Phase 2: EXPLORE is now CLOSED

Phase 2 engagement is now closed, click below to return to the main Greater Forest Lawn Communities Local Area Plan page.

Community Redevelopment. It's complex. Let's chat.

Welcome to the second phase of engagement! We are working together to create the local area plan for the Greater Forest Lawn communities of Albert Park/Radisson Heights, Applewood Park, Dover, Erin Woods, Forest Heights, Forest Lawn, Forest Lawn Industrial, Penbrooke Meadows, Red Carpet, Southview, 09Q, and a portion Golden Triangle.

Engagement for Phase 2 - EXPLORE was open from January 17 - February 12, 2023 with multiple ways for you to share feedback:

    • Review and answer the questions on the Feedback Form below.
    • Attend an in-person or virtual public Q&A session (more details in the Get Involved section).
    • Check your mailbox for an Engagement Booklet or get one at pick-up location.


        Planning Together for the Next 30 Years

        What is a Local Area Plan?

        A local area plan sets the vision for the evolution of the area over the next 30 years. It provides direction on future development and investment that residents, landowners, builders / developers, City Planners and Council can commonly refer to when new development and investment ideas are proposed.

        Why Do We Need a Local Area Plan?

        The city, communities and streets we call home have changed, are changing, and will continue to change. People renovate, rebuild, enlarge and modify spaces around them all the time. We need to make sure there’s room for people looking to make changes and direction to help guide decisions. We also need to provide guidelines for investment when change is proposed, and certainty for residents to know how their community may change in the future.

        In Phase 1 - ENVISION, we asked you to help us look back at the past, understand the present and envision the future. The feedback provided helped us draft a Vision and Core Values for the Greater Forest Lawn Communities that will help guide decisions about the evolution of the area over the next 30 years.

        We are currently in Phase 2 – EXPLORE, and we want to hear your thoughts on the draft Vision and Core Values. We’re also going to start looking at where and how growth and change could happen in the area.

        A local area plan is influenced by several different sources including the community context, participant feedback, professional expertise, City policies and equity considerations. A ‘What We Heard Report’ and a ‘What We Did Report’ compiling all participant feedback, key themes and actions taken will be shared at the end of each engagement phase.

        Why New Growth

        Let’s Chat About Why We Need to Accommodate New Growth

        Our communities, and the people living in them, have changed since they were first built and will continue to change. It’s important to have a plan in place to guide how our communities will evolve over the next 30 years, and there are a few key considerations to keep in mind.

        While Calgary’s population has been growing approximately 1.8 per cent every year since 1985, the peak population within 86 per cent of Calgary’s established communities has declined. Population stability within established communities is needed to support local schools, businesses, services and infrastructure. It is proven that greater housing choice and diversity support increased population and stabilization within Calgary’s established communities.

        The composition of Calgary’s population is changing. Peoples’ housing needs and preferences are changing as well (e.g., smaller households, a desire to age in place, affordability, etc.). There was an average of 3.5 people per dwelling citywide in 1969, and today it is only 2.7. With no new dwellings and growth, the result is a 23 per cent population decline in established areas. These demographic and socioeconomic changes directly support a need for greater variety of housing choices in established areas.

        The Municipal Development Plan (or MDP, our city’s 60-year plan that guides growth and change) seeks to balance growth between developed and established areas of the city. It has a goal to achieve 50 per cent of overall growth from 2006 to 2066 within our established neighbourhoods. This means we need to allow more homes of different types in our established communities and each community can accommodate evolving forms of growth and change.

        Communities change and evolve over time. We’re creating a local area plan to help ensure change happens in the right ways in the Greater Forest Lawn Communities.

        A community today & in 20 years

        Engagement Booklet

        Engagement booklets have been created for each phase of
        engagement as a way for you to learn more about what's
        being discussed and provide your feedback.

        The Greater Forest Lawn communities will receive an
        engagement booklet for Phase 2 in their mailboxes
        starting January 17, 2023.

        Complete the feedback form on the back page of the
        engagement booklet and drop it in the mail
        (pre-paid postage is included) by February 12, 2023.

        You can also:

        • Pick up a booklet at pick-up locations in the area.
        • Check out the digital version here.
        • Review and answer the feedback form below.

