Project Purpose
The City of Calgary is meeting with community associations, BIAs and BRZs within the six selected Local Area Plan areas on a series of public space improvement projects. The candidate public space improvement projects will support established communities that are experiencing growth and change. Feedback will help us refine the list of projects to bring forward to Council for funding as part of the 2023-2026 Service Plan and Budgets process in November.
Established Area Growth and Changes Strategy Program Background
Calgary’s established communities are growing and changing. As they experience revitalization, they can be supported by investments in public spaces and places to support citizens and the ways they live, work and play in the area. New development, like new housing projects, updating roads and services, helps ensure the community’s needs are met today and tomorrow.
The Established Area Growth and Change Strategy outlines how The City can support established communities experiencing growth and change due to redevelopment. As communities evolve, it is important that public spaces and places also evolve to meet the changing needs and desires of existing and new residents. Ensuring Established Area communities remain desirable places to live and work helps achieve the goals and vision of the Municipal Development Plan and Calgary Transportation Plan (MDP/CTP).
In 2020, Council approved a $30M investment in the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy for 15 Phase 1 improvement projects for public spaces and places in established communities experiencing growth and change. The projects supported by this funding are informed by initiatives such as the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy, Local Area Plans and public consultation on candidate projects in established communities.
For more information on the Established Area Growth and Change Strategy or Phase 1 public space improvement projects, please visit
What are we talking about here?
are we seeking feedback on? Learn more about the types of projects we are
exploring through this project by reviewing the list below.
- Street improvements such as traffic calming, new sidewalks and pathways and intersection improvements.
- Parks and open space improvements such as playgrounds, picnic tables and benches and field improvements.
- Partnership projects with Calgary Neighbourhoods and Business Improvement Associations. This could include improvements and upgrades such as plazas, community gardens, some playgrounds and public art.
Some types of public space projects are considered out of scope for this work because they are not related to growth happening in the community or are funded through existing funding programs. This program is designed to fund capital projects and does not fulfill operational or maintenance needs. The types of projects that are out of scope include the following:
- large-scale projects
- sidewalk repairs
- community association facility repairs
- roadway paving
Repainting sidewalks and streetlights are examined on a case-by-case basis.
THAT'S YOU! This is a conversation focused on select communities within the Established Area. Stakeholders include community association, Business Improvement Area and Business Revitalization Zone board members. The candidate projects are located within the Local Area Plans listed below. Don't know your LAP area? Find out HERE.
- Greater Forest Lawn Communities
- North Hill Communities
- Riley Communities
- South Shaganappi Communities
- West Elbow Communities
- Westbrook Communities
Project examples
The Phase 1 public space improvement projects are all well underway, with two of them being completed. Below are examples of the types of projects that were funded in Phase 1 to give you a sense of the scope and scale of projects we are seeking feedback on.
- Balmoral Circus - This project will find an appropriate balance between creating a quiet space for passive recreation adjacent to homes and creating an attractive and meaningful community destination.
- Mount Pleasant Arts Centre - The area surrounding the arts centre will be improved with a new outdoor programmable space, new sidewalks and pathway connections and a redesigned accessible community garden.
- 40 Avenue N.E. Park & Area Improvements - This Greenview park improvement will address vacant lands, increase activity and create stronger community connections. We are also implementing mobility improvements in the communities of Greenview, Greenview Industrial Park, Highland Park and Winston Heights.
- Kensington Area Improvements - This project has sought community input to identify areas in the neighbourhoods of Hillhurst Sunnyside, West Hillhurst and Hounsfield Heights Briar Hill that will benefit from streetscape improvements, traffic calming and open space enhancements.
If you’d like to explore all 15 of the projects that were funded in Phase 1, you can visit for more information.
Please click on the tab for your local planning area. You will find a map with markers indicating the candidate projects in your area. You will be asked a few questions about the candidate projects and your observations regarding growth in your neighbourhood. Meetings have been planned with community association and business improvement stakeholders throughout June 2022. You can find the stakeholder PowerPoint presentation here.
Westbrook (LAP 10)
In the above map, you will see the Westbrook LAP boundary and the dots which represent candidate public space projects in your area. Each dot contains a short description of the potential project. The Westbrook candidate projects are:
- Shaganappi Golf Course Winter Use Improvements
- Richmond Green Park Redevelopment - You can learn more about plans to improve and expand the Richmond Green Regional Park HERE.
- 26 Avenue SW Walking and Wheeling Improvements Phase 2 - We are expanding on changes to 26 Avenue S.W. between Sarcee Trail and 14 Street S.W. to improve public spaces and enhance connections for people walking, wheeling and taking transit. 26 Avenue S.W. connects eight communities, including nine schools and over 50 businesses. Phase 1 background is located HERE.
