Our focus is to strengthen trusting relationships that institutions (including public, private, non-profit, etc.) have with Calgary’s diverse communities. Our diverse communities are valued as a strength.

Our research and analysis (outlined in the Preliminary Resilience Assessment), showed that:

  • Calgary’s under-represented, diverse communities faced challenges in developing strong relationships with all orders of government and other institutions.
  • Diverse communities offer significant benefits such as global experience and education, different perspectives, unique ways of relationship-building and the ability to think and act differently when problem-solving.
  • There is low representation of diverse communities in leadership roles, including elected positions.
  • Diverse group members shared their experiences with the ‘glass ceiling’ and other barriers related to civic decision-making. They expressed that Calgary would benefit from their diverse leadership worldviews.
Leads: The City of Calgary and the United Way of Calgary and Area


We listed the outcomes we hope to achieve for this focus area in the form below. There are one to five initiatives/actions listed to help achieve the outcome. The outcomes and initiatives/actions were developed in consultation with partners and stakeholders. We wanted to understand what you think of how important these outcomes are for Calgary.

Thank you for providing your input. The feedback from is now closed.

Your input was reviewed and themed and is included in the What We Heard Report.

1) Calgary institutions advance democratic participation

a. Calgary citizenship: the right to vote - Calgary institutions and communities advocate for non-Canadian citizens to be able to vote in municipal elections.

b. Inclusive civic participation - Government and institutions find ways for diverse communities, organizations and government officials to come together to talk and decide about important public issues.

c. Brave City Calgary - Diversity and free expression respectively co-exist in public spaces and in institutions.

d. Diverse representation in leadership – Calgary’s public institutions develop and implement policies and processes that diversify their political and administration leadership to reflect Calgary’s demographics.

e. Multi-cultural marketing strategy - Government provides accessible communication to Calgary's different cultural communities.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that institutions advance democratic participation?

2) Calgary institutions are prepared for the evolving nature of rights and responsibilities

a. Cities for digital rights – Calgary joins other cities around the world to protect and uphold human rights on the internet at the local and global level.

b. Equity lens - Institutions implement a guide for removing human rights barriers as they plan, develop and evaluate policies, services and programs.

c. Income security rights - Institutions advocate for income security rights as Calgary transitions to an automated / artificial intelligence economy.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that institutions are prepared for the evolving nature of rights and responsibilities?

3) Calgary builds trusting and informed relationships with Indigenous communities in a good way

a. Preserving Indigenous culture and language - As allies, Calgary institutions support the work of Calgary’s Indigenous communities in regaining their cultures and languages.

b. Walking parallel paths together in a good way - Institutions adopt parallel paths with Indigenous Elders and Traditional Knowledge Keepers when they develop their policies and strategies.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that institutions build trusting and informed relationships with Indigenous Communities in a good way?

Which, if any, other focus areas does your idea link with (Economic, Infrastructure and/or Environmental)?

Also use this space tell us anything else you would like us to be aware of regarding inclusive leadership and decision making?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


For information on the other focus areas, please click on each of the tiles below.