In the East Segment, highlights of the recommended plan include a continuous east-west pathway system, a pedestrian overpass west of 29 Street, interchange improvements at Shaganappi Trail N.W. and Crowchild Trail N.W., and additional MAX Orange BRT stations at University Drive N.W. (upon redevelopment of the McMahon/Foothills lands).

Click on the images below to see how the recommended plan could be implemented over time.

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16 Avenue N.W. East Segment improvements moving forward in the short-term:

The short-term recommended plan focuses on safety improvements along 16 Avenue identified through the South Shaganappi Study, a traffic safety review and discussions with the community.

  • Multi-use crosswalks added at 16 Avenue N.W. and 29 Street N.W. so that people who wheel do not need to dismount
  • New MAX Orange station added in front of the Calgary Cancer Centre
  • Pathway connection on west side of 29 Street N.W. restored with completion of the Calgary Cancer Centre
  • Dual right turn signalized to manage merge from Bowness Road to westbound 16 Avenue N.W.
  • New ramp from southbound Shaganappi Trail to eastbound 16 Avenue N.W. to improve merge and minimize impacts to existing trees
  • 50 km/h speed limit shifted further east past Bowness Road to provide lower speed approaches to new traffic signals and Montgomery
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  • East Segment

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