Public input on GamePLAN for Facilites has been incorporated into GamePLAN: Reimagining Public Recreation and can be found on the GamePLAN page.
Project Overview
The City of Calgary (The City) owns and operates over 50 recreation facilities across Calgary. Another 190 City-owned facilities are operated by third-party Partners. These facilities range in size from large multi-amenity recreation centres like Southland Leisure Centre to smaller specialized facilities like Glenmore Sailing School.
GamePLAN for Facilities will provide updated planning guidelines and an investment strategy for where, when, and how The City should invest in publicly-funded recreation facilities.
Phase 1 engagement was conducted in November 2022 and the feedback received was used to inform the development of GamePLAN for Facilities draft recommendations. Click here to read the Phase 1 What We Heard Report of find it under Document Library on this page. We also worked with groups and agencies to learn about their experiences with publicly-funded recreation facilities.
Phase 2 engagement sought feedback on the proposed Facility Investment Principles and was included with the GamePLAN strategy engagement in October 2024.

Endorsement Statement on Anti-Racism, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
The purpose of The City of Calgary is to make life better every day. To fully realize our purpose, we are committed to addressing racism and other forms of discrimination with our programs, policies, and services and eliminating barriers that impact the lives of Indigenous, racialized and other marginalized people. It is expected that participants will behave respectfully and treat everyone with dignity and respect to allow for safe spaces free from bias and prejudice.