Economic resilience will focus on:
  • Helping small businesses to be strong in the face of shocks and stressors
  • Help make it easy for all Calgarians to have safe and fair access to the digital economy and society
  • Calgary is able to coordinate incentives to grow and attract business
  • Calgary’s workforce is ready for new economies

Leads: The City of Calgary and Calgary Economic Development


We listed the outcomes we hope to achieve for this focus area in the form below. There are one to four initiatives/actions listed to help achieve the outcome. The outcomes and initiatives/actions were developed in consultation with partners and stakeholders, including Calgary Economic Development, The University of Calgary, United Way, the Calgary Chamber of Commerce and many others. We wanted to understand what you think of how important these outcomes are for Calgary.

Thank you for providing your input. The feedback from is now closed.

Your input was reviewed and themed and is included in the What We Heard Report.

1) Calgary’s workforce is ready for new economies

a) Online tools to help connect job seekers with current employment opportunities and the skills training classes to meet the job requirements.

b) Talent accelerator - Collaborate with educators like post-secondary institutions for short-term skill development programs that address immediate business needs.

c) Diversity in technology - Develop strategies that encourage more gender and cultural diversity in our emerging technology sector.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary to have a workforce that is ready for new economies?

2) Help make it easy for all Calgarians to have safe access to the digital economy and society

a) Digital disparity study – Do research with post-secondary partners to better understand the challenges for people who struggle to understand, access or afford technology. Helping them connect online to fully participate in the economy and society.

b) Digital Bill of Rights - Adopting the Cities for Digital Rights declaration about safe and inclusive online access. Use this to guide the actions of the #ResilientYYC, Smart City and Living Lab strategies.

c) 5G ready by 2020 – Get our city future-ready for digital (5G) infrastructure that improves our ability to meet the growing need to move information over communication networks quickly and reliably.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that it be easy for all Calgarians to have safe access to the digital economy and society?

3) Business continuity - Helping businesses to be strong in the face of shocks and stressors

a) Ready Business - a developing project at Calgary Emergency Management Agency to help businesses in Calgary understand and manage disaster risk.

b) Emergency preparedness/business continuity tools - Working with the Calgary Chamber, businesses can evaluate their readiness and their disaster preparedness and take the actions they need to be better prepared for disruption.

c) Non-profit business continuity planning - Program to strengthen Business Continuity Plans for non-profits to help them prepare for emergencies and business disruptions.

d) Supports for businesses near large construction projects- Develop strategies to reduce the impacts of nearby City infrastructure projects on businesses.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that we help small businesses to be strong in the face of shocks and stressors?

4) Calgary coordinates incentives to grow and attract business

a) Attraction, growth and resilience dividend - Coordinate market incentives and business supports to grow and attract business with a focus on those opportunities that strengthen our city’s resilience or ability to meet needs during shocks and stresses, for example, food security, health, climate change or economic downturns.

b) Living labs - Develop opportunities for City assets (land buildings, technology and data) to support innovation by business and educational institutions.

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
How important is it for Calgary that incentives are coordinated to grow and attract business?

Is there another action/initiative that you believe is important for us to consider that would support economic resilience? Which, if any, other focus areas does your idea link with (Environmental, Infrastructure and/or Inclusive Leadership and Decision Making)?

Also use this space tell us anything else you would like us to be aware of regarding economic resilience.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.


For information on the other focus areas, please click on each of the tiles below.