In this phase the final plan is shared and presented to Committee and Council for review and decision.
In consultation with area stakeholders, The City of Calgary is undertaking a project to create heritage guidelines for areas in the North Hill Communities that have concentrated groupings of heritage assets, commonly known as character homes. Heritage assets are privately owned structures, typically constructed prior to 1945, that significantly retain their original form, scale, massing, window/door pattern and architectural details or materials.
This project will develop policy guidelines within specific areas of the North Hill communities. To see what areas have been identified as heritage guideline areas please see the map.
These guidelines will focus on conserving and enhancing the historic character of these specific areas and help ensure that new development is more contextually appropriate and better fits in with existing character homes there. The guidelines will be included as an update to the recently approved North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (LAP). April 5-22, 2022, there is an opportunity to provide feedback on the draft Heritage Guidelines. You can review the draft Heritage Guidelines and fill in the online survey by visiting
On September 14, 2021 Council approved the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (LAP) with a 13-1 vote. This plan is Calgary’s first modernized, multi-community local area plan and is the result of over 2.5 years of engagement with area stakeholders including residents, community associations, business improvement areas, and the building and development industry. Not to mention several rounds of committee and Council directed revisions over the past year.
The North Hill Communities LAP sets out the vision and policies to guide growth and change in the communities of Capitol Hill, Crescent Heights, Highland Park, Mount Pleasant, Renfrew, Rosedale, Thorncliffe-Greenview (south of McKnight Blvd), Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview and Greenview Industrial. In addition to policies for how land can be used and redevelopment in the area, the Plan identifies actions that can be taken to support communities as they experience growth and change. The plan will help support local businesses, create new business opportunities, and guide City investment in the area – such as within the area’s main streets, parks, and civic and recreation facilities. The plan will also support The City’s largest infrastructure investment ever, the Green Line LRT by providing greater opportunities for people to choose to live and work in this area.
With the approval of the North Hill Communities LAP, we’re excited to be moving ahead with specific actions identified in the LAP including developing heritage guidelines for heritage areas and local area improvement such as Balmoral Circus Improvements, Crescent Road Master Plan, 40 Avenue N.E. Park & Area Improvements and North Mount Pleasant Arts Centre Area Improvements.
Thank you to everyone who dedicated their time and provided input throughout the creation of the Plan!
On June 21, 2021 the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (the Plan) was brought forward to Council. At that meeting, Council gave first reading to the Plan and provided direction to reduce building scale in certain locations and correct minor mapping inconsistencies showing 31 Avenue NE connected to 6 Street NE. Second and third readings were withheld pending review of the Plan by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB).
An updated version of the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (June 21, 2021 which incorporated Council direction) was circulated to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board (CMRB). The CMRB issued a formal letter of approval on August 20, 2021. For additional information on the CMRB review and their approval of the Plan, visit
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan will now return to Council for second and third readings. The scheduled Council date is September 13, 2021.
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan received first reading at Council on June 21 and is now headed to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board for review, prior to returning to Council for second and third reading.
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (the Plan) was first brought forward to Committee and Council in the spring and summer of 2020 and was refined based on public input and Council direction. Most recently, the Plan was brought back to Council for a Public Hearing on March 24, additional refinements were then directed by Council April 12, and the Plan returned to Council on June 21 where it received first reading with a vote of 10-4.
Next Steps
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan will now be circulated to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board. After a recommendation is provided by the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board Administration, municipalities are given a 28-day period for review. The Plan will then return to Council for second and third reading, with an estimated to return to Council in September 2021.
As the first multi-community local area plan in Calgary, the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan will help guide change in the area by: outlining a future vision for the area and providing development direction to match development with the priorities for future local investment in the area. The Plan is the first to incorporate best practice direction from the Guide for Local Area Planning, including incorporation of Heritage Guideline Areas and a Single-Detached Special Policy Area. The Plan is also the first to pilot a property tax uplift, which aims to link new development and the resulting tax revenue increase with funding for growth-related local investment in the area, such as the priorities outlined in the Plan.
Thank You!
Throughout the creation and refinement of the Plan, thousands of citizens and stakeholders (including community members, local business owners, landowners, development industry members, community association and business improvement area representatives) dedicated their time to help create, shape and refine the Plan. In total, 61 engagement events were held, over 20,000 participants were engaged, and over 7,000 ideas and inputs were collected. Thank you to everyone who took the time to get involved.
Stay Tuned
An update will be provided following circulation to the Calgary Metropolitan Region Board and prior to the Plan’s return to Council.
Recent Council & Committee Direction – North Hill Communities Local Area Plan & The Guide for Local Area Planning
At the April 12 meeting of Council, Administration was directed to make a series of amendments to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (LAP), incorporate the policies in the Guide as needed, and return to Council by June 21, 2021.
The Guide for Local Area Planning (previously named "Guidebook for Great Communities") was considered and accepted by the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development (PUD) Committee on May 5, 2021. The Committee directed Administration to use the document, with the 62 amendments proposed, as a best-practice guide to planning communities in collaboration with citizens and other stakeholders through the Local Area Plan (LAP) program.
