Riley Communities Local Area Plan Approved by Council

On March 4, 2025, Council approved Three Readings to the Riley Communities Local Area Plan (Bylaw 25P2025), with amendments, in a 10-2 vote.

Summary of Council-directed Amendments:

  • Amend Urban Form Category and Building Scale Maps (Map 3 and 4) of the Riley Communities Local Area Plan for two blocks located on the south side of 1 Avenue NW between 7 Street NW and 9 Street NW. These amendments would change the Urban Form Category from Neighbourhood Local to Neighbourhood Connector, and the Building Scale from Limited (up to 3 storeys) to Low (up to 6 storeys) for these two affected blocks. This Council-directed amendment requires readvertising and will be brought forward to Council on April 8, 2025 as an amendment to the Plan that was approved on March 4, 2025.

Summary of Council-approved Amendments:

  • Update the Riley Communities Local Area Plan to remove all references to the “Calgary Metropolitan Region Board” (CMRB) and any such appendices that were included that would enable a Regional Evaluation Framework circulation to be undertaken.

Adjust Urban Form Category & Building Scale for two blocks located on the south side of 1 Avenue NW between 7 Street NW and 9 Street NW as per the following:

That with respect to Revised Report IP2025-0009, the following amendment be adopted, as amended:

That Council insert a new Recommendation 1 as follows, and renumber the subsequent recommendations accordingly:

  1. Direct Administration to prepare the following amendments for the portion of the block that is located on the south side of 1 Avenue NW between 7 Street NW and 9 Street NW and to bring a new proposed bylaw directly to the 2025 April 08 Public Hearing of Council for three readings;
  2. Amend Map 3: Urban Form by changing “Neighbourhood Local” to “Neighbourhood Connector”; and
  3. Amend Map 4: Building Scale by changing “Limited (up to 3 storeys)” to “Low (up to 6 storeys)”.

OUTCOME Motion Carried

To update the Staff Report Recommendation with the Motion 1 amendments:

That with respect to Revised Report IP2025-0009, the following be adopted, as amended:

That Council:

  1. Direct Administration to prepare the following amendments for the portion of the block that is located on the south side of 1 Avenue NW between 7 Street NW and 9 Street NW and to bring a new proposed bylaw directly to the 2025 April 08 Public Hearing of Council for three readings:
  2. Amend Map 3: Urban Form by changing “Neighbourhood Local” to “Neighbourhood Connector”; and
  3. Amend Map 4: Building Scale by changing “Limited (up to 3 storeys)” to “Low (up to 6 storeys)”;
  4. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 25P2025 to adopt the Riley Communities Local Area Plan and repeal Bylaw 19P87 Hillhurst/Sunnyside Area Redevelopment Plan and Bylaw 15P89 Hounsfield Heights/Briar Hill Area Redevelopment Plan (Attachment 2);
  5. RESCIND, by resolution, the North Bow Design Brief;
  6. Give three readings to Proposed Bylaw 26P2025 for amendments to the 1P2007 Land Use Bylaw to implement Heritage Guideline Areas (Attachment 6); and
  7. Direct that Confidential Attachment 14 remain confidential pursuant to Section 17 (Disclosure harmful to personal privacy) of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, not to be released.

OUTCOME Motion Carried

Update the Riley Communities Local Area Plan to remove all References of “Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB)”

That Proposed Bylaw 25P2025 be amended as follows:

  1. In Contents, delete the text “Appendix B: Regional Corridors and Context Map” under the heading “Appendices” and renumber the subsequent appendices and references to the subsequent appendices accordingly throughout Attachment 2.
  2. In Contents, delete the text references to “Map B1: Regional Transmission Corridors and Context, Map B2: Regional Transportation Corridors and Context and Map B3: Growth Plan Placetype Alignment” under the heading “Maps” and renumber the subsequent maps accordingly.
  3. In Section 4.1 Policy Framework, delete the text “, and the Regional Growth Plan” at the end of the third sentence.
  4. In Section 4.2 Local Area Plan Interpretation, delete policy (g) and renumber subsequent policies accordingly.
  5. Delete the existing Appendix B entitled “Regional Corridors and Context Map” in its entirety including the existing Map B1 entitled “Regional Transmission Corridors and Context”, existing Map B2 entitled “Regional Transportation Corridors and Context”, and existing Map B3 entitled “Growth Plan Placetype Alignment” and renumber the subsequent maps and references to the subsequent maps accordingly throughout Attachment 2.

