The technical team is still reviewing the design details for 17 Street S.W. and is seeking public feedback on the three options.

Click through the tabs below and review the three options for the 50th Avenue and 17th Street S.W. intersection. After reviewing all three options and associated benefits and trade-offs of each option, provide your input in the feedback form below the tabs.

Stop control option

Stop signs on north and south side of 50th Ave at 17 street SW.

Click image to enlarge


  • Minimal cost for installation
  • Eastbound and westbound traffic has the right of way


  • Challenging for pedestrians to cross with free flow eastbound/westbound traffic
  • May be difficult to physically stop traffic from going northbound on 17 Street
  • Long delays for vehicles exiting the Glenmore Athletic Park

Traffic signal option

Click image to enlarge


  • Provides safer crossing for pedestrians
  • Better overall traffic operation than the stop control


  • Cost to install and operate signal
  • Eastbound and westbound traffic has to stop at the signal
  • May be difficult to physically stop traffic from going northbound on 17 Street

Roundabout option

Click image to enlarge


  • May act as a traffic calming device as it slows traffic through the intersection
  • Better overall traffic operation than the stop control and signal
  • Can physically stop traffic from entering 17 Street northbound through the roundabout design
  • Better safety performance than stop control and signalized intersection


  • Cost to construct the roundabout
  • Larger footprint than the stop control and signal options

17 Street S.W. Intersection Options Feedback

Which option do you prefer?


Stop control option:

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Traffic signal option:

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You have 255 characters left.

Roundabout option:

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You have 255 characters left.

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.