Need more info? Please refer to the participant packages.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of concept 3 and why?
<p style="color: rgb(63, 71, 78);">What do you think this concept's benefits and impacts will be on:</p><ul><li>The way the community looks, feels and moves?</li><li>Providing equal protection from river flood to all citizens/communities?</li><li>The amenities/services in your community?</li><li>The health of the rivers and floodplain as it flows from the mountains, through the city and to other communities downstream?</li><li>The long-term supply and quality of water for our community?</li><li>Protecting Calgary's economic core? Should downtown be protected to a higher level?</li><li>The city as a whole?</li></ul>
- Recent
- Popular
- Rising
9 November, 2016
Kim says:
Springbank Reservoir needs to proceed NOW as it provides the most protection. The barriers along the Bow are less appealing.
8 November, 2016
Vanice Simpson says:
“Mclean Creek dry dam protects more people, costs less, with lower environmental impact. Protect Everyone upstream and downstream.
8 November, 2016
Linda says:
A dry dam in Springbank will cause too much damage to farmland and someone else's community for the amount of protection it will provide.
8 November, 2016
Evan Welbourn says:
We need to do the spring bank reservoir .
It is common to at least two of the proposed solutions
8 November, 2016
Markj Hornby says:
Barriers are necessary in addition to reservoirs on both rivers. Pareas such as Sunnyside and Bowness need barriers in addition to reservoir
8 November, 2016
Kel Johnston says:
Your drawbacks list is substantially longer than the benefits. I question your cost benefit study.
8 November, 2016
Prospring says:
Springbank reservoir is by far best solution on a cost/benefit basis.
8 November, 2016
bwalker says:
This would be preferable to barriers alone. Springbank reservoir is the most cost effective first line of defence.
8 November, 2016
Tom says:
Don't create barriers on private land. If this is necessary, buy out property owners at market rates. Barriers will destroy their lifestyle
8 November, 2016
lornatsta says:
Yes to Springbank idea, barriers along Bow might offer more protection to downtown, cheaper than Bow storage option, impact during building
8 November, 2016
ken says:
Dam should be built upstream of Bearspaw Dam by province
8 November, 2016
Brian says:
How is this concept a higher cost benefit than other concepts? Look at MR1 without barriers! SR1 will be a slough. MR1 a pristine lake.
8 November, 2016
Katya says:
How can both concepts 2 and 3 provide the least flood protection, when the benefit of #3 is double that of #2? Descriptions are wrong.
8 November, 2016
Dano says:
Barriers are ineffective as a flood mitigation measure.
8 November, 2016
Dorothy says:
No to Springbank dam. It would protect such a small part of Calgary. The Bow is the biggest flooder and needs the most attention.
8 November, 2016
Sandman says:
Increasing the height of Glenmore Dam to increase its capacity is a good idea, in conjunction with the Springbank reservoir.
8 November, 2016
Sandman says:
Flood barriers cause environmental damage, are unsightly and dangerous, are unfriendly to wildlife, and limit recreational use of rivers.
8 November, 2016
Sandman says:
The best solution is to complete the Springbank project ASAP, and then construct a similar reservoir on the Bow.
8 November, 2016
S Mountjoy says:
Let's not forget and minimize the devastation of 3 years ago! We know upstream mitigation (Springbank) is essential. Please move forward.
8 November, 2016
Bill says:
Best. Protects all and all can share the the cost. Otherwise, tax only Calgarians for any other measures.
8 November, 2016
Jim says:
Build the dam in McLean Creek. That way Calgary can have a water reservoir and private land is left in tact.
8 November, 2016
Msthebow says:
This is my first choice. The upstream mitigation is essential.
8 November, 2016
Paul says:
This seems to make sense - the upstream reservoir is critical. Protect Calgary!!!
8 November, 2016
Yes to SR1 says:
SR1 is good but rethink barriers on Bow. Work with 5 upstream dams to manage flow instead.
8 November, 2016
Smith says:
Relying on SR1 which does not protect the downtown core. Barriers will only help in specific areas, not reliable during major flood event.
8 November, 2016
John Simpson says:
You'll have to keep building bigger berms because the high waters keep depositing gravel & debris every year displacing and rising the river
8 November, 2016
John Simpson says:
“Every high water event carries more debris into the river creating more displacement = higher waters. DREDGE the river as well as berm. ”
8 November, 2016
KevinT says:
If the Springbank Dam is built what is built to protect the communities upstream?
8 November, 2016
KevinT says:
Barriers seem like a promising solution for Sunnyside. Wouldn't need to add much to the existing berms to protect the community.
8 November, 2016
Raised in Springbank says:
NDP campaigned promising to scrap SR1 & move on McLean. The old "bait & switch" is in play right before our eyes. Disgusted with this tactic
8 November, 2016
Michelle Williams says:
I live in Calgary - protect all citizens rural/city, small/large centres equally -use crown land - belongs to everyone - Dam McClean Creek!
8 November, 2016
Raised in Springbank says:
Calgarians are not more worthy human beings than any other Albertans. Why isn't this about protecting the most people possible per project?
8 November, 2016
Raised in Springbank says:
Poor planning by Calgary city planners cannot be made to be the problem of the Springbank residents who don't live on a flood plain.
