Need more info? Please refer to the participant packages.


What are the strengths and weaknesses of concept 1 and why?

<p style="color: rgb(63, 71, 78); margin-bottom: 1rem;">What do you think this concept's benefits and impacts will be on:</p><ul><li>The way the community looks, feels and moves?</li><li>Providing equal protection from river flood to all citizens/communities?</li><li>The amenities/services in your community?</li><li>The health of the rivers and floodplain as it flows from the mountains, through the city and to other communities downstream?</li><li>The long-term supply and quality of water for our community?</li><li>Protecting Calgary's economic core? Should downtown be protected to a higher level?</li><li>The city as a whole?</li></ul>

9 November, 2016

Kim says:

No weaknesses, the city requires Springbank dam to proceed ASAP to protect our downtown core and communities

9 November, 2016

Kim Safton says:

We need this reservoir to protect our city core and communities NOW

8 November, 2016

High and dry says:

Does do nothing for Bragg Creek and Redwood Meadows. MC creek option is the only goid one that can work for all. Cheapest too!

8 November, 2016

Vanice Simpson says:

The proposed dam at Springbank will not protect everyone on upstream of the Springbank area. Everyone needs flood protection!

8 November, 2016

David H says:

Spingbank is the right solution. McLean Creek is a poor option. Self interest is driving opposition to Springbank.

8 November, 2016

Dave says:

The study has been done by experts in their field - get on with the Springbank option. It's the best option for the people of Calgary.

8 November, 2016

Linda says:

For most downstream benefit & least damage to fish & landowners, dry dam measures should be further upstream than Springbank.

8 November, 2016

Dave says:

Albertans great at working together to recover from disasters but not at working together to prevent them.

8 November, 2016

yycNorth says:

Looking at riverfront homes in '86 we opted to live on high ground. Flooding was a factor. Why can't people own up to their bad choices?

8 November, 2016

Inner city resident says:

The springbank reservoir is the solution with most benefits and the least cost and disruption. What is the hold up?

8 November, 2016

Evan Welbourn says:

Working with open ground and raw undeveloped earth, is much more economic than repairing developed lands , like downtown.

8 November, 2016

Passionate Calgarian says:

Springbank Reservoir protects the city as a whole. Businesses and homeowners.

8 November, 2016

Evan Welbourn says:

I support upstream reservoirs.

8 November, 2016

Don says:

Equal protection. Downtown more costly to recover so needs more protection. This is best way. Best for whole city, too.

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

is this really a case where a government would rather sacrifice its citizens than take on the environmental lobby? God help us.

8 November, 2016

Jane says:

The 2013 flood did so much damage. It would be criminal to let this event continue to ruin lives, homes, businesses, community. No to SR1.

8 November, 2016

Markj Hornby says:

It is essential to have reservoir capacity in flooding situations. Both the Elbow and Bow require reservoirs in emergency situations.

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

There is no need to turn community against community. Let's all support MC1. It's on land that the gov.ab (ie.we) already own. Why buy more?

8 November, 2016

Greg says:

If berms are good enough for Bragg Creek and RW, they should be good enough for Calgary too

8 November, 2016

SG says:

I am sure Calgary will bully their way into having a dam in Springbank which is sad as I really do believe MC is a better choice for Alberta

8 November, 2016

yycNorth says:

Don't we already have a reservoir? It's called the Glenmore. Dredge the dam thing!! Can't hurt!

8 November, 2016

MW says:

SR1=cesspool. Mosquitoe breeding ground. Not to mention dead animals, fish and sewage. Nice.

8 November, 2016

MW says:

The type of sediment left at SR 1 NOT fertile, would not grow pasture. Is mountain rock. Would be an ugly moonscape. What a crime!

8 November, 2016

MW says:

The taking of private land, businesses and homes when there are viable alternatives is POOR PUBLIC POLICY. Mclean creek please!

8 November, 2016

Floodvictim says:

We are in full support of the Springbank off stream reservoir. Please make this a priority and start building now.

8 November, 2016

Patrick Mc Reavey says:

Protect all community in flood areas. Protect the all the city infrastructure. Get moving before disaster strikes again.

8 November, 2016

Elenore Kubik says:

We must have another reservoir west of Calgary on the Bow River to protect our economic core and communities along the river.

