Why are improvements on these corridor(s) being considered?

In the first phase of engagement, participants were passionate about street design elements that work together to accommodate pedestrians, scooters, bikes, and automobiles. Additionally, participants ranked pedestrian movement, active modes and street trees & street furniture as the most important design considerations for the 11/12 Street S.E. corridor.

What are goals for these corridor(s) design?

The design concepts shown in this section are a response to the priorities identified by community participants in phase 1 engagement. They include more space for pedestrians, active modes, trees and seating while still accommodating the efficient flow of automobile traffic. The main highlights proposed include:

  • Automobile lane reduction – converting the 11/12 Street SE corridor from 4 automobile lanes to 2, with additional turning lanes at key intersections to maintain traffic flow.
  • Bi-directional pathway for bikes and scooters – west side of 11/12 Street S.E. corridor north of 17 Avenue SE, then crossing to the east side of street, south of 17 Avenue S.E. to improve connections to other regional pathways and minimize conflicts with automobile traffic.
  • Widened sidewalk on east side of 11/12 Street S.E. corridor and 11 Avenue/Street S.E. to accommodate pedestrians, street trees, seating and patios.
  • New sidewalk on east side of 11/12 Street S.E. corridor beneath CPR and Green Line bridges

In this round of engagement, we want to gauge public feedback on these concepts to help us make adjustments and establish goals for ongoing technical review and design development. Keep in mind, it is still early in the process and while we are committed to addressing the priorities identified through phase 1 engagement, the final designs may be significantly different from the concepts shown here.

Please choose a streetscape improvement location to share your feedback. View each image below and provide your input.

12 St SE, south of 9 Ave SE, looking north

11 St SE, north of 11 Ave SE, looking north

11 Ave SE, in front of Ol’ Beautiful Brewery, looking west

CP Rail underpass

11 St SE, north of 18 Ave SE, looking north