50 Avenue S.W. provides access to the residential communities of Altadore, Garrison Woods and North Glenmore Park. It also connects people to schools and destinations such as the Glenmore Athletic Park, River Park and Sandy Beach. As a result, it is well-used by people who walk, bike, take transit and drive.
Study Objective
This study will identify current issues and concerns with 50 Avenue S.W. and provide recommendations for future improvements. The study recommendations will:
- Better accommodate people who walk, bike, take transit and drive;
- Improve safety for those who travel on, or live along, the corridor;
- Provide access to key destinations; and
- Better incorporate green spaces within the road right-of-way in the study area.
Easier access over Crowchild Trail for those who walk and bike will be considered, but the existing interchange will not be altered. More information about the project can be found on the project webpage.
What we've done & Heard so far
Phase 3
In October 2016, approximately 300 participants shared their feedback on the preferred design concept for the 50 Avenue S.W. corridor study area. Summaries and verbatim comments from the Phase 3 Open House, Online Survey and from the Pop-Up events at the Glenmore Aquatic Centre, River Park Off-Leash Area and Flames Community Arenas are also available.
To view the information presented in Phase 3, please see the display boards and preferred design concept.
Phase 2
In May 2016, approximately 945 participants shared their feedback on four design concepts for the 50 Avenue S.W. corridor study area. For a detailed summary of the feedback and verbatim comments please review the What We Heard Report.
Please view the display boards, and proposed designs for Concept 1: Maintain existing, Concept 2: Shared lanes, Concept 3: Bike lanes on both sides, and Concept 4: Pathway on south side, to see what information was presented at the open house on May 10, 2016.
Phase 1
Summaries and the verbatim comments from Phase 1 Open House, online survey, and mapping tool, and from the Pop-Up events at the Glenmore Aquatic Pool, the River Park Off-Leash area, and at Central Memorial High School are also available.
An overall summary of the concerns and ideas that were shared during Phase 1, as they related to specific areas along the corridor, is available in a map format.
To see what information was presented during the Phase 1 open house, please view the display boards.
We are currently in Phase 4: Present Final Recommended Plan. The final recommended plan is a result of three phases of public engagement and technical analysis of many different design ideas along the corridor.
In Phase 3, we presented the draft recommended plan to the public to solicit input to help refine the plan. The final recommended plan incorporates public feedback such as maintaining parallel parking between 15 Street S.W. and 17 Street S.W., and multi-use crossings (“elephant’s feet” pavement markings) at intersections to allow cyclists to cross without dismounting. We also heard a preference for bike lanes through Phase 3; however, a multi-use pathway was incorporated into the plan after technical evaluation of both options was conducted. To view all the input we heard in Phase 3, please see the What We Heard reports to the right.
Short-term recommendations have also been provided as part of the study. Some of these recommendations include further improvements west of 22 Street S.W. to improve traffic flow onto Crowchild Trail, and pedestrian improvements such as marked crosswalks and pedestrian crosswalk signs.
To view the final recommended plan and short-term recommendations, visit the project webpage. You will also find answers to some frequently asked questions there.
The project team would like to thank you for your participation and interest throughout this study. If you have further comments or questions, please contact 311.