8 November, 2016
John says:
These questions have been re-visited several times. Experts concur that the Springbank reservoir is most effective. Quit stalling.
8 November, 2016
Bill says:
Protect the most possible. Springbank dam does not do that. Have to protect downtown. That means McLean Creek.
8 November, 2016
Raised in Springbank says:
Too much money to "protect" city residents better than upstream rural residents. Protect citizens equally. Dam McLean!
8 November, 2016
Kay says:
No dam! Destroys lives and livelihoods. Only helps Elbow Drive, not downtown area. Too many tax dollars for too little gain.
8 November, 2016
Frank says:
A Springbank dry dam? What do they plan to do once it has been filled once with silt, trees etc? Are they going to reclaim it or leave it?
8 November, 2016
Frank says:
A Springbank dry dam? What do they plan to do once it has been filled once with silt, trees etc? Are they going to reclaim it or leave it?
8 November, 2016
Bert says:
No Springbank dam. Expensive. Little protection. McLean protects downtown core.
8 November, 2016
SR1 Boondoggle says:
Can we not unify for a solution that helps THE MOST? GoA has the land,engineers have expertise. Go further upstream: McLean Dam or TRJR.
8 November, 2016
Anthony says:
Why does NDP really want 7000 acres of farmland? Could it be redevelopment? Dam would not protect downtown or the Bow. Only Elbow. NO!!
8 November, 2016
Bob says:
Relative to upstream mitigation, barriers do not offer the same cost-benefit efficiency, and are still susceptible to multiple failure spots
8 November, 2016
Rick says:
The best solution for the city in total.
7 November, 2016
not happy says:
Flooding Springbank for the benefit of Calgarians is no benefit. We are better than that.
7 November, 2016
Naomi says:
The opinions of several flood experts that were engaged by the PC and NDP governments concluded the best solution is Springbank. Build it!
7 November, 2016
Peter Brimacombe says:
I'm for any option that includes building springbank
Can't see owners/communities being for these barriers
Build springbank and protect us!
7 November, 2016
SR1 boondoggle says:
I want my tax$$ to help the most, not subject injurious affection on even a few, that's not morally right when options exist. NO to SR1!
7 November, 2016
SR1 boondoggle says:
Calgary was duped about SR1, everybody wants it fast! McLean or Tri-River Jt Reservoir would protect the masses, not just a few along Elbow
7 November, 2016
Smann says:
As upstream expansion flood fields have been successfully implemented in Europe, GET GOING!!!
7 November, 2016
SR1 boondoggle says:
GoA not transparent with cost/benefit for SR1. What if there is no flood damage compensation? Elbow homes got it twice!! Where's justice?
7 November, 2016
Pat says:
Build Springbank. Barriers seem to have more negative impact than positive. There should be better ways to protect downtown.
7 November, 2016
Please Hurry says:
Looks like the Springbank Reservoir is the most effective. Lets build it before the next flood!
7 November, 2016
Enough says:
GoA needs to get tough with civic officials about land use. One community should not bear the brunt for decades of floodplain development.
7 November, 2016
Brenda L. says:
Fed govt have identified environmental issues, etc and r now involved. What does that tell you? More "political" science than hard science?
7 November, 2016
John says:
Calgary river communities can complain that berms are unsightly, but Springbank residents resist losing their community and they cry NIMBY?!
7 November, 2016
John says:
There is absolutely no reason flood mitigation needs to happen on private land! Build on crown land at MacLean, protect all communities!
7 November, 2016
John says:
Why Springbank? Because 10 years from now the province can make a mint developing "lakeside property"! MC1 Has everyone's good in mind!
7 November, 2016
John says:
Wow, true colours of Calgarians shown! You think you were the only ones to lose everything to the flood?? MC1 Protects all of us!
7 November, 2016
concerned says:
SR1 bulldozes productive farmland. Mclean Creek can hold equal volume and be a better dam than a mudflat,
All plans protect downtown
7 November, 2016
Commonsense says:
Crazy to spend so much $ for benefit of small # of homes. Think... build a dam, generate hydro elec, create jobs & recreation opportunities!
7 November, 2016
Megan says:
Why is this so dramatic? This is rural vs. urban! It's pathetic. Why dont we all look at the big picture? Protect everyone.
7 November, 2016
Gargoyle says:
Not a necessary dam, people shouldn't build beside the river - it's a flood plain! only every 100 yrs but a flood plain nevertheless.
7 November, 2016
Megan says:
Do you know grizzly bears, cougars and elk live here, right in Springbank? They have for generations. Why make them pay for our problems?
7 November, 2016
Megan says:
The government needs to ban building on a flood plain. This would not be an issue. Build upstream and protect everyone.
7 November, 2016
Megan says:
This land is precious, not only to myself and my family, but to the wildlife that call Springbank home. Don't dam Springbank.
7 November, 2016
Megan says:
It's appauling that urban people are pushing SR1. Protect everyone. Not just the people who live in expensive houses on the flood plain.
7 November, 2016
C.W. says:
All of the areas affected by both thev2013bElbow and Bow flooding need to be protected
7 November, 2016
Robert Edgar says:
Strong idea. Protects Calgary core 100% and deals with problem spots along bow river
7 November, 2016
Flooded twice says:
Upstream mitigation is the only option that makes sense. Get on with SR1.
