Calgarians enjoy living, working, creating, and playing in safe neighbourhoods that allow people to gather and connect. Calgarians have convenient access to amenities that meet their daily needs. Calgary is a culturally-dynamic city with emphasis and access to arts, culture and recreation throughout the city. People in Calgary value social networks and they help their neighbours when needed.


The survey for each service is optional. Please help us by completing the whole survey or focus on the services that matter most to you.

Below you will find services the City provides in each tab. For each service there is a list of values to rank by dragging each value over to the right in the order of what is most important to you.

After ranking the values, tell us why you picked the top value.

Emergency Management and Business Continuity

Bylaw Education and Compliance

City Planning and Policy

City Cemeteries

Calgary 9-1-1

Fire and Emergency Response

Fire Inspection and Enforcement

Fire Safety Education

Development Approvals

Library Services

Pet Ownership and Licensing

Police Services