We know that not every secondary suite in Calgary is registered with us. It is important to register secondary suites to ensure they are safe, for homeowners and renters. There are a variety of reasons why someone may choose not to register their secondary suite and we asked you to help us identify and understand them.

In our online engagement during November and December 2023, we asked people who own secondary suites (registered and unregistered) to help us gain a better understanding of the barriers and challenges to registering a secondary suite. We also learned about the lived experience of people who rent secondary suites. Responses helped us improve the current processes, supports and incentives to encourage the registration of more secondary suites. You can read the What We Heard Report here.

The What We Are Doing Report below or here shows how we have been and will use the information collected going forward. The "What We Heard themes" are shown in red and the "What We Are Doing" responses are in the bullets below. We appreciate participants who took the time to give us feedback.

Throughout this page and the surveys, the term "suite" means “secondary suite”. A secondary suite is a self-contained residence with two or more rooms that includes kitchen, living, sleeping and bathroom areas. Secondary suites are located within a home. This project does not apply to apartments or backyard suites.

For next steps see the Secondary Suite Incentive Program Page here.

What We Are Doing Report

What We Did Report

Engagement overview

Online engagement took place from November 6 until December 15, 2023, on engage.calgary.ca/suitesfeedback.

Homeowners with registered or unregistered suites and renters of secondary suites were asked specific questions. During the online engagement period 7,687 people viewed the project page, with 4,740 being unique visitors. 762 contributions were made by 332 homeowners with registered suites, 190 homeowners with unregistered suites and 206 renters of secondary suites.

What we asked

Your feedback is strictly confidential and cannot be attributed to you or your property

Examples of where secondary suites may be located within the home.

Online Feedback is now closed.

Are you a neighbour of a secondary suite?

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