7 November, 2016
Brandon says:
This concept takes water mitigation that the glenmore is sappose to do and making a big one else where in the guyse of flood protection.
7 November, 2016
Ddd says:
Build spring bank.
7 November, 2016
Ignorance is bliss says:
If SR1 goes through don't be shocked when you find out the cost benefit analysis was bogus. Don't be fooled SR1 is not the cheapest/best opt
7 November, 2016
Laurie says:
Drought will be a much bigger issue in the coming years. Go with MC1. Provide protection, recreation, wildlife habitat for all!
7 November, 2016
k says:
Why are urban lives & livelihoods more important than rural ones? Dam MacLean Creek and protect everyone!
7 November, 2016
tom kent says:
barriers dubious , will force up city taxes unless Feds are paying? dithering will cause province to possibly blink on Springbank. build it
7 November, 2016
Mary Saucier says:
7 November, 2016
Darlene rogers says:
We cannot afford further devastation as a city. Flooding has occurred for over 100 years and will worsen with climate change. ACT NOW !!!!!!
7 November, 2016
fklein68 says:
Think upstream reservoir protects downtown and homes along Elbow with little impact on community. Barriers along Bow disruptive and ugly
7 November, 2016
Richard says:
Yes to Springbank, but Bow River needs more than just barriers. They would be too high and ruin riverbank. Bow needs both.
7 November, 2016
Allan says:
Listen to the Tri River Joint Reservoir Project. Protect all communities. Forget SR1!!
7 November, 2016
gg says:
Barriers on the Bow and not the Elbow may lead to higher levels on the Bow backing up into the Elbow and flooding there. Mitigate upstream!
7 November, 2016
Agata Korth says:
Just do whatever is necessary to protect our city. Enough "discussions" just do it already!
7 November, 2016
NDM says:
The city is already reinforcing the banks of the bow why can't they do the same on the Elbow?
7 November, 2016
Tired of fighting says:
Protect all communities. Build dam at McLean Creek!
7 November, 2016
Richard Maire says:
Berms are not the solution.Build Springbank dry dam ASAP.
7 November, 2016
OI says:
A dam in Springbank would not be a cost effective solution and still leave communities unprotected. Alberta taxpayers deserve better
7 November, 2016
Michael Mulloy says:
As a Sunnyside resident, I support the Hillhurst Sunnyside Community Association brief on flood mitigation measures.
7 November, 2016
SRCJ says:
Does not offer comprehensive floor protection. Damage to environment, ecology, farm land & health is shortsighted & politically motivated
7 November, 2016
EB says:
I fully support the combination of SR1 and barriers along the Bow, plus further investigation about a Bow reservoir. The cost/ben is clear.
7 November, 2016
JKS says:
Bad idea to restrict farmland for a 100 year flood while still not protecting upstream. Dredge glenmore reservoir so it holds more water.
7 November, 2016
Sara says:
McLean Creek area is a mess from the flood. Common sense=dam McLean. Resort recreation, store water, protect Brragg Creek, RW Meadows & YYC
7 November, 2016
Shannon says:
Don't destroy Springbank and our ranching heritage. #AlbertaStrong means we pull together and don't sacrifice one community for another.
7 November, 2016
Margaret says:
Take care of the Bow, its waters affect far more people than the Elbow. McLean Creek!
7 November, 2016
Sandra says:
The Bow needs flood mitigation first, not the Elbow. Downtown must be protected. McLean Creek is the answer.
7 November, 2016
Marc says:
This is a terrible plan. It doesn't protect up-stream communities (Bragg Creek/Redwood Meadows) and will cost far more than estimated.
7 November, 2016
Khan says:
Studying the environmental impact on MC would take years (probably never be built) leaving zero mitigation for the ones affected. SR1!
7 November, 2016
Barb says:
Fully support SR1, as this has been studied over and over as the best option. Less damage to wildlife natural area where MC would be.
7 November, 2016
flood victim~Rideau says:
YES to Upstream mitigation (SR1); Combined with strategically placed barriers ~ Let's get this done.
7 November, 2016
all says:
The McLean Creek Option is better for Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows and Tsuu T'ina as well as for downtown Calgary. Better for all.
7 November, 2016
mly says:
McLean Creek Is an inclusive solution! Don't destroy Springbank lands!
7 November, 2016
Harold says:
Do you value clean drinking water? Go further upstream. See preventingalbertafloods.ca Risks with SR1 are too great. See Stantec report.
7 November, 2016
Harold says:
The Federal Govt agree a Canadian Environmental Assessment must be done. There is just cause. SR1is not best protection for the good of all.
7 November, 2016
Clay Robinson says:
Maclean Creek is the option for everyone on the Elbow River including the City of Calgary. Don't destroy homes and families for a 1/2 fix
7 November, 2016
Harold says:
Downtown is the economic engine of Calgary, so manage the problem. BOW RIVER mitigation, first! See IBI report, 2/3 of damages from the BOW
7 November, 2016
Harold says:
McLean Creek:Reservoir capacity & recreational value on Crown land. That's the Alberta way, not to inflict injurious affection upon others.
