While engagement specific to this community is presently closed, click below to provide feedback on the Neighbourhood Streets Program


We would like your help to identify mobility issues and missing links in the Heritage communities area for people walking and wheeling.

This opportunity to provide insight builds on our understanding from engagement on other projects in the area like the Heritage Communities Local Growth Plan, Fairview Community Green Space project, and the Pathway and Bikeway project. All of the information that is collected will inform our understanding of mobility needs in the Heritage Communities. To see what people have talked about during these projects see the links section on the right of this page.

Tip: In the Pathway and bikeway what we heard report you can click on the maps (starting on page 11) to read the specific comments.

What we are asking you as part of this project

We are building local information about walking and wheeling needs in the Heritage communities area. What do we mean when we say mobility? Mobility for this project includes walking around the communities, to and from transit, as well as what we are calling wheeling: a general term for people choosing to bike, use a scooter, a skateboard, or inline skates.

On the map below please share at least two (2) places that are working well, and two (2) that need improvement. This map will be open until March 31, 2020 for input.

Thank you to everyone who provided input the map is now closed.

What's next?

In the summer and through 2021 we will be installing temporary and other low cost measures based on what we heard from you in this engagement as a way to test design options with you. Following and as funding becomes available, the temporary measures will be made permanent.

AREA MAP & Frequently Asked Questions

What communities are part of the project

WHAT IS ENGAGEMENT AT The City of Calgary?

The City defines engagement as:

Your input, and the input of other citizens and stakeholders, helps The City understand people’s perspectives, opinions, and concerns. Input collected in each phase of the project will be compiled and share through a What We Heard report.

Although it would be a great outcome, the goal of public engagement is not to reach consensus or make everyone happy. Public engagement is also not about voting or collecting representative information. Public engagement is about considering the input, ideas and perspectives of people who are interested or impacted by decisions, before decisions are made.

To learn more about engagement at The City, visit engage.calgary.ca/about.


About you

We want to hear a bit about you. By sharing this information with us you are helping us make our process and projects better for all Calgarians. All questions are optional.

This information is not used in project decision making and is not connected to your engagement input. However, this information does help The City understand who we are reaching, and helps us to better design engagement processes that are accessible to all Calgarians.

Select all that apply to you
Your interest in this project
Gender Identity - Please choose the option that best describes you.
Household Income - What is your total annual household income before taxes?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.