Reconnecting with the North Hill Communities!
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (approved in September 2021) includes the communities of Highland Park, Mount Pleasant, Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview, Crescent Heights, Renfrew, Rosedale, Capitol Hill and Thorncliffe Greenview (south of Mcknight Blvd).
On January 8, 2025, amendments to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan were presented to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee (IPC). These amendments were to bring the local area plans into alignment with Council’s approved plans and policies including Rezoning for Housing (citywide rezoning amendments to allow for single, semi-detached and rowhouses across Calgary) and Home is Here -The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy. The Infrastructure and Planning Committee approved Administration’s recommendations for policy alignment.
On February 4, 2025, Council defeated proposed updates to three completed Local Area Plans (LAPs)—North Hill Communities LAP (2021), Westbrook Communities LAP (2023) and Heritage Communities LAP (2023). This means that these Plans will not align with the citywide rezoning decision and no additional improvements and investments identified by community members will be added.
Defeat of these amendments creates inconsistency for development across Calgary and in the North Hill Communities, Westbrook Communities and Heritage Communities Local Area Plans as these plans include specific direction on where rowhouses are appropriate which conflicts with the citywide rezoning decision to allow single-detached homes, semi-detached homes and rowhouses on all residential lots. Although the new base district for residential parcels has been changed citywide to R-CG (Aug 2024), the specific locational criteria in these Plans causes confusion and misalignment at the development permit stage.
In May 2024, Council voted to approve Rezoning for Housing, citywide rezoning amendments to allow for single, semi-detached, townhomes and rowhouses in communities across Calgary. This took effect August 6, 2024. As part of Council’s decision, Administration was directed "to review all plans already completed as part of the current Local Area Planning Program, and engage with affected communities, to determine whether any amendments to the local area plans are warranted as a result of the proposed rezoning, and report back to Infrastructure and Planning Committee with an interim update no later than 2025 Q1.”
Additionally, In September 2023, Home is Here – The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy was approved by Council. Council directed Administration to remove the Single-Detached Special Policy Area from the Guide for Local Area Planning immediately and to remove the Single-Detached Special Policy Area from North Hill Communities LAP. Updates to the Guide were completed in 2023.
With this direction, policy amendments to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan were proposed to align the Plan with the Council direction outlined above. In addition to informing community members about these updates (required to align with Council direction), Administration also sought community input on potential new community improvements for the area that could be added to Chapter 3/Appendix A.
Council’s defeat of the proposed amendments has the following impacts:
The LAP Reconnect decision by Council creates inconsistency for where row/townhouses can be located between different communities. Policies contained within each LAP are not aligned with the Council-approved Home is Here Housing Strategy and the city-wide rezoning decision that allows for single-, semi and row/townhouse development throughout communities in Calgary.
Applicants must comply with policy provisions contained in Area Redevelopment Plans/LAPs. This lack of alignment prevents approval at the development permit stage.
As part of the LAP Reconnect, Administration worked with communities to identify potential public realm improvements that could help support additional growth and change in the area. There were several proposed investment opportunities and community improvements for each LAP that will not be incorporated into the respective LAP now that the amendments were defeated by Council.
Proposed additions for North Hill Communities included:
- Tree planting in Confederation Park
- Complete missing links for pedestrians
- Enhancements to the 5A (Always Available for All Ages & Abilities) mobility network
As Council did not approve amendments to the local area plan, applications may not be able to go forward as they are currently proposed and may need to be amended to align with the local area plan. Administration is working to determine next steps for the pending applications in these Plan areas and will communicate directly with applicants about that process. File Managers will be contacting applicants with next steps regarding their application.
As part of Home is Here – The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy, Council directed Administration to immediately remove the Single-Detached Special Policy Area from the Guide for Local Area Planning and from any relevant statutory plans. The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan is the only applicable plan, where a Single-Detached Special Study Area the community of Rosedale is included. The Guide was previously updated.
The removal of the Single-Detached Special Policy from the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan would have aligned the plan with Action 1.C.2 of Home is Here – The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy. With Council's decision to reject amendments to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan, the Single-Detached Special Policy area will remain in the local area plan. This does not, however, impede development permit applications for semi-detached or rowhouse development from being submitted or reviewed by The City.
Through the Local Area Plan (LAP) Reconnect, the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan was proposed to be updated to align with:
This allows for single-detached, semi-detached, rowhouse, and townhouse development in communities across Calgary. Specifically, amendments to the Limited Scale policies under the Neighbourhood Local category Section, policies which include location criteria for building forms containing three or more units. Based on the citywide rezoning decision, these policies required updating to align with the Rezoning for Housing decision.
Policies proposed to be removed:
- Policy a: “Secondary suites are permitted where already allowed by the existing land use designation and are not considered a unit in the following policies.”
- This policy was proposed to be removed as land use districts provide direction on secondary suites already.
- Policy b: “Building forms that contain one or two residential units are supported in Neighbourhood Local, Limited Scale.”