7 November, 2016
Roger123 says:
McLean Creek is the best solution. Both in $$ and Protect Bragg Creek as well. Only the Gov would be so inept. Lower dam levels in Spring.
7 November, 2016
Laurie Edge-Hughes says:
Do what you can within the city to mitigate flooding. Don't wreck Springbank lands. Dam McLean Creek instead!
7 November, 2016
Rambo says:
Springbank Dam is an expensive, experimental solution to an extremely rare occurrence. Use Mclean Creek, making it recreational for all!
7 November, 2016
Common sense says:
Build MC1 It is on Government land. Don't take lives, homes & businesses away from people that were here long before anyone else!!!
7 November, 2016
LW says:
Sprinbank vs barriers is just a " give in to the wealthy" Sacrifice agriculture and useable environment for the Wealthy..Mclean Creek!!!
7 November, 2016
BP says:
It is not feasible that barriers alone will protect communities and downtown Calgary. The Bow & Elbow need upstream reservoirs/mitigation.
7 November, 2016
KH says:
McLean Creek option best-already Gov't owned. Springbank dam won't protect downtown. Springbank dam way too costly and displaces families.
7 November, 2016
Adrian Nagy says:
This is a Calgary problem-don't make it problem for Springbank. There are other alternatives that apparently have not been identified
7 November, 2016
JN says:
Dam is a waste of billions of dollars and a complete enviro mess. Poorly thought out and a waste. Economics don't match!
7 November, 2016
Harold says:
Downtown damages were from the Bow. The majority of people affected by the flood were in Bowness and downtown. SR1 does nothing for them!
7 November, 2016
Anne says:
Most important to protect downtown. A dam at Springbank won't do that. Berms and barriers will.
7 November, 2016
Lucy says:
Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir a total waste of billions. McLean Creek more affordable and more effective.
7 November, 2016
Lesley says:
Why does the NDP government want to buy 7000 acres at Springbank when they already own McLean Creek? Get real!
7 November, 2016
flood victim says:
Shame on those opposed to this. A flood event MAY impact some farmland temporarily while it is SURE to devastate Calgary homes & businesses.
6 November, 2016
SG says:
We must have upstream mitigation projects completed as soon as possible. SR1 is the best idea.
6 November, 2016
Larry says:
SR1 is a poor choice. It protects only a few homes and is extremely costly. The Province has grossly understated the true cost of SR1
6 November, 2016
PG says:
Upstream mitigation (SR-1 and Bow) make the most sense. Downtown Calgary must be protected.
6 November, 2016
HM says:
SR1 costs unknown, less effective than believed, protects only a few. MR1 makes more sense in ever way.
6 November, 2016
Frank says:
6 Billion dollars in damage. This is a common sense mitigation strategy the province needs the courage to mitigate or accept the blame.
6 November, 2016
Reece says:
There could not be an infrastructure project more worthy of funding than the Springbank reservoir given potential damage of another flood
6 November, 2016
Get on with it says:
Both are required. Downtown is the economic engine of the city. It needs to be protected
6 November, 2016
Mark says:
SR1 is not the right option. Violating landowners rights and destroying fertile land while much better options have been ignored. NOT OK!
6 November, 2016
RFLOG1 says:
The cost of SR1 will continue to mushroom. I strongly support the McLean Creek option as was promised as part of the NDP election platform.
6 November, 2016
Jumping Pound Guy says:
Homeowners below Glenmore Dam have already been offered buyouts by Province. Buyout the 20 or so holdouts and build berms along the river.
6 November, 2016
Marlene says:
Mclean Creek provides drought management, energy generation and recreation space that the government could profit from. SR1 is a mistake.
6 November, 2016
Jim says:
SR1 floods over pipelines carrying toxic petrochemicals. Pipeline failure would contaminate city drinking water. McLean Creek is safer.
6 November, 2016
Dave says:
Why the rush? This is not an urgent problem. Take time to figure out the best way. Its not daming Springbank.
6 November, 2016
Helen says:
The government's valuation of the land at Springbank is far too low. This proposal will cost far more than they say and will do little
6 November, 2016
Colin says:
What does the government really want all this land at Springbank for? I don't think its for a dam.
6 November, 2016
ranchman 1 says:
Springbank Road - while not driveable - cuts the school bus route off and divides Springbank trade routes off! Is that a cost/benefit?
6 November, 2016
ranchman 1 says:
GOA cost/benefit does NOT include current land cost, cost of raising Hwy 22, cost of moving Springbank Road to a new location!
6 November, 2016
Marlene says:
The McLean Creek project needs to be considered as seriously and critically as all other options. SR1 is not the best option.
6 November, 2016
Ron says:
SR1 is not flood mitigation. It only transfers flood and damage from one community onto another. McLean creek helps all upstream.
6 November, 2016
Jim says:
The Zika mosquito was found in Canada. Countless pools of stagnant water left behind from SR1 will breed mosquitos. Health Risk!
6 November, 2016
Dr. R B Church says:
See 1890s Elbow River reviews by Gord Pearce Studies as reviewed by Water Smart in Dec 2014.
5 November, 2016
Sam says:
Calgary is not only city on a flood plain. It is the only city that hasn't actively worked to mirigate flood damage. Look to other cities
5 November, 2016
Sam says:
YYC is one of very few cities worldwide that doesn't have in-city flood protection along the river. E.g. Seoul - has never flooded.