OUTCOME Motion Carried

The Riley Communities Local Area Plan (the Plan) is the result of over two and half years of engagement with participants including residents, business owners, community association youth, seniors, and development industry representatives, and a dedicated and diverse working group. Feedback provided by participants throughout the process helped shape and refine the Plan that was brought forward to Council. A recording of Council, presentation and attachments can be viewed online here.

The Plan sets out the vision and policies to guide growth, change and investment over the next 30 years in the communities of Sunnyside, Hillhurst, West Hillhurst and Hounsfield Heights - Briar Hill. In addition to policies directing how land can be used and redeveloped in the area, the Plan identifies community improvements and investments to support communities as they experience growth and change.

With the approval of the Riley Communities Local Area Plan, there is now direction on future development, investment and community improvements that residents, landowners, builders/developers, planners and Councillors can commonly refer to when new development and investment ideas are proposed.

The Plan aims to support the area as it evolves by:

  • Increasing housing choice and affordability;
  • Improving Pedestrian and cycling pathways;
  • Enhancing local parks and open spaces.
  • Incentivizing heritage retention in the Riley Communities; and,
  • Fostering vibrant transit station areas.

Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and provided input throughout the creation of the
Riley Communities Local Area Plan
. Your contributions and the contributions of others who are passionate about this area helped shape the Plan that has been approved. Your interest, time and dedication are invaluable and truly appreciated.

On October 16, 2024, the Riley Communities Local Area Plan was originally presented to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee (IPC) and the recommendation to refer the Plan back to Administration was passed. The motion was then presented to Council on October 29, 2024 and passed unanimously. Administration was directed by Council to review and amend portions of the Plan based on the referral motion direction below:

  1. Prioritize greater density around Transit Oriented Development (TOD) sites within the Riley Communities Local Area Plan;
  2. Focus on planning for growth and change that integrates multi-modal mobility and improved citizen experience of land use development that enables walkability, community connections, and integrated commercial and residential uses for all ages and abilities; and
  3. Report back to the Infrastructure and Planning Committee by Q2 2025.

On January 8, 2025, the revised Riley Communities Local Area Plan, in response to the above referral motion, was presented to IPC. IPC recommended proceeding with Council’s Public Hearing meeting of March 4, 2025.

Since September 28, 2022, we have been working with area residents, community associations, heritage advocates, home builders and developers to create Heritage Guidelines for an area in the Riley Communities with a concentrated grouping of heritage assets, specific to the communities of Sunnyside and Hillhurst. Heritage assets, sometimes known as character homes, are privately-owned structures, typically constructed prior to 1945, that significantly retain their original form, scale, massing, window/door pattern and architectural details or materials. Communities in Calgary have sought these types of area-based heritage conservation tools for a long time. In July 2020, Council approved a series of conservation tools and incentives to offer that area-based approach.

In October 2023, during Phase 3 of the development of the Riley Communities Local Area Plan (LAP), the final draft Heritage Guidelines were shared with the public to inform residents within the Heritage Guideline Area. This included both an in-person session and virtual information session with an Engage Portal where the public could provide comments and Administration could gather feedback to finalize the Heritage Guidelines.

Riley Communities Heritage Guidelines Implementation Guide and Heritage Guidelines ensure that new development built in this heritage-rich area of the Riley Communities are sensitive to the historic context and respect existing heritage assets. The Heritage Guidelines are included in the Riley Communities LAP, the long-range planning policy document that guides growth and change within these communities, that is going to a Public Hearing of Council on March 4, 2025.

The intent is that the Heritage Guidelines will address general characteristics of buildings rather than enforcing strict architectural rules. Although the design of new development needs to be sensitive to and respect existing heritage assets, the intent of the Heritage Guidelines is not to require new development to have a historic appearance. Instead, the Heritage Guidelines are written to encourage modern development that is highly contextual and echoes the past context established by existing heritage assets.


Communities change and evolve over time. Conversations about where, why and how revitalization and redevelopment should happen are essential to ensure our communities change in the right ways. Through the local area planning process, we'll work together to create a future vision for how land could be used and redeveloped in the Riley Communities area. A local area plan outlines a future vision for the area, provides guidance on what growth and change makes sense where, and includes development direction that residents, landowners, builders and developers, city planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development ideas are proposed by property owners and landowners in the area.

Learn more about Local Area Planning in Calgary.

The Riley Communities Local Area Planning project is one of the 42 multi-communities areas in the city. This project includes the communities of: Sunnyside, Hillhurst, West Hillhurst and Hounsfield Heights - Briar Hill.

A new local area plan will fill gaps in communities/areas where no local plan currently exists and replace other plans that are largely outdated. In this project context, the local area plan will cover multiple communities and will be a statutory plan adopted by Council as an Area Redevelopment Plan.

Riley Communities Heritage Guidelines

Since September 28, 2022 we have been working with area residents, community associations, heritage advocates, home builders and developers to create Heritage Guidelines for an area in the Riley Communities with a concentrated grouping of heritage assets, specific to the communities of Sunnyside and Hillhurst. Heritage assets, sometimes known as character homes, are privately-owned structures, typically constructed prior to 1945, that significantly retain their original form, scale, massing, window/door pattern and architectural details or materials. Communities in Calgary have sought these types of area-based heritage conservation tools for a long time. In July 2020, Council approved a series of conservation tools and incentives to offer that area-based approach.

In October 2023, during Phase 3 of the development of the Riley Communities Local Area Plan (LAP), the final draft Heritage Guidelines were shared with the public to inform residents within the Heritage Guideline Area. This included both an in-person session and virtual information session with an Engage Portal where the public could provide comments and Administration could gather feedback to finalize the Heritage Guidelines.

The Heritage Guidelines will help ensure that new development built in this heritage-rich area of the Riley Communities are sensitive to the historic context and respect existing heritage assets. The Heritage Guidelines are included in the Riley Communities LAP, the long-range planning policy document that guides growth and change within these communities, that is going to a Public Hearing of Council on March 4, 2025.

The intent is that the Heritage Guidelines will address general characteristics of buildings rather than enforcing strict architectural rules. Although the design of new development needs to be sensitive to and respect existing heritage assets, the intent of the Heritage Guidelines is not to require new development to have a historic appearance. Instead, the Heritage Guidelines are written to encourage modern development that is highly contextual and echoes the past context established by existing heritage assets.

To help inform our understanding of community context & trends in the local area plan, we are also undertaking a mobility study. This study will review existing and anticipated transportation issues and opportunities in the Riley communities. In addition, this study will provide a long-term roadmap for the City to guide transportation improvement projects and investments to address issues and opportunities over the next several years. This page will be updated as the project develops.


Four phase process from winter 2022 - fall 2023

Riley Communities Local Area Plan: Project Timeline

  • Timeline item 1 - complete


    Phase 1: Spring 2022

    • Looking back at the past, understanding the present and envisioning the future of the area.
    • Share what you love about the community, what could be improved, and your vision for the future.
    • Apply to be a member of the working group
  • Timeline item 2 - complete


    Phase 2: Fall / Winter 2022

    • Exploring where and how growth and change could happen in the area.
  • Timeline item 3 - complete


    Phase 3: Fall 2023

    • Refining the local area plan and confirming investment priorities.
  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete


    Phase 4: Spring - Fall 2024

    • May-June 2024: Sharing the final draft local area plan with the public for review.
    • September - October 2024: Sharing the proposed plan and bringing it forward to Committee and Council for review and Public Hearing.

Past Engagement

Below are reports completed after each phase of engagement.

To learn about what we heard from the public and other key impacted and interested groups view the What We Heard Reports and What We Heard Engagement Summary.

To see key themes raised as well as summaries of what we did in each phase of engagement, view the What We Did Reports.


Phase 2: EXPLORE

Phase 3: REFINE

Phase 4: REALIZE

Related Planning Initiatives

We’re planning and building our city now to ensure we remain a place where home is sustainable, diverse, accessible, equitable and liveable for everyone. We need to act now as we are quickly approaching a population of two million Calgarians.

Current initiatives include:

  • Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy: This strategy aspires to ensure that everyone living in Calgary has an affordable place to call home.
  • City Building Program: This program of work, which includes the Calgary Plan, Zoning Bylaw, and Street Manual, will set the forward-looking direction, and provide clear and user-friendly policy and regulation for The City and our partners to guide growth, mobility, land-use and development citywide.
  • Rezoning for Housing: As part of the Home is Here: The City of Calgary’s Housing Strategy this work will present to Council a proposal to rezone low-density residential areas to a base residential district that supports more housing options and improves affordability in all communities.

Learn more and get involved in these current initiatives focused on supporting the ongoing planning and building of our city.


Your feedback is needed to help shape how your community and the surrounding area grows and changes over the next 30 years.

Click the links below to review previous engagement phases and to get involved in current engagement as the Riley Communities Local Area Plan is created and refined.