- 51 Street SW and 45 Street SW Walking and Wheeling Improvements
- Richmond Road SW Walking and Wheeling Improvements
We appreciate you sharing your thoughts below regarding the identified candidate projects and how they may impact your community.
South Shaganappi (LAP 13)
![South Shaganappi LAP area](
In the above map, you will see the South Shaganappi LAP boundary and the dots which represent candidate public space projects in your area. Each dot contains a short description of the potential project. The South Shaganappi candidate projects are:
- Montgomery Bicycle Pump Track - This project aims investment in the community-led Montgomery Bicycle Pump Track project to enhance and expand the community-initiated work that has already taken place.
- Shouldice Park Accessible Washroom Upgrades - This public washroom improvement will enhance the inclusive playground installation that took place at Shouldice Park in 2018. To learn more about the City's approach to inclusive playgrounds head HERE.
- St. Andrews Heights Accessible Playground - The park playground near the Maria Montessori Education Centre is soon due for lifecycle replacement and a replacement playground aims to be barrier-free, meeting the needs of nearby institutions and residents.
We appreciate you sharing your thoughts below regarding the identified candidate projects and how they may impact your community. We also appreciate your observations regarding growth and change in your community.
West Elbow 2/3
![West Elbow LAP boundary](
In the above map, you will see the West Elbow LAP boundary and the dots which represent candidate public space projects in your area. Each dot contains a short description of the potential project. The West Elbow candidate projects are:
- Pumphouse Park Phase 2 - Improvement of this park and surrounding area will better accommodate private and large community event as well as provide new connections for the Bow River Pathway system, cycle track users, and the inner city communities of Sunalta, Hillhurst and Scarboro. Learn more about Phase 1 HERE.
- South Calgary Park Bicycle Pump Track - Investment in community-led South Calgary Park Bicycle Pump Track project to add additional recreation and park amenities in South Calgary Park.
- Sandy Beach Park Phase 2 - This project aims to improve walking and cyclist conditions as well as upgrade park and recreation amenities. Learn more about Phase 1 HERE.
- 50th Avenue SW Pathway Improvements - You can learn more about the past corridor study and its goals to improve safety, provide access to key community destinations and better incorporate green spaces HERE.
You can find a PDF version of the June 6 West Elbow stakeholder session presentation HERE.
We appreciate you sharing your thoughts below regarding the identified candidate projects and how they may impact your community. We also appreciate your observations regarding growth and change in your community.
Forest Lawn (LAP 23)
In the above map, you will see the Forest Lawn LAP boundary and the dots which represent candidate public space projects in your area. The dot contains a short description the potential project. The Forest Lawn candidate project is:
- Dover Neighbourhood Streets Improvements - The City is working with stakeholders in the Greater Forest Lawn area to improve streets in your neighbourhood and create an inclusive mobile network for all community residents. You can learn more about Phase 1 work HERE.
We appreciate you sharing your thoughts below regarding the identified candidate project and how it may impact your community. We also appreciate your observations regarding growth and change in your community.
Riley Area (Area 4)
In the above map, you will see the Riley LAP boundary and the dots which represent candidate public space projects in your area. Each dot contains a short description of the potential project. The Riley candidate projects are:
- West Hillhurst - Bicycle Pump Track
- Kensington TOD / Hillhurst-Sunnyside / West Hillhurst Streetscape and Public Realm Improvements Phase 2 - This will be a continuation of projects identified by the community through multiple phases of community engagement during 2021 and 2022. You can learn more about specific projects that were considered and available for community input HERE.
We appreciate you sharing your thoughts below regarding the identified candidate projects and how they may impact your community.
North Hill (LAP 5)
In the above map, you will see the North Hill LAP boundary and the dots which represent candidate public space projects in your area. Each dot contains a short description of the potential project. The North Hill candidate projects are:
- Beaumont Circus Improvements
- Confederation Park Golf Course Winter Use Improvements
- Mount Pleasant Outdoor Pool Site and Building Improvements
- Munro Park Upgrades
- North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre Improvements Phase 2 - Improvements include a new outdoor programmable space, new sidewalks and pathway connections and a redesigned accessible community garden. North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre will also be equipped with a new accessible pottery wheel. To learn more about the project background head HERE.
- Rotary Park Upgrades
- Tuxedo Park Redevelopment
We appreciate you sharing your thoughts below regarding the identified candidate projects and how they may impact your community. We also appreciate your observations regarding growth and change in your community.