What does this mean for the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan?
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan has been informed by the Guide throughout its creation and evolution. For example, the recently updated urban form and scale categories within the Guide were incorporated in the January 2021 version of the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (LAP) and the North Hill Communities LAP policies build on or add to the foundational policies within the Guide. Based on the new direction provided by Council and Committee, outlined above, the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan will see additional two key refinements:
When will the revised North Hill Communities Local Area Plan be available for review and presented to Council?
The revised North Hill Communities LAP will be shared with the public on June 1, 2021. The revised North Hill Communities LAP will be presented to Council on June 21, 2021.
Summary of April 12, 2021 Combined Meeting of Council
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan was tabled to the April 12, 2021 Combined Meeting of Council. At that meeting, Council referred the North Hill Communities Plan back to Administration to incorporate amendments, policies from the Guidebook, as required, and report directly to Council no later than June 21, 2021. Council also approved two motions arising related to the North Hill Communities Plan.
For additional information, please review the following:
When a Council date is determined, it will be posted.
March 2021 Update: Public Hearing of Council & Next Steps
The Guidebook for Great Communities and North Hill Communities Local Area Plan were presented and discussed at the public hearing of Council March 22 - 24, 2021. Over 130 citizens provided feedback directly, with 24 people speaking specifically to the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan. Additional input was also received through written submissions. Thank you to everyone who took the time to get involved.
Guidebook Next Steps
The Guidebook team was directed by Council (see item 8.2.1 within the official minutes) to report back to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development on May 5, 2021 with a What We Heard Report (summarizing comments received through the public hearing related to the Guidebook) as well as any proposed amendments to the Guidebook for consideration.
North Hill Communities Next Steps
The North Hill Communities Local Area Plan was tabled and will return to the Combined Meeting of Council on Monday, April 12, 2021 for further discussion and direction. The April 12 Council session is not a public hearing, but the public can tune in online. Visit to view the agenda (typically released the Thursday prior) and access the live stream. An update will be posted following Council on April 12.
The refined North Hill Communities Local Area Plan (North Hill LAP), along with the Guidebook for Great Communities (Guidebook) are scheduled to be released on Jan. 4, 2021.
In July of this year, Council directed Administration to undertake further work on the Guidebook and the North Hill LAP, and return by no later than the January Planning and Urban Development Committee meeting.
Providing time for review
Based on the importance of these policies and plans to citizens and our stakeholders, the holiday season, and the unprecedented situation in which we find ourselves with the COVID pandemic, we’re ensuring there is more time for people to review and learn about the newly refined Guidebook and North Hill Communities LAP in 2021.
The following information outlines the plan for public release and review, leading up to the Combined Meeting of Council:
Jan. 4: Publicly release and circulate refined Guidebook ( and North Hill LAP (
Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development:
Jan. 13: Attend SPC on Planning and Urban Development (PUD). We will give an update on the Guidebook and North Hill Communities LAP and be available to answer questions.
Feb. 3: Bring Guidebook and North Hill Communities LAP to PUD, which will result in a recommendation to the Combined Meeting of Council. This meeting will give PUD members and citizens a more fulsome presentation and opportunity for questions and comments.
March 22: Bring Guidebook and North Hill Communities LAP to Combined Meeting of Council, if PUD makes a recommendation to Council. This public hearing is another opportunity for citizens and Council to ask questions and provide comment. This meeting of Council will include a Council decision.
The newly refined Guidebook is scheduled to be posted at on Jan. 4. The newly refined North Hill Communities Local Area Plan will be posted here on Jan 4.
North Hill Communities Local Area Plan – Update on Revisions (October 2020)
In parallel to the Guidebook refinements, the North Hill team has been refining the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan. Focus areas for refinement are based on previous stakeholder feedback and direction provided by Council (captured in Attachment 2 of the North Hill Communities Council report). Three North Hill engagement sessions were held in late September with key stakeholders (North Hill Working Group alumni, community association representatives and development industry representatives). They reviewed and discussed changes to the draft plan, as well as recent updates to the Guidebook. The engagement sessions focused on the following key areas:
The North Hill team is currently working on additional refinements to the plan, based on input received through the stakeholder sessions and additional Guidebook refinements. The next steps include: sharing the revised draft plan with Calgary Planning Commission (November 5) and making any additional refinements; sharing the final draft plan with key stakeholders (mid-to-late November); publishing the revised proposed plan on (likely December); and returning to PUD with the revised proposed plan in no later than January 2021.
On July 27, 2020, Council directed Administration to revise the Guidebook for Great Communities (Guidebook) and the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan based on feedback received from stakeholders (outlined in the report and attachments found on the Council Agenda at 7.6 and 7.7.) and return back to PUD no later than January 2021.
