People in Calgary feel accepted and included and are part of the greater community. They celebrate diversity and accept people from all walks of life. Calgarians acknowledge, respect, and embrace individual rights and freedoms, histories, and culture. Amenities are accessible by people of all ages, race, gender, and abilities. Calgarians are included and trust in political processes and societal decisions that affect their well-being.


The survey for each service is optional. Please help us by completing the whole survey or focus on the services that matter most to you.

Below you will find services the City provides in each tab. For each service there is a list of values to rank by dragging each value over to the right in the order of what is most important to you.

After ranking the values, tell us why you picked the top value.

Affordable Housing

Social Programs

Community Strategies

Neighbourhood Support

Municipal Elections

Citizen Information & Services

Specialized Transit


Administration will take into consideration the findings of this engagement to build their proposed tactical plans for the 2023-2026 One Calgary Service Plans and Budgets in delivering on Council’s priority areas. Other information sources, such as the results of the annual Citizen Satisfaction Survey, will also be taken into consideration.

A What We Heard report will be shared in March with the results of this engagement.