8 November, 2016

SR1 forpublic safety says:

Anti logging will kill MC1. Environmentalists will kill MC1. Lives are at risk. Temporary wet pasture best. SR1 a must for public safety.

8 November, 2016

Get it done says:

Time to take action. It is good for all of Calgary, you can't be a great city with a vulnerable core.

8 November, 2016

Kel Johnston says:

Displacing some of Alberta's founding families when the Maclean Creek option exists that affects no one is a crime.

8 November, 2016

rvander says:

Unless this plan protects all Alberta homes, it should not be completed at any expense. McLean Dam is the answer.

8 November, 2016

Prospring says:

Hands down, this is the most cost effective and best result concept to deal with flood risk in Calgary. For residences and businesses

8 November, 2016

bwalker says:

I believe that the Springbank reservoir is the best of the three concepts as it will be the quickest and least expensive to implement.

8 November, 2016

Andrea says:

Fully supportive of SR1. It's been analzed, assessed and recommended by legions of experts and professionals. Get started now. Please.

8 November, 2016

Andrea says:

SR1 will benefit the city as a whole. It's been studied and analyzed enough. It's time to get on with it!

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

After a week or so of jabbing back and forth the winner is - no one!!! Why can't we all get behind McLean? Everybody wins!

8 November, 2016

Al says:

SR1 has already been objectively proven to be the best solution to protect downtown Calgary & communities. I support it.

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

Springbank opposition are exaggerating??? Meanwhile proponents claim it will save all of Calgary and world hunger too. Let's get real folks

8 November, 2016

Albertans for All says:

Engage best minds/skills to develop Tri-River Joint Reservoir ASAP. for future prosperity as our forefathers did

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

A new cost benefit when gov.ab finally gets pushed into doing one will clearly show McLean is better. Enviro concerns can be mitigated.

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

Objectivity on SR1 was lost in 2014, when the premier announced it was preferred. Since then - bureaucrats striving to please the boss.

8 November, 2016

Best for All says:

Project to protect most communities ASAP presented to NDP GOA. See Need TRJR.

8 November, 2016

Katya says:

Maximum benefit. Build it now.

8 November, 2016

Kyle says:

The science concludes SR1 is the highest cost/benefit and most feasible. Leave it to the experts instead of comments from NIMBY landowners.

8 November, 2016

Kyle says:

Why is SR1 not built yet? Much better to have controlled flood in the prairie than an uncontrolled flood of Calgary communities and downtown

8 November, 2016

Bxn says:

This seems the most logical solution from a cost and effectiveness viewpoint. Land recovers from water naturally; houses do not.

8 November, 2016

Person upstream says:

Hmmm...Government picking winners & losers instead of acknowledging that all can win, and making it happen...Can someone explain please? MC1

8 November, 2016

Person upstream says:

Those of us upstream are getting a bit tired of being called "the opposition". Grow up! We're as worthy as Calgarians are.People are people.

8 November, 2016

Person upstream says:

We are more than a "handful of people upstream". We are PEOPLE upstream who deserve the same degree of protection that Calgary demands.

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

Springbank is the logical choice for a dry dam. The land can still be used for grazing, parks, nature reserve, etc. Protect against calamity

8 November, 2016

Makes no sense says:

Upstream mitigation IS a reasonable part of the solution, but flooding 7000 acres of farmland is not the right answer. Dam McLean.

8 November, 2016

Makes no sense says:

How is SR1 a "reservoir" when there's no plan to "line" the land with anything to keep water from simply soaking in? Waste of water & land.

8 November, 2016

Get Informed says:

Be informed and make wise choices. With the wealth of information available - Springbank dam is a clear winner. Build it!

8 November, 2016

lornatsta says:

Upstream reservoirs are the answer, few people impacted, good protection, very little environmental impact -during flood and for short time

8 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

Note that above where it estimates 1.9B - that is to do a reservoir on each of the Elbow and Bow Rivers and is not the SR1 cost alone.

8 November, 2016

Jonathan says:

The Springbank project has been objectively proven to be the best project to protect neighbourhoods and downtown Calgary. I support it.

8 November, 2016

Brian says:

In 2012 SR1 =$158M; now = $1.9M & likely to increase yet no updated cost on MC1. Claims of MR1 costing more are unfounded! Look more at MR1!