5 November, 2016
Brenda L. says:
Droughts statistically are more frequent than floods. Springbank DRY dam is poor public policy, short-sighted and questionable cost/benefit.
5 November, 2016
Brenda L. says:
Droughts statistically are more frequent than floods. Springbank DRY dam is very short-sighted, bad public policy and a waste of money.
5 November, 2016
Brenda L. says:
Calgary's greatest damage was from the Bow. SR1 is misguided and bad public policy. The Bow river needs attention and berm the Elbow River.
5 November, 2016
DM says:
The Concept misleadingly refers to the SR1 size as "a field" and a tiny red star on the map. It's closer to 6500 acres up to 1# highway.
5 November, 2016
Kate says:
Linda, “Springbank reservoir is the best idea. It makes sense.” - Can you please elaborate on that?
5 November, 2016
Tom says:
The 2013 flood was a 1 in 200/250 year event. Why has this not been made public and why are we fixated on moving so quickly?
5 November, 2016
Linda says:
Springbank reservoir is the best idea. It makes sense.
5 November, 2016
Grant Gunderson says:
we're getting a bit " touchy-feely " here . I feel that " equality of protection " could interfere with the timely completion of Springbank
5 November, 2016
Emma says:
So far, this SR1 concept has been less than quick, outrageously expensive, and and publicly divisive. Now tell me, why not Maclean Creek?
5 November, 2016
Jim says:
McLean Creek area needs restoration. Build McLean Creek Dam.
5 November, 2016
yycNorth says:
No to SR1. Terrible cost/benefit balance. GoA needs to come clean on this! Go McLean. An area to protect all with potential for recreation.
5 November, 2016
Diane says:
Springbank dry dam is the best option, barriers do not slow the water.
5 November, 2016
Calgary native-born says:
No. McLean Creek is better option. Keep ranchers on own & heritage land. Use prov-owned land at McLean Creek & protect more communities
5 November, 2016
Dave says:
Damming springbank is a terrible idea! McLean Creek protects the most people without sacrificing springbank and private land.
5 November, 2016
4hollands@platinum.c says:
How about putting a dam where Allen Bill Pond is so all communities like Bragg creek and Red Wood Meadows would benefit.
Save buying land
5 November, 2016
cm115 says:
Damming Springbank is a horrible idea. It will ruin lives, and destroy ecology. Why is it even an option? I am a resident of Riverbend YYC.
5 November, 2016
Donna says:
Why sacrifice Springbank and the ground water which the residents drink and still not solve flooding in Bragg Creek and Redwood Meadows
5 November, 2016
Les says:
A reservoir at Springbank will not stop the Bow flooding, it will only perhaps help a few residents of Elbow Drive who chose to live there.
5 November, 2016
Richard says:
In addition to Concept 3, berming at current bike path elevation between 25th av and Talisman hill will prevent flooding to 1 in 20 yr event
5 November, 2016
Richard says:
Concept 3 provides the lowest cost highest benefit mitigation solution. It must be pursued.
5 November, 2016
Mac says:
Why waste billions wrecking Sprinbank? It won't help downtown Calgary. Use MacLean Creek.
5 November, 2016
BG says:
Why should residents of Springbank pay the price of poor planning decisions by the City of Calgary? We need more and better options.
5 November, 2016
Heth says:
Springbank reservoir would help very few, and be a criminal waste of tax-payers' money. It is the Bow that needs to have barriers.
5 November, 2016
PaulineH says:
The area earmarked for SR1 is NOT a natural floodplain. The most logical decision would be to allow "room for the river" on floodplains.
5 November, 2016
Duke says:
Springbank option unfairly penalizes more people than the upstream management. Use crown land at McLean creek and mitigate flooding for all.
5 November, 2016
Karlin says:
McClean creek is clearly a better option. Protect the many, not the few.
5 November, 2016
PaulineH says:
SR1 will not protect upstream Elbow communities nor will it protect downtown Calgary. Don't buy into the GoA's rhetoric.
5 November, 2016
Ruffian says:
Springbank option protects inky a chosen few. Go with McLean creek, thus is an Alberta issue, not just downtown Calgary
5 November, 2016
CW says:
All Albertans will pay. Any project of this size and expense should be put to an ALBERTA-WIDE REFERENDUM.
5 November, 2016
Jim says:
Upstream management is the better option. Combine barriers with public access/paths.
5 November, 2016
JB says:
Build McLean option, protect BCreek and Redwood instead of just protecting rich properties in Calgary
5 November, 2016
Chris says:
Makes more sense to build a dam at McLean Creek on crown land instead of letting land owners from Springbank, Bragg and Redwood suffer.
5 November, 2016
zenapw says:
Yes 2 Mclean! I know many that live in the proposed SB area; 1family has a 100yr working ranch. This will destroy their lives, protect them!
4 November, 2016
Ted says:
It does not provide equal protection from future floods for all those impacted. The Springbank Reservoir only protects those downstream.
4 November, 2016
PC says:
Alberta's struggling: Schools and healthcare need help. Unemployment rising. Nenshi says 1in 10 live in poverty in YYC . SAY NO WAY to SR1!
