We are pleased to inform you that the recommendations for the Future of 16 Avenue N.W. were passed unanimously by the Standing Policy Committee (SPC) on Transportation and Transit. You can view the presentation here.

On behalf of the project team, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you one last time for sharing your perspective and continually working together to develop a future-proof plan to improve mobility, community vibrancy and the economy in the project area.


16 Avenue N.W. has a dual nature as both a major city-wide transportation corridor and as a community Main Street that has successfully nurtured a local commercial core in Montgomery for decades.

The 16 Avenue N.W. corridor from Sarcee Trail to Crowchild Trail requires a coherent planning effort due to the widely variable nature of the corridor today, with differing road classifications, land use, posted speed limits, number of lanes, accommodation of transit and active modes, and levels of planning and construction in recent years. Provision of additional capacity and long-term build-out of the roadway to three core lanes in each direction is expected to fulfill 16 Avenue N.W.’s role as a primary transportation and goods movement corridor, and to support area growth.

The 16 Avenue N.W. Main Street streetscape design project will incorporate what is most important today and in the future about the main street experience with a focus on place making and community building and enhancement.

As there is significant overlap in the two study boundaries and timing for engagement, the two projects are being closely coordinated and aligned.




The project goals will be used to evaluate concept options and guide the development of the corridor plan and main street master plan in the study area. Your input will help us refine the project goals.

Social and Healthy Lifestyle

1) Improve the comfort of public space by enhancing the tree canopy
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2) Support a healthy urban ecology through biodiverse and resilient plantings
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3) Create places that support social gathering and interaction
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4) Design for public safety and physical comfort of all users
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Mobility and Functionality

5) Provide pedestrian and cycling connections to link destinations along the corridor
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6) Maintain functionality of transit services or other high occupancy vehicles
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7) Facilitate the efficient movement of people and goods and accommodate future growth and development
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8) Design all pedestrian facilities to be comfortable and accessible
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Character & Identity

9) Provide opportunities for showcasing the diversity of communities, residents and businesses
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10) Foster a sense of arrival and place through design and materials
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11) Strengthen north-south connections across the corridor
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12) Reflect community identity in the Main Street design
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Economic Vitality

13) Create a flexible and adaptable public realm to stimulate investment that encourages a vibrant diversity of businesses
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14) Improve street interface and explore parking opportunities while sustaining access to businesses for all users
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15) Leverage storefront visibility from the corridor to encourage people to see, stop and stay
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16) Maintain the role of 16 Avenue NW as a critical economic east-west connector for goods movement in north Calgary
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Between 2014-19 The City worked with the communities along the 16 Avenue N.W. corridor on several projects. Organized by project principle area below are some of the key ideas and concerns we heard during those engagements. We’d like to know if those comments still resonate today.

For each group of ideas please tell us if you agree with the ideas, disagree with the ideas, or if there are items you would modify or change. Share with us how you might change an/some of the items to better agree with them.

1) Social and Healthy Life Style
Improve pedestrian and bike access to river pathways from West Campus
Park near 42 Street N.W. is a valued community asset, there is an opportunity to improve it with features and noise mitigation
Need safe pedestrian crossings at 43 Street, 46 Street and Home Road N.W.
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2) Mobility and Functionality
Difficult to leave health care centre at 42 Street N.W.
Restrict traffic from turning north off of 16 Avenue N.W. between 43-49 Streets into the community
Concerns about left turns at Home Road and 16 Avenue N.W. from east-bound to north-bound and from south-bound to west-bound
Reduce speed limit from 49 Street to Sarcee Trail N.W.
Increase capacity of interchange at Sarcee Trail
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3) Character and Identity
46 Street N.W. is an entry road to the community
Improving the look of 16 Avenue N.W. with light standards, trees, and banners will improve the impression of Montgomery
Create a more welcoming entryway to the city from the west
Businesses set far back from the road with little lighting feels unsafe for pedestrians at night
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4) Economic Vitality
Need 2-hour parking near the park at 42 Street N.W.
Opportunity to create a business zone link between 16 Avenue N.W. and Bowness Road at 46 Street N.W.
Underground parking makes more developable land at grade
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Over the next year and a half we will be working with stakeholders and the public to gather feedback to develop design concepts, success criteria and recommended plans for the 16 Avenue N.W. corridor and main street study areas. We will do this in three phases:

  • Discover Phase: Discover opportunities, challenges, priorities and success criteria with stakeholders and the public
  • Explore Phase: Explore design concepts and evaluation results with stakeholders and the public
  • Reveal Phase: Present preferred plans to stakeholders and the public

We are currently in the Explore phase of engagement.

16th Avenue N.W. Options


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Main Street Segment

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Please review the benefits/ trade-offs and visual material above to answer the questions below and indicate whether the following design features support the project principle.



View the West, Main Street and East plans below.

16th ave zones


Your input, along with additional technical review, will help refine and finalize the recommended plans. The transportation corridor study recommendations will be presented to Council for approval in June/July 2021. The streetscape master plan for the Montgomery Main Street will be presented to Senior City of Calgary Management for approval.

Short-term recommendations will be implemented using existing City programs and budgets. We anticipate implementation to begin in summer 2021 in conjunction with a previously planned paving project.

The medium- and long-term recommended plans are unfunded at this time with no fixed dates for construction. If approved, recommendations from the project will enable changes to 16 Avenue to be prioritized for funding. Medium-term recommendations may be implemented in the next five to ten years, with the long-term recommendations being implemented beyond 20 years.

How did you hear about the project?

This poll has concluded.

  • social media
    48% (36 votes)
  • roadway signs
    28% (21 votes)
  • park sandwich board
    3% (2 votes)
  • postcard
    3% (2 votes)
  • community newsletter
    7% (5 votes)
  • other
    12% (9 votes)
Total Votes: 75