Why is the Greenway being considered?

The proposed greenway public space corridor adjacent to the future Green Line LRT will provide an important link between the future Ramsay/Inglewood Station and the Elbow River pathway system. Throughout the corridor are several open spaces including the existing Jeffries Park space in which The City will look to develop into usable community park space.

What are our goals for this public space design?

In our first phase of engagement, participants showed a strong preference for using Jeffries Park and the greenway for passive activities (i.e. socializing, reading, picnicking, drinking coffee, etc.). Participants also supported using Jeffries Park and the greenway for active recreation, and a flexible event space.

The greenway is large enough to accommodate multiple types of recreation while also providing a pathway connection from the future Ramsay/Inglewood LRT station to the Elbow River pathway system. Utilizing previous engagements in the area which identified recreational gaps in the community the project team has identified several options for passive activities, active recreation, and a flexible event space.

Your feedback from this phase of engagement, along with technical analysis, will help inform the final design recommendations for public realm improvements to the area. The images below are intended to illustrate the overall look and feel of the greenway space, however are not intended to be a detailed final design.