4 November, 2016
DCM says:
Makes more sense to build a dam at McLean Creek on crown land rather than taking productive land and homes from the community of Springbank.
4 November, 2016
Kymf says:
McLean Creek Dam would protect both City and rural communities. It is the best option.
4 November, 2016
Kymf says:
McLean Creek option will be the least expensive option and will impact the way fewer people & communities
4 November, 2016
Kymf says:
Soringbank Dam will end up the costliest option once dewatering, sediment erosion & land acquisition costs are included
4 November, 2016
NoSpringbank says:
Too costly, unfair expropriation, not faster, McLean better site and protection alternative for all.
4 November, 2016
EBA says:
Offstream storage allows the land to be used productively in non-flood years. Springbank still has access to the land. Build Springbank.
4 November, 2016
Tom says:
Calgary River group calls Springbank the "opposition". Springbank group advocates for McLean to protect more Albertans. Build McLean Creek.
4 November, 2016
Jeannette says:
The total costs of EIA's, evological loss and private buy outs makes it a very expensive operation. Which won't work fix the causes upstream
4 November, 2016
Tom says:
McLean Creek protects Calgary Elbow communities and upstream neighbours. Flaws with McLean are overstated or fabricated. Manage dams on Bow.
4 November, 2016
Leigh says:
Springbank is not right. We don't want our taxes to sacrifice one community to save another.
4 November, 2016
Jeannette says:
Terrible idea. There are a number of upstream resivoir already. They weren't emptied despite being recommended to. They destroy ecosystems.
4 November, 2016
MG says:
Dam McLean. Cheaper, creates recreation, protects Calgary, Bragg Creek, Tsuu Tina and Redwood and doesn't destroy another community.
4 November, 2016
Tom H B Yeoman says:
IF we can get Springbank dry dam built (cheapest, most `beneficial'), other barrier or diversion proposals may be OK. First: SPRINGBANK
4 November, 2016
Sean m says:
Barriers seem far too complicated and destructive. Upstream mitigation-Springbank makes most sense
4 November, 2016
JennyJube says:
We need to protect all communities, not just Calgary. Redwood, Tsuu T'ina and Bragg Creek need to be considered, too. Don't Dam Springbank.
4 November, 2016
Heather says:
It is not fair that people who have chosen to live right beside a river, pass the consequences of flooding onto farmers in Springbank.
4 November, 2016
Janev says:
Upstream Springbank option is the best option and will benefit the majority of people. Please start building it NOW. No more delays.
4 November, 2016
Jon says:
Total waste of capital. Those that live on the river should insure themselves.
4 November, 2016
bragg creek user says:
This is a provincially funded issue. Calgary property is but ONE part of it. Protect upstream too or build your pond within city limits.
4 November, 2016
bragg creek user says:
Too expensive with purchase of private land required and denial of land rights. Public land near mclean creek would be less expensive
4 November, 2016
bragg creek user says:
Does nothing to protect upstream properties in Bragg Creek or upper watershed infrastructure owned by the province. Too expensive.
4 November, 2016
Mike says:
Why build it springbank when you could build on public land mclean and create another spot for recreation?
4 November, 2016
Garry Edwards says:
The berms are fine for small floods. An upstream dry dam is critical in the long term and Springbank is obvious choice of options. Build it!
4 November, 2016
George says:
I'm not in favour of off stream storage. The cost is too high
4 November, 2016
Bbbn says:
Springbank Dam is a bad idea for all the reasons I put in my option 1 comments. Any plan with a Springbank Dam is a bad idea.
4 November, 2016
ScienceRules says:
No solution with Springbank reservoir is good. The inflow design to the reservoir is not sufficient to mitigate a flood surge.
4 November, 2016
LLH says:
Trying to predict just what the rivers will do in another flood is a fools game. Build some berms, move some houses and give the river room.
4 November, 2016
LLH says:
Dykes and berms are good enough to protect High River and other towns, build some in Calgary!
4 November, 2016
LLH says:
If you live in a flood plan, up flood insurance? Why should the rest of us pay for where you choose to live?
4 November, 2016
LLH says:
People have mentioned a spot where the Highwood River, the Sheep and the Elbow could be controlled. Look at that option! Protect more people
4 November, 2016
LLH says:
Wait for the university studies on flood before proceeding with daming Springbank, they might have better ideas, that protect more people.
4 November, 2016
Derick says:
Why ruin heritage farms in Springbank when you can build it on Crown land in McClean creek and save many more Alberta tax payers homes
4 November, 2016
Bill says:
Maclean creek flood mitigation makes more sense $ wise and in efficiency
Saves more communities than using spring bank flood plain
Wake up
4 November, 2016
Derrick Jewlal says:
We have so much useful dry land. Do we need to destroy the environment due to our poor decisions to build on the flood plain? Waste of $$
4 November, 2016
CW says:
NO to SR1! Killing one community to save another is wrong. Other options need to be investigated.
4 November, 2016
Frankie says:
MacLean Creek is destructive to the environment. Springbank affects few (yes, compensate them) but protects thousands. Build it! Now!
4 November, 2016
Gary says:
Ridiculous that McLean Creek isn't the #1 option, protecting the most people and property!
