About the Project
Melcor Developments and Qualico Communities are working with The City of Calgary, Rocky View County, Transportation and Economic Corridors to develop a functional plan for a new half interchange connection along Highway 1/Trans-Canada Highway. The new half interchange will be located east of Old Banff Coach Road and west of the neighbourhoods of Valley Ridge and Crestmont and will incorporate all modes of transportation.
The new half interchange will provide access to the new residential neighbourhoods west of Valley Ridge and Crestmont. These new neighbourhoods were approved as part of the West View Area Structure Plan.
A set of issues, opportunities and priorities from the technical team and targeted internal interested parties (e.g., City of Calgary, Rocky View County, TEC) were determined to inform the development of the evaluation criteria and concept options for the project.
In the first round of engagement, the project team shared the concept options with the public and gathered feedback on what people liked and what could be improved upon with the different concept options. Feedback gathered in the first round of engagement was used to inform the recommended concept.
We are currently in the second round of engagement, where we will present the recommended concept to the public, answer questions, and take feedback in winter 2025. Feedback received during this round will be used to refine and finalize the recommended concept and develop a final plan for the functional planning study, which will be finalized by Spring 2025.
Join us for a drop-in engagement event on January 29, 2025, from 5 pm to 7 pm at the Crestmont Hall (12400 Crestmont Blvd SW). The event will be a come-and-go style event with display boards providing project information, what we learned from the first round of engagement, and the proposed recommended concept. There will be no formal presentation at the event.
Public input can also be submitted through the online feedback form below from January 22 to February 5, 2025.
We value your input!
The Recommended Concept
The study area includes the half interchange connection along Highway 1 / Trans-Canada Highway located east of Old Banff Coach Road and west of the neighbourhoods of Valley Ridge and Crestmont.
The recommended concept will continue to be refined, and the following 2 options highlight some examples of future refinements.
Please use the feedback form below to provide potential refinements for consideration.
Details about the concept:
- Roundabouts at the interchange junctions with a 4-lane bridge (2 NB and 2 SB lanes)
- All transportation modes are safely accommodated with pathways on either side along 133 Street NW, including across the Trans-Canada Highway
- This plan will be finalized in the detailed design phase for the half interchange
- Option 2A has a steeper slope grade for 133 Street NW (north side of Trans-Canada Highway) compared to 2B
- For vehicles moving WB to NB, option 2A has a yield sign for traffic to bypass roundabouts while option 2B has a free-flowing bypass
- Option 2B is similar in design to the north roundabout at Valley Ridge interchange
- Option 2B adheres to the minimum spacing requirements north of the Trans-Canada Highway whereas Option 2A does not
Examples of future refinements:

Option 2A features
- 133 Street goes straight on the north side of the interchange
- steeper slope grade for 133 Street NW on the north side of Trans-Canada Highway than Option 2B
- a yield sign for vehicles moving WB to NB in order to bypass roundabouts. Option 2B has a free-flowing bypass

Option 2B Features:
- 133 Street is angled to the northwest on the north side of the interchange
- similar in design to the north roundabout at Valley Ridge interchange
- adheres to the minimum spacing requirements north of the Trans-Canada Highway whereas Option 2A does not
- free-flowing bypass to bypass roundabouts for vehicles moving WB to NB
Phase 1
In Phase 1 of the engagement, a set of issues, opportunities and priorities from the technical team and targeted internal interested parties (e.g., City of Calgary, Rocky View County, TEC) were determined to inform the concept options for the project. These concept options were shared with the public in Phase 2.