- This policy was proposed to be removed as now building forms that include rowhouse would also be supported.
- Policy c limited rowhouse development to specific locations (such as within transit stations, activity centres, corner parcels).
- This policy was proposed to be removed to ensure that rowhouse development would be supported Plan wide in Neighbourhood Local, Limited scale areas.
- Policy speaks to impacts to sunlight/shade and the protection of trees.
- This policy was proposed to be removed as policy spoke to impacts to shadowing and Chapter 3 of each plan speaks to the tree canopy and protecting trees.
Policy proposed to be added:
- In order to better clarify that multi-residential development of three units or more is not supported unless it is in a grade-oriented form, a new policy was proposed to provide greater clarity to communities, developers and File Managers when making decisions on applications in these areas: “Multi-Residential development is only supported in the Neighbourhood Local, Limited Scale areas in a grade-oriented form.”
- Amendments would not have changed the location criteria for the Housing – Grade Oriented (or H-GO) development, as the Land Use Bylaw criteria for H-GO in local area plans is limited to areas identified as Neighbourhood Connector and Neighbourhood Flex on the Urban Form map.
Remove the Single-Detached Special Policy area from the Guide for Local Area Planning (completed in 2023) and the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan. The approved North Hill Communities Local Area Plan included a Single-Detached Special Study Area the community of Rosedale.
Policy proposed to be removed:
- Policy speaks to the Single-Detached Special Study Area in the North Hill Communities LAP only.
- This policy was proposed to be removed as Council had directed it be removed through Home Is Here – The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy in Action 1.C.2.
As part of the Local Area Plan Reconnect, Administration engaged with communities to identify new opportunities for local community improvements, which were proposed for inclusion in Chapter 3 and Appendix A of the updated Plans. These community-driven ideas aimed to enhance public spaces, active transportation networks, and overall neighborhood livability.
In addition to informing community members about these updates required to align with Council direction, Administration also sought community input on potential new community improvements not included in the original approved plans that could support growth and change.
Proposed additions included:
- Tree planting in Confederation Park
- Complete missing links for pedestrians
- Enhancements to the 5A (Always Available for All Ages & Abilities) mobility network
Get Involved
Share your thoughts on additional community improvements for the North Hill communities
Engagement for the Local Area Plan Reconnect project is now closed.
To see what we heard, what we did, and the feedback gathered please view the What We Heard and What We Did Report HERE. You can view the Local Area Plan Reconnect Engagement Summary HERE.
Chapter 3 of the LAP (page 88) and Appendix A (page 108) identify a number of potential community improvements/investment priorities. We are looking for your feedback on any other ideas you might have.
Community Improvements are:
- Higher-level objectives
- Linked to the Plan’s vision and core values
- Designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet changing needs over time
- The community improvements include, but are not limited to, upgrading existing streets, transportation networks, parks and recreation facilities
Community Improvements are not:
- Prescriptive spot improvements (e.g., sidewalk repairs, crosswalk painting)
- Focused on existing infrastructure maintenance
- Intended to replace or refurbish infrastructure that is at the end of its lifespan
- Attached to any existing funding
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Review frequently asked questions by clicking on the drop down menu below.
A local area plan sets the vision for the evolution of the area over the next 30 years. It provides direction on future development and investment that residents, landowners, builders / developers, City Planners and Council can commonly refer to when new development and investment ideas are proposed.
A local area plan will support your community as it changes by:
- Increasing predictability about how the area could change in the future.
- Responding to changing trends and demographics such as population decline, family composition, aging in place, housing preferences.
- Expanding housing choice to welcome additional people and increase population.
- Supporting local amenities and businesses through increased population.
- Informing decisions about reinvestment, such as improvements to public spaces.
- Adding more homes, increasing wheeling and walkability opportunities, and improving access to amenities and transit, as well as reducing the need to expand our city’s footprint, all play a role in environmental sustainability.
Local area plans are not set in stone but are intended to be updated over time to respond to the changing needs of the communities. We are returning to update previously approved local area plans to keep them up to date to align with recent Council decisions and direction.
Life cycle of a community
New communities tend to draw many young families and typically reach their peak population within the first 20 years.
Population begins to decline as children begin to move away from home.
Homes and buildings age and the population continues to drop or flatline. Schools and businesses often struggle to stay open.
The community is revitalized through private redevelopment and public reinvestment, bringing increased population growth and enabling local businesses and amenities to thrive.
Local area plans are meant to be living documents that may be amended and updated over time as the community changes and as conditions and circumstances in the area evolve.
A local area plan may require amendments over time to align with Council decisions or direction that impact the local area plan – such as the citywide Rezoning for Housing decision.
Local area plans are also intended to be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure they continue to guide growth and change in a strategic manner.
City Council is the final decision maker on all local area plan amendments.
The Urban Form and Building Scale maps will not be updated as part of the Reconnect.