4 November, 2016
Robin says:
Upstream dam in McLean Creek protects Calgary ! AND ! protect Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Tsuu T’ina & Springbank
4 November, 2016
Dee says:
McLean Creek is the only option, protects the most people.
4 November, 2016
Robert Lehodey says:
An OK middle ground between Concepts 1 & 2 - let's fix the whole problem not part of it with effective reservoirs.
4 November, 2016
Forbes Newman says:
It is vitally important to get moving on the Spring bank Reservoir ASAP! Every year wasted puts the entire city at risk.
4 November, 2016
CB says:
The government needs to focus on getting the Springbank Dam built asap. These other measures are not significant enough to stop
a flood.
4 November, 2016
MKP says:
No dam at Springbank. McLean creek is on crown land, protects more people and won't ruin one community to save another.
4 November, 2016
Carl says:
I understand the desire to consult the public, but please just get on with protecting the City! The engineers have already spoken.
4 November, 2016
Doug says:
Upstream reservoir first please
4 November, 2016
LDQ says:
Must be done, this is the first step to protect the city
4 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Permanent fortification of Prince's Island Causeway after 2013 damage creates need for higher berms and groundH2O barriers along MemDr ASAP.
4 November, 2016
Ed says:
Best option. SR can be farmed when not a reservoir. Out of commission 1 year out of 100? Reservoir needed for greater good of Alberta.
4 November, 2016
George says:
This concept substitutes barriers for Bow River upstream mitigation.
Cheaper and be in the City of Calgary's control?
Build Springbank NOW!
4 November, 2016
TS says:
building both may mean compromises on both, as the impression from both sides will be that the other project will keep us safe.
4 November, 2016
Cindy says:
I support these concepts 100% and would like to see them proceed asap - they've been studied to death and they make sense, now is the time!
4 November, 2016
JBRideau says:
Upstream reservoirs are best practice for major cities built on river systems. Alberta fortunate to still have that option, so why not act?
3 November, 2016
Janet says:
The barrier is a terrible idea. Build the two reservoirs.
3 November, 2016
Tom Yeoman says:
Better than Elbow barriers, but not as good as Springbank. And likely more expensive too. I'm not in favour.
3 November, 2016
Suzanne says:
Two reservoirs are preferable but build barriers along the Bow if the Bow reservoir will be delayed. Build Springbank reservoir now.
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Memorial Drive is lifeline for emergency vehicles, fire, EMS, etc. Protect Memorial Drive with higher berm. Build SpringbankRes ASAP.
3 November, 2016
Lv says:
Spring bank reservoir ASAP. Far superior.
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Build infrastructure to 1:350 now; don't wait for 1:200 to be obsolete.
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Sunnyside berm withstood 2013 flood; just needs to be higher with groundwater barrier. SpringbankRes & barriers ASAP. BowReservoir later.
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Make TransAlta agreement permanent to manage GhostReservoir for flood & drought. Community safety & protection 1st priority over recreation.
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Natural river-rock covered walls & berms with groundwater barriers to protect river communites; use gravel from bars deposited in 2013 flood
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
CommunitiesNeedAffordable flood insurance, only available once communities are protected to appropriate level; Berms, barriers&SpringbankRes
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Tax-paying communities should be protected to as high a level as Zoo & Downtown core. Berms, groundwater barriers, SpringbankReservoir ASAP.
3 November, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
ElbowRiver communities need SpringbankReservoir ASAP.
Higher berms & groundwater barrier needed along MemorialDr ASAP.
BowR Reservoir later.
3 November, 2016
Matt says:
Flood protection has been practiced for thousands of years and helped deliver the high standard of living we have today. Emminant domain!
3 November, 2016
Carol says:
The "posh" not the only ones affected by the flood. Many business closed,many Calgarians affected. Option 3 good. Select barrier locations
3 November, 2016
NJ says:
The Springbank dry reservoir is still 1st choice. Strategic berms/barriers within the city on both rivers might help directing high waters
3 November, 2016
JH says:
Berms or walls without ground water barriers are less useful. What happens to water that comes up behind them and the rivers?
3 November, 2016
flood victim says:
We lost almost everything in the last flood, prevention is the only solution. FYI our garden is amazing since the flood. Stop fear mongering
3 November, 2016
flood victim says:
This project will protect thousands of people and MAY cause a small disruption to a very few people in the Springbank area.
3 November, 2016
dan.cal says:
Doesn't make sense to flood thousands of acres of family owned ranch lands and render it unusable.
3 November, 2016
Jim says:
The ranchland will be sterile and unusable after flooding by SR1. Dead, covered in inorganic silt. A very poor choice for long term planning
3 November, 2016
Jim says:
We all want protection for our homes and businesses. Not debate about sacrificing one community for the sake of another. MaClean Creek, yes
3 November, 2016
Concerned Taxpayer says:
Obvious choice for the greater good is Concept 3.
2 November, 2016
MW says:
Springbank terrrible idea--would ruin Albertan's homes and businesses. Dam Mclean!! Save Bragg Creek and Redwood Meadows while you're at it
1 November, 2016
Theatre Mom says:
Ugly and not cost-effective. McLean Creek?