8 November, 2016

Dano says:

Upstream mitigation is the best solution set by far. It is the dominant solution globally for flood mitigation/hydroelectricity.

8 November, 2016

Don says:

The Springbank Reservoir has been well examined and studied. The expert conclusion is that it is a good solution; it ought to be undertaken.

8 November, 2016

Dam Mclean says:

We really need to evaluate the two options properly and equally.

8 November, 2016

Dam Mclean says:

The SR1 option will impact one of the last pieces of native prairie and unique habitat left around the city of Calgary.

8 November, 2016

Dam Mclean says:

The Mclean creek dam option was never explored to the fullest extent. So how come people say the SR1 is the best option?

8 November, 2016

Dorothy says:

This is not a "them" or "us." Its about protecting the most Calgarians. Springbank dam doesn't do that. It does nothing for downtown.

8 November, 2016

kelly moi says:

Springbok provides a viable flood mitigation option to protect downstream areas of the Elbow river and the downtown as a priority.

8 November, 2016

Concerned Taxpayer says:

YYC cannot afford another flood, economically, environmentally, or emotionally. Do SR1 and other mitigation asap.

8 November, 2016

Build Springbank Res says:

It has been over 3 years since the flood. It is time to move on this project!

8 November, 2016

Concerned Taxpayer says:

Praying and assuming that another flood will not happen is foolish. Start mitigation with SR1 asap and address other prevention as well.

8 November, 2016

Concerned Taxpayer says:

Relocating downtown businesses, Saddledome, historic homes, etc. is not an option. Start with SR1 asap and address Bow flooding as well.

8 November, 2016


There have been several studies concluding that Springbank is the best option, cost wise and enivironmentally. Please get moving on this!

8 November, 2016

Grandpa says:

SR1 liability to present & future Generations. Provide a great treasure Tri-Ri Ed Joint Reservoir of Alberta. All work together For TRJR

8 November, 2016

In my back yard says:

The plan is to flood the SR1 site every 7 years to ensure everything is working properly. Not ONLY in big flood events like many think.

8 November, 2016

Damn McLean says:

McLean creek is the only good option and it would protect more than just the city of Calgary. The NDP government should be ashamed.

8 November, 2016

In my back yard says:

The MC1 site is NOT too "wildlife sensitive". 40 years of ATV's, logging, a gas plant, etc...has ensured few animals live at the site.

8 November, 2016

In my back yard says:

As a Bragg Creek resident, I want the dam IN MY BACK YARD! MC1 for the good of us ALL!

8 November, 2016

Sitting Duck says:

The ship on floodplain development in YYC sailed 120 years ago. Subsequent civic govt's have ignored the threat. Concept 1 - NOW!

8 November, 2016

Sitting Duck says:

Calgary core, business and communities will remain vulnerable 4 flood seasons later. Let's not make it 5 and counting...

8 November, 2016

Sitting Duck says:

SR1 is feasible and gets the job done. Grazing land won't disappear - flood or no flood - It can be restored faster, cheaper than city land

8 November, 2016

NDP flip-flop says:

It seems like there are A LOT of people commenting here who support McLean, which the NDP campaigned upon. We won't let them forget that.

8 November, 2016

Sitting Duck says:

YYC and AB cannot afford another flood in any sense of the word - expense, lost productivity, deminished property value=less property taxes.

8 November, 2016

Heartbroken says:

Sad that it appears that all supporting SR1 couldn't care less about Tsuu Ti'na, Springbank, Redwood or Bragg. Where's your compassion?

8 November, 2016

Bragg Creek matters says:

Diversify the economy via tourism by building a lake-like, REAL reservoir at MC1. Win for all Calgarians who come & play in our back yard!

8 November, 2016

Lets Do It says:

I support the Springbank as a long term solution which affects all of Calgarians and Albertans.

8 November, 2016

Lucy says:

Concept #1 is core to every solution. Without it..#2 and #3 don't protect our city.

8 November, 2016

McLean is best says:

According to the Treaty Act, neither SR1, nor MC1 can proceed without the majority of Treaty 7 bands on board. They're not.Indiginous rights

8 November, 2016

Karen Radford says:

We must take action to protect our city and reduce the uncertainty this churn is creating. Springbank needs to happen

8 November, 2016

Karen Radford says:

The Springbank solution has proven to be the best. It has minimal impacts and protects our city. Time to move forward.

