This phase of engagement is now closed.
The What We Heard Report will be published here in the coming months. Thank you for participating!
The 52 Street East Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project is a Functional Planning Study. It was identified as a priority project in Calgary Transit’s 30-year strategic plan, Route Ahead, which was council-approved on July 4, 2023. As per the plan, the Route 23 local transit service will be upgraded to BRT service as part of the Primary Transit Network. Route 23 which runs on 52 St E is currently the third busiest local route in the City of Calgary and has seen growing ridership.
The 52 Street E BRT will be a 30 km north-south crosstown route on Calgary’s Primary Transit Network (PTN) between Saddle Ridge at Saddletowne Circle and Seton. The BRT route will intersect several PTN routes for more direct connections (ie. Blue Line LRT, MAX Orange, MAX Purple, BRT route 302, future MAX Teal, and future Green Line LRT).
The transit service and experience will be comparable to existing MAX routes in the City with reliable and faster service to live, play and work destinations and transit transfer locations along 52 St E. Customer experience will be improved with amenities such as well-lit heated shelters, real time displays and convenient transfers to other PTN routes to improve the overall transit journey.
As part of the Study, we are also reviewing the MAX Teal extension from its last east end station at Douglas Glen. The RouteAhead identifies MAX Teal connecting further east to 52 Street E to connect the MAX Teal and 52 St E BRT PTN routes for convenient transfers that improve the overall transit journey.
Through this Functional Planning Study, we will:
- Work with the public and key audience to understand the opportunities and/or constraints, as well as their needs, wants, concerns, and ideas;
- Develop a functional plan for the 52 St E BRT corridor including BRT stations, access to transit service, transit priority measures, roads, and intersections;
- Recommend MAX Teal extension functional plan;
- Determine the phasing and cost of the project;
- Identify the necessary right-of-way and develop a business case to acquire funding for future project phases (ie. design and construction).

Public engagement process
We want to hear from you! Public input is a valuable part of developing the plan. Your feedback will play a key role in guiding the next phases of the study.
How your feedback will be used
We will collect input from the public, along with technical data, City policies, budgets and best practices to inform the plan. The studies findings will show how transit connects with other transportation modes along the corridor and help guide future transit development.

The engagement process for the 52 St E BRT study will be conducted in three phases:
- Phase 1: Discover - Gather initial feedback to inform the design concept options.
- Phase 2: Explore - Share design concept options for public feedback.
- Phase 3: Refine - Present the preferred options and gather feedback to refine and prepare the preferred plan.