        Feedback Form

        Phase 2 is now closed. Thank you to everyone who participated and provided feedback during the second phase of engagement for the Greater Forest Lawn Communities Local Area Plan.

        The topics open for feedback were:

        • Topic 1: Draft Vision & Core Values
        • Topic 2: Potential Focus Areas for Medium-Large Scale Growth
        • Topic 3: Small-Scale Growth

        There is also an Additional Feedback tab to review the initial draft chapters of the local area plan.

        Topic 1

        Topic 1: Draft Vision & Core Values

        Community change and evolution are gradual, but many small changes can have a big impact over the long term. Having a local area plan in place will ensure that future developments contribute to the big picture outcomes that we’re planning for.

        The draft Vision and Core Values in the local area plan summarize the big ideas, hopes and priorities for the area’s evolution and are used as a foundation for discussions as the local area plan is created.

        Please review the draft Vision and Core Values below to answer the first survey question.

        Draft Vision

        The Greater Forest Lawn Communities will continue to value the cultural diversity and inclusiveness found throughout the plan area and continue to evolve into thriving, welcoming, and safe neighbourhoods by providing well-connected mobility choices, inclusive open spaces, various housing options and business opportunities for people in and beyond the communities.

        Draft Core Values

        Housing Options

        Support quality housing development that is diverse and accessible for people from all income levels throughout the plan area, particularly near transit station areas, International Avenue S.E., commercial areas, major roadways, and community amenities areas, to meet the evolving needs of people in all stages of life.

        Mobility Choices

        Provide safe, efficient, well-maintained, connected, and accessible year-round mobility choices through a network of transit, pathways, walking and wheeling infrastructure, and roadways, to locations including International Avenue S.E., Barlow / Max Bell LRT station, Franklin LRT station, Max Purple BRT transit station areas, and surrounding commercial and residential areas.

        Parks, Open Spaces, and Community Facilities
        Protect and invest in parks, open spaces, and recreational and community facilities for people of all ages, cultural backgrounds and abilities to promote overall community wellness and quality of life. Create a safe, accessible and connected open-space system that links neighbourhoods, parks, natural areas, and community amenities, such as the escarpment park, community hubs, Elliston Park and Max Bell Centre.

        Climate Resilience

        Strengthen resilience to climate change and extreme weather conditions by reimagining the reusing and repurposing of existing buildings and infrastructure and prioritizing innovative energy-and resource-efficient building designs for existing and new development.

        Vibrant and Diverse Culture, Arts and Business
        Attract and support a variety of arts and culture initiatives, employment opportunities, businesses and services along International Avenue S.E. and commercial and industrial areas that enhance and promote the communities’ vibrancy and cultural diversity by revitalizing the area into a creative and cultural destination hub enjoyed by community members and all Calgarians.

        Topic 2

        Topic 2: Moderate-to Large-Scale Growth

        Moderate-to large-scale growth represents homes and businesses that are four storeys or more in height. These can be completely residential or mixed-use with both residences and businesses.

        New moderate-to large-scale buildings for homes and businesses give more people the option of living near local amenities, shops, and restaurants. Since more people bring more businesses to an area, it also provides all residents with increased access to a greater variety of amenities and services nearby.

        There are areas in the city where this type of development is already directed to go. Focus areas for growth are outlined in Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan (MDP).

        These growth focus areas include:

        • Main Streets - Areas of higher density, activity and a variety of uses along specified streets or routes. International Avenue S.E. is a Main Street within the Greater Forest Lawn Communities Plan area.
        • Transit Station Areas - Locations around Light Rail Train (LRT) stations and bus stops with frequent transit such as the MAX line where mixed-use and higher-density development should occur. Barlow / Max Bell LRT station, Franklin LRT station and Max Purple BRT station areas along International Avenue S.E. are currently the Transit Station Areas in the Greater Forest Lawn Plan area.
        • Activity Centres – Concentrated areas of growth with high activity and a variety of uses. Examples in the Greater Forest Lawn Communities include the area surrounding the intersections of Memorial Drive E. and 36th Street S.E., Memorial Drive E. and 52nd Street S.E., Eighth Avenue S.E. and 44th Street S.E., and 26th Avenue S.E. and 36th Street S.E.