8 November, 2016

McLean is best says:

If the berms in Bragg & Redwood fail, the SR1 diversion gates will be so clogged by our debris, they'll likely fail and do no good at all.

8 November, 2016

McLean is best says:

SR1 wouldn't conserve water for times of draught. MC1 would, and would also be a lake-like playground in close proximity to Calgary. Smart!

8 November, 2016

Jim says:

Visit The TRJR. This project is the best solution. Not even considered so far by GoA. No to SR1 help everyone.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

The is virtually no environmental impact to building a dry dam and flooding a field every 20-50 years.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

The environmental impacts of upstream mitigation are vastly overstated, consider the impact of the contents of 10,000+ homes in the landfill

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

I have some sympathy for those whose land is expropriated or flooded every 50 years, but upstream mitigation is needed for an entire city.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

All flood-prone areas should be protected, starting with the Elbow, then the Bow. Upstream reservoirs address all the issues +minimal impact

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

The upstream reservoir would protect our drinking water by slowing the silting up of Glenmore reservoir.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

The long-term quality of water would be improved by the Springbank reservoir, by holding back mud and pollutants during and after a flood.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

Upstream mitigation protects all citizens, whether they live near a river or not, as we all have to pay when floods occur.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

Upstream mitigation is the best solution for the entire city, we're all taxpayers and ultimately have to foot the bill when disasters happen

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

I support upstream mitigation as the best solution, we don't want to end up like Los Angeles and turn our rivers into concrete channels.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

Upstream mitigation is the best solution, it avoids ugly berms and walls and will preserve the natural beauty of our rivers.

8 November, 2016

Sandman says:

Upstream reservoirs are by far the most effective and least disruptive solutions. Let's push to get Springbank built, then one on the Bow.

8 November, 2016

Simon G says:

The Springbank Project makes a lot of sense- I'm surprised that it hasn't been better supported by the City. It seems to do the job well!

8 November, 2016

Sheldon cameron says:

Please mitigate the possibilities of having another flood like 2013. The downtown city core or surrounding residential home owners beg for

8 November, 2016

Bill Ardley says:

If SR1 is built, tax Calgarians only for the 2 billion. Also for any future upstream floods costs. Build McLean creek and all pay for it

8 November, 2016

Build now! says:

The Springbank project is strongly supported by Calgarians. Environmental impact is negligible compared to the impact of a flood.

8 November, 2016

Action needed says:

Floods happen. Dams get built. Expropriation is older than the hills. Get Springbank built and fix the Bow River too.

8 November, 2016

Stop flooding now says:

So tired of the inflammatory comments about sacrificing Springbank. Most of that grazing land will continue to be available for grazing.

8 November, 2016

Build the Dam says:

Please stop exaggerating. No one is sacrificing Springbank. 3600 acres of grazing land are needed for an important public work. Build SR1

8 November, 2016

Build the Dam says:

My family's farmland was expropriated west of Edmonton for a traffic exchange. We survived. The greater good needs the dam!

8 November, 2016

Build the Dam says:

Expropriating for public works is a concept older than Alberta. Let's get on with Springbank now!

8 November, 2016

Wayne says:

I think this is great although I don't understand why it isn't also combined with a dry dam in the meaclean creek, Allen Bill pond area.

8 November, 2016

Save Calgary says:

Get the facts straight. Both rivers need mitigation to protect the Core. Start with Springbank now!

8 November, 2016

Lesley Kirby says:

Concept 1 protects the city downtown core. Calgary needs to have business and head offices protected.

8 November, 2016

Tired says:

I support Calgary solving it's own dam(n) flooding problems within their own city limits. Leave Springbank out of your selfish plotting.

8 November, 2016

Rideau Resident says:

The land values in Springbank are attributable to the proximity to Calgary. Preserve the value of both. Concept 1 now.

8 November, 2016

Tick tock says:

By the time NDP FORCIBLY takes the land for SR1 from the owners, MC1 could have been near completion, had the NDP kept their word. Sad.

8 November, 2016

LWB says:

Why should we sacrifice long-standing landowners upstream while we continue to allow residential development in flood plains in Calgary?