For the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan, a key area of focus will be completing refinements to the plan (noted in the Attachment 2 of the North Hill Communities Council report), including an update to the future growth concept based on the new Urban Form Categories that are created through the Guidebook work. Updates on the Guidebook revisions can be found at
Based on direction from Council, the scope of the revisions and background understanding that is required, we are engaging with targeted stakeholders and citizens who have been closely involved in the creation of the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan.
Council Referral back to PUD Committee
On Monday June 15, Council approved a motion to refer the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan and the Guidebook for Great Communities back to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development (PUD) on July 15, rather than proceeding to a public hearing of Council.
The Council motion and referral of both plans back to the PUD on July 15 enables potential refinements to be further discussed and/or directed prior to a public hearing of Council. On July 15, Administration will bring forward a presentation outlining proposed refinements for discussion.
The report for this meeting will be available the Thursday prior (visit link below) and members of the public may speak at PUD (please note the instructions for participating): Council & Committee Agendas, Minutes and Video.
Committee & Council Meeting Background
On March 4, the North Hill Communities Local Area Plan and the Guidebook for Great Communities were presented to the Standing Policy Committee on Planning and Urban Development (PUD). Feedback received at the Committee meeting indicated there were aspects of both plans that may benefit from further refinement. Ultimately, Committee recommended approval of the two policy documents and for their consideration at a Public Hearing of Council. However, with a desire for further refinements to be made, but a lack of ability for Administration to make refinements between Committee and Council meetings, a referral from Council back to PUD was made to ensure refinements could be further discussed and/or directed prior to a public hearing of Council.
The North Hill Communities Local Growth Planning initiative includes the communities of: Highland Park, Mount Pleasant, Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview, Crescent Heights, Renfrew, Rosedale, Capitol Hill and Thorncliffe Greenview (south of Mcknight Blvd).
Through the local growth planning process, we worked together to create a future vision for how land could be used and redeveloped in the area – building on the vision, goals and policies outlined in Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan and the Guide for Local Area Planning.
Why is this happening?
Communities change and evolve over the years. Buildings gain character, community demographics change, trees mature, local amenities and businesses change ownership and offerings. A big part of a community’s life cycle is redevelopment, which often begins when communities reach a certain age and homes, buildings and amenities need to be refreshed and revitalized or renewed and replaced. When a neighbourhood reaches an age and stage when revitalization and redevelopment naturally start to happen, a local area plan is a helpful tool to have in place.
What is a local area plan?
A local area plan encapsulates a future vision for the area and provides development direction that residents, landowners, builders/developers, City Planners and Councillors can commonly refer to as new development ideas are proposed by property owners and landowners within the area. A local area plan includes the following sections, aiming to answer the accompanying question and includes the associated key components:
For more information on local area planning in Calgary, please click here.
The North Hill Communities Local Growth Planning initiative includes the communities of: Highland Park, Mount Pleasant, Tuxedo Park, Winston Heights-Mountview, Crescent Heights, Renfrew, Rosedale, Capitol Hill and Thorncliffe Greenview (south of Mcknight Blvd).
Through the local growth planning process, we’ll work together to create a future vision for how land could be used and redeveloped in the area – building on the vision, goals and policies outlined in Calgary’s Municipal Development Plan and the Guide for Local Area Planning.
A new local area plan(s) will fill gaps in communities where no local plan currently exists and replace other plans that are largely outdated.
Currently, the North Hill Communities area has ten local policy documents, each covering different portions of the area. These documents were originally created between 1977 and 2017 including:
(date in brackets indicates year of original adoption or when an entire new version was adopted)
Updating and consolidating policies in the above plans will provide a more comprehensive picture of where growth should occur in the future. This is particularly important for growth corridors such as Edmonton Trail NE, Centre St N, 16 Avenue N and 4 St NW that are within or adjacent to multiple communities. Further, identifying local growth opportunities along these corridors and within communities is important in order to support existing schools facing declining enrollment, retain and expand the variety of commercial and retail services and support recent and future investment in transit infrastructure, including the Green Line and North Crosstown BRT (Bus Rapid Transit) services.
For those wanting to do further reading, here are some helpful background documents on the project, City planning processes and/or growth and redevelopment. As the project progresses, this library will be added to.
Background handouts:
Background videos:
Background maps:
Other projects in the area:
Public engagement is now complete.
We are currently in the final phase of the project, REALIZE. The final proposed plan will be shared with the public prior to being presented to the Special Policy Committee on Planning & Urban Development on January 13, 2021. Click through each of the tiles below to learn more about each phase of the project.
In this phase the final plan is shared and presented to Committee and Council for review and decision.
We shared the draft plan for evaluation through our third phase of engagement from November 25 - December 8, 2019.
We were envisioning and exploring key opportunities and big ideas and the future vision for growth!
Feedback was collected from February 12 - March 10, 2019
Share and discuss what you love about your community with your neighbours. What does it tell us about the area?
Discussion was open October 16 - November 25.
Why do developed communities need to evolve?
How is growth and redevelopment managed?
Learn more about the North Hill Community Working Group and see what they are working on.
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