1 November, 2016
Dave Reesor says:
SDD ignores aftermath. Vast mudflat followed by vast dust bowl. West wind will carry powder to Calgary. Visit Exshaw to experience rock dust
1 November, 2016
NO SR1 says:
Springbank Dam only serves a few posh areas along the Elbow - Readeau/Roxboro and Elbow Park. NO ONE ELSE! It's POLITICS before PEOPLE again
1 November, 2016
ranchman1 says:
There is a tri-river option the GOA has NOT released results on. Is it the best one and that is why?
1 November, 2016
ranchman1 says:
Springbank is named after all the springs over the lands. What will a dam do to all those drinking water sources? Safe? Or not?
1 November, 2016
ranchman1 says:
New GOA promised full-science first. Got political decision just like previous GOA. Not good enough. Do science.
1 November, 2016
Sara says:
Springbank has a huge natural runoff through it. Springbank dam has no control on this flow. SR1 could become overwhelmed.
1 November, 2016
Sara says:
Earthen dams have a high risk factor. Google Teton Dam Disaster. Failure would result in a Calgary Tsunami.
1 November, 2016
Jim says:
Gov floods SR1 for 90 days. Light and O2 cut off from native grassland. Grassland dies. Environmental disaster is left behind.
1 November, 2016
Jim says:
Original cost for Bragg Creek $8M. Budget as today $32.8M + $5.5M Fed. SR1 will cost 4 to 5X what we were told $1B+. Use McLean Creek.
31 October, 2016
Tom says:
Dam at McLean Creek. Manage the Glenmore Reservoir and Bow River dams better and some strategically placed barriers and we are good.
31 October, 2016
Don. E. says:
Unsightly and very expensive when you settle the expropriation court fights.
31 October, 2016
Mary says:
Let's try barriers and existing damcontrol first -please no dry dam to benefit elbow community only
31 October, 2016
Noelle Read says:
When there is a vital, urgent need for protection, 3 levels of govt. should focus on problem, find solution and implement ASAP. Prioritize.
31 October, 2016
Noelle Read says:
Springbank dam and barriers along the Bow River will not protect Calgary or the other 32 river communities devastated in the 2013 flood.
31 October, 2016
CC says:
Springbank is not fast, cheap or easy as it was promoted. Alternative options available, such as McLean Creek & TriRiver need consideration
31 October, 2016
AJ says:
Barriers - yes. Springbank - no. Springbank Diversion is way too expensive, it destroys one community to protect another. Support MC1.
31 October, 2016
Robin says:
Destroying land against the wishes of a "entire community" is detrimental to all communities involved.
30 October, 2016
Bownessian says:
Barriers on some sites will have negative impacts on property values & natural beauty of the Bow. $s cannot compensate for the loss.
30 October, 2016
Bownessian says:
Many people who live along the Bow know the risks and live here regardless because of the positives.
29 October, 2016
KHayes says:
Both are required!
28 October, 2016
Cheryl says:
Individuals cannot protect against flood, but bear the devastating effects. The City must provide berms/barriers to protect neighbourhoods
25 October, 2016
livesonahill says:
barriers do restrict natural river movement but this is inevitable within a densely populated area like calgary
25 October, 2016
livesonahill says:
in general i would be supportive of barriers for 'high value' areas only, flood resistant zoning should still apply to 'protected areas'
25 October, 2016
Jackie says:
I think the risk of flooding has been understated by the City and we should be taking immediate action to reduce flood risk downtown.
25 October, 2016
Jackie says:
Reservoirs may take a long time to build and approve. In the meantime we need something protecting our economic core.
25 October, 2016
Jackie says:
I think strategic barriers protecting only the most important assets could mitigate risk starting in the short term.
24 October, 2016
Eric says:
barriers are only a short term solution at best - upstream solutions provide the required protection and low moisture water mgmt benefits
23 October, 2016
Jean says:
How will work crews & large equipment access the river along Bow crescent? There is little space between houses for large equipment to pass.
23 October, 2016
Jean says:
Barriers along the river banks in Bowness may alter the natural beauty of the river and disrupt habit for river dwelling species.
23 October, 2016
Peggi McDougall says:
Sheet pile barriers along Sunnyside bank of Bow, similar to zoo protection; could be embedded in rock-covered earth to mimic current look.
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
Add groundwater barriers in locations with positive TBL economics
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
One measure of the adequacy of community flood mitigation is that flood insurance is available and affordable.
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
Flood mitigation infrastructure must protect against reasonably foreseeable future floods so that affordable flood insurance would be avail.
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
Implement management improvements at TransAlta’s reservoirs while enabling rapid lowering of Ghost reservoir to balance flood, drought etc
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
Protection for mixed-income Sunnyside must match the protection provided to the downtown condos of the wealthy.
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
Economically sensible in-city barriers can be built now to provide protection while waiting for a dam.
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
At least one new dam upstream of Calgary should be built, but with the recognition that completion is likely decades in the future.
23 October, 2016
Charlie Lund says:
The flood protection standard for Calgary should be 1:350. Some climate change has happened and it is important for our infrastructure to b
22 October, 2016
Brian Castle says:
Two dams and smaller barriers!!!!!!
22 October, 2016
Debbie Young says:
No barriers without dams!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Concept 1: Upstream Reservoirs
Concept 2: Barriers along the Bow and Elbow Rivers
Non-Structural Measures: Land Use Policies and Bylaws
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