About GamePLAN

The City is reimagining how public recreation is delivered in Calgary. GamePLAN is a long-term vision and strategy to shape our approach to delivering inclusive, accessible and sustainable recreation services for the next 10 to 30 years. GamePLAN will guide future business planning and investment, shape policy and The City’s approach to service delivery.

What is the public recreation system?

The public recreation system is a network of recreation service providers who share a mandate to provide quality, accessible, affordable and inclusive recreation opportunities for Calgarians. The City operates pools, leisure centres, arenas, athletic parks, art centres, the Calgary Soccer Centre and Glenmore Sailing School. Partners also operate facilities, including seven YMCAs (e.g., Remington YMCA, Seton YMCA, etc.), Vivo for Healthier Generations, Vecova, Westside Recreation Centre, the Genesis Centre and MNP Community and Sport Centre. Other Partners include sport, social and community providers. Public recreation services include programs and registration opportunities offered by The City and Partners.

Your goals matter to us!

We understand recreation doesn’t mean the same thing to all people and are actively exploring new ways to meet the needs of Calgarians in a sustainable way. Your participation in this survey will help shape a long-term vision for the future of public recreation in Calgary and inform strategies for improving services.

Why now?

Calgary is rapidly growing and changing. GamePLAN will help The City and Partners better understand barriers and opportunities for creating positive outcomes for all Calgarians. Working with service delivery Partners, The City hopes to find new ways to help individuals and communities meet their goals through public recreation.

This feedback opportunity is now closed.
Click here to read the What We Heard Report.