        In addition to these focus areas, City planners, the Greater Forest Lawn Communities Working Group and local community associations have reviewed public feedback from the first engagement phase on what exists today and discussed areas where there could be potential for additional growth in the future.

        The map below outlines areas where this type of moderate-to large-scale development is already directed to go (areas with existing land use / zoning of four storeys or more, or areas where Council-approved policy supports more growth — shown in light grey on the map) as well as Additional potential focus Areas where we think this type of development could potentially be appropriate (up for discussion; based on engagement so far and key considerations — shown in pink on the map)

        Greater Forest Lawn Phase 2 Draft Map - For discussion purposes only

        Greater Forest Lawn Phase 2 Draft Map - For discussion purposes only

        *Please note, this map contains minor corrections to the grey ‘Existing Focus Areas for Growth’ that were made after the engagement booklet was printed. As a result, this map is slightly different to the one in the booklet.

        Focus areas for growth are areas where buildings such as residential apartments, buildings with shops on the bottom floor and residential above (mixed-use), or commercial and professional office buildings would fit best.

        • The pink areas are additional potential focus areas for growth to discuss and consider. Based on feedback received so far, these are areas where people think it might make sense for new buildings that are four storeys (or potentially higher) to go.
        • The light grey areas are existing focus areas for growth. These areas are already zoned / have land use that allows for four storeys or more or where Council-approved policy directs for four storeys (or potentially higher) in the future.

        Topic 3

        Topic 3: Small-Scale Growth - Three Storeys or Less

        A small-scale home is any structure that is three storeys or less containing one or more units with individual exterior entrances. Small-scale homes include single-detached homes, semi-detached homes, duplexes, rowhouses, triplexes, fourplexes, and other forms that share those same characteristics. Basement or backyard suites could be included in all small-scale homes except triplexes and fourplexes.

        Today, a single-detached home can be built up to three storeys in any residential area without the need to change the land use / zoning. Rather than only having the option to rebuild a single-detached home, which is and always will be a choice, people may want, need or prefer something different.

        Having a variety of Small-Scale Homes has many benefits for a community:

        • Population stabilization and growth: Communities that have more housing choices have seen their populations stabilize or gradually increase which supports local businesses, schools, recreation facilities and community reinvestment.
        • Housing choice: One size doesn’t fit all. Having a variety of homes to choose from attracts people of different ages and family compositions, creating vibrant communities.
        • Supporting changing life needs: Having more housing options provides the opportunity to live and remain in the same community close to friends, family and the things we know and enjoy, as our housing needs change over our lifetime.
        Examples of Small Scale Growth

        Examples of Small Scale Growth

        Different Types of Small-Scale Homes

        (based on the Land Use Bylaw Rules)

        • Contain one primary residence and may include a backyard or basement suite.
        • Can be different scales including one storey (bungalow) two or three storeys.
        • The general lot coverage is 45 per cent and the maximum height is 10 metres.

        (based on the Land Use Bylaw Rules)

        • Contain two primary residences in one building and may include a basement suite or backyard suite for each primary residence.
        • Residences in semi-detached dwellings are separated from each other side to side, and duplexes are separated above and below.Can be different scales including one storey (bungalow) two or three storeys.
        • The general lot coverage is 45 per cent and the maximum height is 10 metres. This makes the massing generally similar to a single-detached home.

        (based on the Land Use Bylaw Rules)

        • Contain three or more residences on a property and may include a basement suite or backyard suite for each primary residence.
        • Typically have up to 60 per cent lot coverage and up to three storeys in height (11 metres).

        (based on the Land Use Bylaw Rules)

        • Contain three or more primary residences (suites are not permitted).
        • Residences not required to have front entrance facing the street.
        • Typically have up to 60 per cent lot coverage and can be up to three storeys in height (11 metres).
        • Residences are separated from each other side to side and / or top to bottom.

        Additional Feedback

        Additional Feedback: Draft Chapters

        The initial draft chapters of the Greater Forest Lawn Local Area Plan are available for review. Please click on the links to review.

        Chapter 1 draft content was created and refined through engagement in Phase 1: ENVISION. Initial Chapter 2 draft content was created based on engagement in Phase 1: ENVISION and will be further refined based on feedback provided through Phase 2: EXPLORE.

        A refined version of Chapter 2 will be shared in the next phase and will be further refined based on input collected in Phase 3: REFINE.