8 November, 2016

Waste of money says:

Expropriating prime farmland to create a 7000+ acre toxic dust plain is a ridiculous waste of Albertans' money. Smarten up! Dam McLean!

8 November, 2016

Disappointed says:

Calgary needs to solve their own problems within their own city limits. The flood wasn't Springbank's fault. Period.

8 November, 2016

Disgusted says:

Were Calgary a "world class city", it wouldn't insist that others pay for it's shortcomings & poor planning. Mitigate yourselves.

8 November, 2016

Rideau Resident says:

A flood of a similar magnitude to 2013 in the next few years will erode the entire tax base of the city. Concept 1 ASAP.

8 November, 2016

Some facts says:

Calgary planners dropped the ball & now they're making it the problem of innocent people. City planners are to blame, not Springbankers.

8 November, 2016

Paul says:

Easy to implement, cost effective and solves the problem. Protecting Calgary is of highest importance and should be a priority.

8 November, 2016

Nimbys in YYC says:

Don't want unsightly, ineffective berms obstructing your posh river views? Neither does Bragg Creek. Dam McLean! We can all be happy!

8 November, 2016

Yes 2 SR1 says:

Springbank reservoir is needed now! This is the best solution for protecting our downtown, stampede grounds and residential communities.

8 November, 2016

Truth be told says:

Sorry Springbank folks, but who are being the Nimby's? Why let facts get in the way of your lies?

8 November, 2016

Jim says:

I support McLean Creek proposal. It costs less due to nil cost of land. Also protects villages of Redwood Meadows and Bragg Creek.

8 November, 2016

Yes 2 YYC mitigation says:

This project needs to proceed asap. The risk and damage to personal and commercial property and the economy more generally is too great!

8 November, 2016

Madge says:

Civic politicians have created this dam rush. Building on flood plains, is no excuse to make others bear the brunt. No to SR1, go elsewhere.

8 November, 2016

GT says:

How can YYC be considered "world class" when we cannot quickly implement flood mitigation? Start with SR1 asap before another flood occurs.

8 November, 2016

Madge says:

Save the core! Fact: Bow River was primary cause(2/3) of CORE & city flooding. Focus on the BOW. Fact:SR1 will not save the Core.

8 November, 2016

Save the City! says:

We need to Build SR1 NOW and MC1 ASAP. We need to protect Calgary from future Flood Devastation! Enough Studies and Surveys! We NEED Action!

8 November, 2016

No Sprinkbank dam! says:

The Calgary residents opposing berms obstructing their river views are the NIMBY's, not the Springbank residents on the chopping block.

8 November, 2016

Berms for everyone! says:

The salesmen are heavily pitching the effectiveness of earthen berms for Bragg Creek & Redwood Meadows. No dams! Berms for everyone!

8 November, 2016

Smith says:

This SR1 concept is more politically motivated than scientifically sound. There are other, more effective and viable options.

8 November, 2016

No to SR1 says:

Creating a likely toxic dust bowl, directly in the path of strong winds is seriously insane. No Springbank dry dam! All to the east suffer.

8 November, 2016

Smith says:

It's too costly and has a great negative impact on both the community and enviro, while protecting a prestigious few properties downstream.

8 November, 2016

Angry Creeker says:

We want Calgary protected without sacrificing & displacing others. MC1 is for the good of the many. SR1 is for the good of fewer.

8 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

McLean Creek is off the table for good reasons. Springbank is now the only hope for the Elbow. Build it!

8 November, 2016

Yes to YYC says:

This City cannot grind to a halt again. Let's get this fixed. Springbank now. The Bow ASAP.

8 November, 2016

Build now says:

Very much in favour of Concept 1 - upstream protection on both rivers. Start with Springbank.

8 November, 2016

Build Reservoir says:

Strongly support the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir. It's a necessary public work.

8 November, 2016

Good neighbour says:

I support MC1 as it protects Calgary AND communities upstream, like Bragg Creek, that Calgarians like to frequent. MC1 is simply better.

8 November, 2016

Build ASAP says:

Informed people get that both rivers flood downtown and we need the Springbank reservoir ASAP as a start.

8 November, 2016

Save the Core! says:

Calgarians understand what's at risk. Our economic chugs away in the downtown core. Fix both rivers. Start with SR1

8 November, 2016

Yes to mitigation says:

The majority of these comments support building Springbank now! And fix the Bow too.

8 November, 2016

Bragg Creek matters says:

If earthen berms are "good enough" for Bragg Creek, they're certainly "good enough" for Calgary too. Equal protection for all citizens.

8 November, 2016

Yes to mitigation says:

Please get informed. The Core floods from both rivers - and the Springbank project is the best first step. Build it!

8 November, 2016

Act now! says:

Act now! This City's fragile economy cannot weather another disaster. Fix the Elbow with SR1 and fix the Bow too.

8 November, 2016

Greater Good says:

The greater good dictates we need to fix both rivers. Start with the Springbank dry dam for the Elbow and keep looking for the Bow.

8 November, 2016

Protect more people says:

Heartwarming to see that the overwhelming majority are AGAINST SR1 & FOR MC1. There might be hope for humanity afterall:) Sacrifice nobody!

8 November, 2016

Greater Good says:

Why should I pay to save flood plain people? Well - they pay for your LRT they never use. They pay for roads they never drive. Public works

8 November, 2016

Yes to Dry Dam says:

Why don't people move out of the flood plain? Because there are 10,000+ homes there. And the entire downtown. Too late. Build protection.

8 November, 2016

TW says:

this needs to be done immediatlt; stop delaying.

8 November, 2016

EM says:

I support Concept 1

8 November, 2016

Yes to Dry Dam says:

Science backs the Springbank reservoir. We need to protect the Core from both rivers. It's the best place to start!

8 November, 2016

Yes to SR1 says:

Why is it a dry dam? Because it has minimal environmental impact and we have enough drinking water. Build SR1

8 November, 2016

Yes to protection says:

Will Calgary flood again? Yes - most definitely. Rivers flood. People can protect themselves. Start with Springbank and fix the Bow too.

8 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

How could people not get that the Elbow River contributes to flooding the Core? Because they are misinformed. Build SR1 and fix the Bow!

8 November, 2016

John Simpson says:

Maclean Creek dry dam protects more people, costs less, with lower environmental impact than SR1. Respect those outside Calgary.

8 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

Why is there such misleading information out there about the Springbank dam? Because a few people don't want it. Calgary needs it!

8 November, 2016

david beckwermert says:

Upstream reservoirs are the way to go for all the reasons listed

8 November, 2016

Fix both rivers says:

Is the Springbank dry dam just about fancy houses on the river? Ah .... NO! It's about the economic engine of Canada. Start with SR1!

8 November, 2016

Save the core says:

Does the Elbow flood downtown? Yes. Does the Bow? Obviously. Fix both and start with Springbank dry dam.

8 November, 2016

Yes to dry dam says:

Yes the Elbow River contributes to flooding downtown. And City Hall. Informed people get this. Start with SR1 and fix the Bow too.

8 November, 2016

Downtown needs you says:

Get informed. Understand what's at risk. Protect downtown from both rivers. Start with Springbank dry dam.

8 November, 2016

SR1 is a start says:

Everyone in Calgary relies on the Core in some way. Protect it now. Stop flooding on both rivers. Yes to SR1.

8 November, 2016

SLK says:

This protects only part of Calgary, ruins valuable agri-land and does not protect upstream Tsuu T'ina, Redwood Meadows or Bragg Creek.

8 November, 2016

Save Downtown says:

Informed people understand that the Core needs protection from BOTH RIVERS. Start with SR1 and fix the Bow too.

8 November, 2016

Save the Core says:

Don't be swayed by falsities, exaggerations and biased "survey" data. This City needs the Springbank reservoir. Both rivers flood the Core.

8 November, 2016

Gordon w Ross says:

I support the spring bank project,we need this in place now to protect our economy & communities affected we cannot afford another flood!!!!

8 November, 2016

Yes to SR1 says:

Informed people understand that the Springbank dry dam is the only viable solution for the Elbow. Let's get it done!

8 November, 2016

Mitigation now! says:

All studies point to Springbank as the best project for the Elbow. Build it and keep searching for a Bow solution. Protect this City!

8 November, 2016

Build now says:

It's happening. The Environmental Impact Assessment is underway. Keep it going and fix the Bow too!

8 November, 2016

Yes to protection says:

Best case scenario is flood protection by 2020. We can't afford any more waiting. Get this done and fix the Bow too.

