges Calgary is experiencing.
The improvements will provide a welcoming place for Calgarians to gather and connect, promoting a sense of belonging in the community through enhanced furniture, landscaping, and kid-friendly design.
Benefits to Community
What will the Franklin Station Area Improvements mean for my community?
This project will help allow development opportunities for housing partners to build here and public space improvements that may include:
- Enhanced transit connection for pedestrians and cyclists
- Street furniture (seating), waste bins, wayfinding signage, and public art
- Improved parks, open spaces, tree plantings, shrubs, and flowers
- Welcoming, pedestrian-focused plaza
- Enhanced safety features throughout the area
Franklin Station Area Context Map
The following context map shows what is currently in the Franklin station area.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Click on the sections below to review frequently asked questions about the Franklin Station Area Improvements project.
A planning application that aims to change a property's land use district to allow for a different development. For this project, the Land Use redesignation would allow for residential and commercial uses.
Public spaces are places designed for, and accessible to everyone. They can include streets, lanes, plazas and squares, sidewalks and paths, parks and open spaces, street furniture, public transit, conservation areas, and civic spaces and institutions.
TOD is the planning, design, and building of a development centered around rapid transit stations. While TOD follows principles of design, scale, and function, each development can be unique based on a variety of factors. In some locations, TOD might include high-rise towers and high levels of activity while in other locations, it might feature low- to mid-rise buildings and a more moderate level of activity.
As a site located within 600m of an existing LRT station, future development is directed from the Transit Oriented Development Guidelines to encourage high density, walkable, mixed-use environments that optimize the use of existing transit infrastructure and to make each station a ‘place.’
The Franklin Station Park’n’Ride surface parking lot is City-owned land and is considered a prime location for both Transit-Oriented Development and affordable housing initiatives due to its position along primary transit networks and within its surrounding community, its proximity to area schools, its current utilization, and its potential to connect future tenants with essential services.
The total number of units will be determined as the project progresses and closer to the detailed design phase. Once this information becomes available, it will be shared publicly.
The Franklin Station currently has two parking lots, one on each side of Memorial Drive. As the south side gets redeveloped, parking options remain on the north side of Memorial Drive, as well as Park’n’Ride lots along the Blue Line.
The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) administers the Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) which provides incentive funding for local governments aimed at increasing the supply of housing. It supports the development of complete, low-carbon and climate-resilient communities that are affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse.
Administration is currently working on the Greater Forest Lawn Communities Local Area Planning project which is a multi-community Local Area Plan that is being developed to create a future vision and policies for how land could be used and redeveloped in multiple communities including Albert Park / Radisson Heights. The draft plan for this project provides a long-term vision and guides local growth in Albert Park/Radisson Heights and the Franklin Station Area Improvements project site is labelled as a “Neighbourhood Flex” area (a mix of commercial and residential uses), which aligns with the project vision. It also states that the site could contain residences, although total height and building form is yet to be determined.
The Greater Forest Lawn Communities Local Area plan is anticipated to be brought forward to Council for review and decision in 2024. Planning applications brought forward without an Council-approved local area plan in place are reviewed using existing Council approved policy (such as the Municipal Development Plan and Land Use Bylaw).
The current active priority stations are:
- Franklin Station Area
- Ramsay/Inglewood
- 96 Ave and Harvest Hills Blvd N
- Glenmore Landing
- Crowchild Trail and 26 Avenue SW
In addition to aligning with City of Calgary policies (such as the Municipal Development Plan, and housing and climate strategies), six main criteria are considered when selecting a location for development near transit:
- Market interest
- Redevelopment opportunity
- Planning policy and support
- Proximity to local amenities
- Housing need
- Opportunity for land sale
Local business should be unaffected by development, however Transit operations may be affected when construction begins.
Transit users and other affected parties will be notified of any changes to routes or schedules.
Local residents will be notified of any proposed construction or disruption in the area. Individuals may experience additional congestion and/or delays in travel time.Get Involved
Share your thoughts on the Future of Franklin by answering the questions below.
Related Planning Initiatives
We’re planning and building our city now to ensure we remain a place where home is sustainable, diverse, accessible, equitable and livable for everyone. We need to act now as we are quickly approaching a population of two million Calgarians.
Current initiatives include:
- Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy: This strategy aspires to ensure that everyone living in Calgary has an affordable place to call home.
- City Building Program: This program of work, which includes the Calgary Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and Street Manual, will set the forward-looking direction, and provide clear and user-friendly policy and regulation for The City and our partners to guide growth, mobility, land-use and development citywide.
- Local Area Planning Program: Local area plans provide direction on redevelopment and reinvestment that will guide livable, equitable and diverse growth in our communities over the next 30 years.
- Established Area Growth & Change Strategy: This strategy connects planning, financial, and investment decisions to support our existing communities as they experience growth and change. It supports communities and local businesses so they can be vibrant and successful for decades to come
Learn more and get involved in these current initiatives focused on supporting the ongoing planning and building of our city.