Welcome to Local Area Plan Reconnect!

We want to reconnect with you to share updates that are coming to your local area plan and share opportunities to provide feedback on new community improvements.

In May 2024, Council voted to approve citywide rezoning amendments to allow for single, semi-detached and rowhouses across Calgary. Approved local area plans will be updated to align with this decision.

Administration also reconnected with communities with approved local area plans to discuss and collect feedback on new community improvement ideas.

On January 8, 2025, amendments to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan, Westbrook Communities Local Area Plan and Heritage Communities Local Area Plan were presented to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee (IPC). Committee recommended approval of Administration’s recommendations. These amendments will be presented at the February 4, 2025 Public Hearing of Council.

The agenda will be finalized the week prior to Council, please visit Council and committee agendas, minutes and video to confirm the agenda.

Choose the local area plan that includes your community for more information, including how to get involved in public hearings: