Phase 2 COMING SOON Spring Phase 1 Results are In!
Phase 1 engagement was open for input from May 23-July 15, 2024.
To view the Phase 1 What We Heard Report click here.
What are we doing?
We're developing dedicated pathway and bikeway routes in Pineridge, Temple, Rundle and Whitehorn, aligning with Calgary's established Pathway and Bikeway Network. These connections will focus on routes that serve students, recreation, shopping, and work destinations. When built, these routes will provide safe, healthy, and affordable travel choices for people of all ages and all abilities, year-round.
Why are we doing it?
High traffic safety incidents and connecting nearby amenities are the two main reasons we are investing in pathways and bikeways in these neighbourhoods. Calgary data shows that this area experienced higher numbers of injury collisions between 2017 and 2021. Designing safer streets and addressing missing connections will allow a safe and comfortable choice for everyone when exploring their neighbourhood.
What will we do with your feedback?
Phase 1: Discover: is now complete. Public input from this phase is being considered alongside factors such as cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, and long-range plans to inform design options that will be presented in Phase 2: Explore coming in Winter 2025.
At the conclusion of each engagement phase, a What We Heard report summarizing feedback will be produced and made available on this page. You can read the Phase 1: Discover What We Heard Report here.
Phase 1 engagement asked participants to share their valuable local perspectives, opinions, and concerns. This will help the project team understand the local context and needs of the area as we consider options for Phase 2: Explore. The input from this phase will be considered alongside factors such as cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, and long-range plans to inform design options that will be presented in Phase 2 - Explore.
We will have a table at the Ward 10 Open House to introduce the project coming soon.
Rundle Carnival Pancake Breakfast at Rundle Community Association.
Temple Kids Bike Parade at the Temple Community Association, 167 Templegreen Rd NE
Visit our table at the Village Fair event at Village Square Leisure Centre.
Whitehorn Community Association Pancake Breakfast - rescheduled from July 3, 2024 at 228 Whitehorn Rd NE
Rundle LRT Station morning commute pop up.
Think about the experiences of students, people with mobility challenges, parents with strollers / young children, and seniors travelling in the community. If we consider improvements for the most vulnerable it will make the pathways and bikeways safer for all!
- Review Comments: Take a look at the comments left by your neighbors.
- Thumbs Up or Down: Show your support by giving a thumbs up or express disagreement with a thumbs down.
- Submit Your Idea: Feel free to share your unique ideas (maximum 140 characters per box).
- One Idea Per Box: Aim for one idea per box to make it easy for others to react to each comment. You can add more than one idea if you like.
What else do you want The City to consider when improving the area for walking, biking, and wheeling?
Note: comments are pre-moderated - harassing, abusive, or non-inclusive speech won't be posted.
15 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
NE needs SAFE bike path connections over Deerfoot Tr at 16ave NE, McKnight Blvd NE, Airport Tr NE under runway, Country hill blvd NE.
15 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
The NE bike pathways need to be connected to the rest of the city including city centre, the airport, and other parts of the city.
14 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Colour-code the Bike-paths and walk-paths; put up sign of "please do not touch pedestrians; when on bikes".
12 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Bicycles are considered vehicles under highway traffic act, as such would like dedicated bike lanes all over Whitehorn
11 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
I live in Whitehorn and work at the airport. There no direct safe trails to get to the airport from east of 36st NE. Please help with this
10 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Were was the option to thumb up or down on the mobile. The entire ne from memorial dr to micknight needs signs I lose the path often
9 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Garbage / recycling enclosures at major entry/exit points.
9 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Address connectivity gaps in major pathway systems - 50th Ave SE is incredibly dangerous as it forces you onto heavy industrial street
9 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Plan the complete system like roads - all connections must safely lead to the skeletal pathways: Greenway, TC Trail, River paths.
9 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
Please add more waste bins and benches where possible on the pathway system. Example between 28 ave north to temple drive, there are none.
9 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
The sidewalk on the south side of 32 ave is disjointed. Consider pathway along the boulevard from 56 -60 st and 64-68 street.
8 July, 2024
Anonymous says:
At the corner of 28th and 60th en route to Clarence Sansolm school, cars routinely drive fast down both roads. It needs to be a 4 way stop.