Phase 2
In phase 2 and in the first round of engagement, the project team shared the concept options with the public and gathered feedback on what people liked and what could be improved upon with the different concept options. Feedback gathered in the first round of engagement was used to inform the recommended concept.
Phase 2 Study Area Maps
The study area includes the interchange connection along Highway 1/TransCanada Highway located east of Old Banff Coach Road and west of the neighbourhoods of Valley Ridge and Crestmont: project area map.
West View Area Structure Plan
An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a long-term planning document that guides the growth and development of undeveloped lands into a complete community. An ASP is the first step in setting general land use concepts and establishing overarching planning policies that guide the development of unserviced lands within an area.
In alignment with the West View Area Structure Plan, which was approved by City Council on February 24, 2020, some of the main goals for the area are to prioritize pedestrian and cyclist circulation, transit service, street networks, and emergency access. The new half interchange will contribute to mobility goals by improving access for all transportation modes to the approved residential neighbourhoods within the West View ASP.
As part of the ASP process, the project team recommended a half interchange (that provides access to / from the east towards Calgary) concept design and analysis report in November 2018, and the report has received an “Approval in Principle” status from TEC. Since this initial concept work and through the completion of the West Calgary Ring Road, the Trans-Canada Highway / 16 Avenue has changed through the study area.
Additionally, a transportation impact assessment was carried out in March 2022 to determine the infrastructure needed to support future traffic generated in the area.
This functional planning study project is the next step to finalizing requirements for the half interchange.
Frequently Asked Questions
Project Goals/Overview
A Functional Planning Study (FPS) is an early-stage planning document to provide recommendations about the future design of transportation infrastructure.
This study is an important step in ensuring that the supporting infrastructure is approved to support future neighbourhood development.
The half interchange location and general configuration have been considered in previous studies and plans, such as the West View Area Structure Plan. The functional plan for the West View Half Interchange is the next step to formalize the design and budget for the half interchange.
FPS Quick Facts
- The primary purpose is to look into the future, identify the land required for infrastructure and develop an estimated cost.
- These plans look at future transportation requirements to support area connectivity.
- An FPS is concluded with a final recommended plan. Recommended plans are often unfunded with no fixed dates for construction.
- Recommendations from studies enable funding discussions along with other infrastructure to support the approved future communities and enhance connectivity to existing communities.
- Most recommended plans are estimated to be implemented in 10 to 30 years but can be implemented sooner or later depending on market conditions and ability to secure funding.
Melcor Developments and Qualico Communities have partnered with The City of Calgary, Rocky View County, Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors to develop a functional plan for a new half interchange connection along Highway 1 / Trans-Canada Highway. The interchange will be located east of Old Banff Coach Road and west of the neighbourhoods of Valley Ridge and Crestmont incorporating all modes of transportation. The half interchange will provide access to the new neighbourhoods planned for west of Valley Ridge and Crestmont.
Primary goals include:
- Develop a functional design for a new half interchange to provide access to the approved residential development within the West View Area Structure Plan.
- To confirm Road Right-Of-Way requirements for the half interchange infrastructure (potential items such as bridges, roads, walls and ponds)
- Define potential infrastructure costs for future budgeting decisions to support the implementation of the half interchange.
- Incorporate safety and best practices considering all travel modes in the study area.
An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a long-term planning document that guides the growth and development of undeveloped lands into a complete community. The ASPs are the first step in setting general land use concepts and establishing overarching planning policies that guide the development of unserviced lands within Calgary’s city limits. The West View ASP was approved by Calgary City Council on February 24, 2020.
As part of the Area Structure Plan process, the project team completed a half interchange concept (that provides access to / from the east towards Calgary) that received an “Approval in Principle” status from Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors. Since this initial concept work and through the completion of the West Calgary Ring Road, the Trans Canada Highway / 16 Avenue has changed through the study area.
Additionally, a transportation impact assessment was carried out in March 2022 to determine the infrastructure needed to support future traffic generated in the area once the neighbourhoods are built.
This functional planning project is the next step towards finalizing requirements for the half interchange. Proposed options were shared with the public for input in September 2025 and a recommended plan will be shared with the public for input in early 2025. More details about the engagement process are below.
The new half interchange will provide access to the new residential neighbourhoods west of Valley Ridge and Crestmont. These new neighbourhoods were approved as part of the West View Area Structure Plan.
Developing a functional design and capital cost estimate for the interchange provides the necessary information to City Administration and Council to make decision about capital funding and timing. The project does not include funding for detailed design or construction.
As part of this project, environmental studies are being conducted by the developer to assess the potential impacts and mitigation measures for the half interchange. The environmental studies for this project include:
- Preliminary Natural Site Assessment (PNSA),
- Level 1 Biophysical Impact Assessment (BIA),
- Phase 1 Environmental Site Assessment (ESA),
- Historical Resource Overview (HRO); and,
- Geotechnical Desktop Study
These studies will help identify any constraints that may affect the half interchange design and to ensure appropriate mitigation strategies are in place.
Engagement Process
A set of issues, opportunities and priorities from the technical team and targeted internal interested parties (e.g., City of Calgary, Rocky View County, TEC) were determined to inform the development of the evaluation criteria and concept options for the project.
In the first round of engagement, the project team shared the concept options with the public and gathered feedback on what people liked and what could be improved upon with the different concept options. Feedback gathered in the first round of engagement was used to inform the recommended concept.
We are currently in the second round of engagement, where we will present the recommended concept to the public, answer questions, and take feedback in winter 2025. Feedback received during this round will be used to refine and finalize the recommended concept and develop a final plan for the FPS, which will be finalized by Spring 2025.
Feedback received during engagement along with technical requirements, best practices, area plans and policies, and budget will be used to develop the final recommended plan.
The second round of engagement is now underway (winter 2025) and the public will have the opportunity to provide feedback on the half interchange recommended concept at an in-person open house or online.
The in-person drop-in engagement event will take place on January 29, 2025, from 5 pm to 7 pm at Crestmont Hall (12400 Crestmont Blvd SW). Public input can also be submitted through the online feedback tool at engage.calgary.ca/westview from January 22 to February 5, 2025.
Feedback received during Phase 2 will be used by the project team to refine the concepts and to develop a recommended plan. The draft recommended plan will be shared with the public to gather further input in Phase 3 (January 2025) before the plan is finalized.
The project team will develop a What We Heard report summarizing each round of engagement, which will be published on the project website at engage.calgary.ca/westview
Transportation Questions
A full interchange is not possible due to spacing constraints from the existing interchanges at Stoney Trail and Range Road 31, therefore all directional access, including access to and from the west, is not possible. Recognizing these constraints, the half interchange has received an “Approval in Principle” status from Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridors.
Traffic flow on the south side of Highway 1 during construction of the half interchange will be managed based on further review and instruction from Alberta Transportation and Economic Corridor (TEC). Speed limits, detours, and other traffic management practices will follow policies outlined by TEC. Impacts to traffic flow are expected to be minimal on the north side of Highway 1.
Concerning site construction and residential development impacts on traffic, please direct your questions and concerns to Qualico Communities.
Traffic volumes and patterns in the area are expected to increase due to the ongoing development and growth of West View and surrounding communities. The half interchange will improve the traffic flow and safety on Highway 1 and West View Boulevard, as well as provide better access to the West View Business Park and future residential areas.
There are multiple existing and planned pathways within and adjacent to the West View Half Interchange study area. The half interchange will improve linkages to Valley Ridge and Crestmont communities to the Regional Pathway system.
Transit is a high-priority mode of transportation as it provides affordable and sustainable mobility options for the community. The Plan Area allows opportunities for future transit service to connect with adjacent communities in west Calgary and throughout the city.