8 November, 2016

Build Springbank says:

Calgary is a huge city and warrants protection. Start with Springbank and fix the Bow too. It's time!

8 November, 2016

Protect Calgary says:

Another foot of water and the downtown would have been shut down for months - because elevators and HVAC would have been ruined. Fix this!

8 November, 2016

Brian Farewell says:

This is the quickest and cheapist solution to cut back on Elbow River flow and is urgent.

8 November, 2016

Protect Calgary says:

This City has had 10+ major floods in the past century. It's going to keep happening - until we build protection. Start with Springbank!

8 November, 2016

Build it! says:

No more dithering. Build SR1 and find a solution for the Bow.

8 November, 2016

WW says:

Yes to Springbank dry dam - the City is vulnerable. It's an important public work. Build it!

8 November, 2016

Build it now! says:

Build SR1 and find a solution for the Bow too. Calgary needs this!

8 November, 2016

Johns88 says:

I do not support the Springbank Reservoir. The Maclean Creek dry dam protects more than just Calgary with less destruction of habitat.

8 November, 2016

Eric K says:

I'm 100% for this cost effective solution that provides minimal environmental damage using the existing flood prone areas.

8 November, 2016

Concerned owner says:

Enough talk! After 3+ years of "study" it is time to protect downtown Calgary. Build Springbank ASAP.

8 November, 2016

ckayser says:

This solution is clearly the most logical, effective, and will offer the most immediate and beneficial protection to Calgarians.

8 November, 2016

Warren says:

It is for the greater good and most economically viable.

8 November, 2016

Rural citizens count says:

The Elbow is the primary water source for the Tsuu Ti'na Nation. I don't believe they support SR1. They count as much as the Calgarians.

8 November, 2016

Save Springbank says:

Keep up the fight SR1 residents! There are MANY of us supporting you! Dam McLean! Protect more people. Sacrifice none. Stop the division!

8 November, 2016

Derek says:

I am 100% for this project. The tangible and intangible costs of a future flood for the city, province and nation are not acceptable.

8 November, 2016

Save Springbank says:

Use the natural basin of McLean to build an actual reservoir to conserve water for times of draught. SR1 soaks into the land & wastes water.

8 November, 2016

Michelle says:

Yes to the Springbank Reservoir! Even Nenshi knows we need it to protect Downtown Calgary.

8 November, 2016

Build it says:

Environmentalists have significant env. concerns including they will not allow trees cut at MC1. People lives are at risk. Build SR1 ASAP.

8 November, 2016

Asm269 says:

Springbank off-street reservoir is the best option and needs to be implemented ASAP!

8 November, 2016

Ginny says:

Upstream resevoirs are a necessary measure. Since the city cant be relocated, the water needs to be diverted.

8 November, 2016

Michelle Williams says:

Disagree with Springbank, protect more people/areas upstream - equally protect all - McLean Creek more fair and smarter choice.

8 November, 2016

Michelle says:

Two governments have given their word that upstream mitigation would happen. Live up to your word and make it happen!

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

Springbank saving downtown is a myth. Still I would champion McLean Creek as a means to protect Elbow River communities and those upstream.

8 November, 2016

Lew says:

Best concept for actually addressing the most potential harm.

8 November, 2016

Ward Mallabone says:

I think it will be beneficial not only for the affected flood areas but the city as a whole

8 November, 2016

kmendham says:

I support the upstream mitigation of a Springbank reservoir as the most cost effective and expedient and practical solution to mitigating

8 November, 2016

John says:

Upstream reservoirs must be implemented to protect the core/communities. Other approaches: disruptive/discriminatory/of questionable effect

8 November, 2016

Bill says:

No dam! Build berms and barriers. Use crown land at McLean Creek.

8 November, 2016

SG says:

#Albertastrong. Maclean Creek protects Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows, Calgary and Springbank. Even the NDP knew this truth pre election.

8 November, 2016

Kay says:

This dam will NOT achieve what you have been told. It will NOT protect the downtown core, only Elbow. McLean will protect far more.

8 November, 2016

Maurice W. says:

Calgary and Canada's GDP cannot afford to have the downtown core shut again. We need the upstream reservoir.

8 November, 2016

Bert says:

NDP has already destroyed oil industry. Now going after farmers. This dam would not help the Bow River or downtown area. No dam

8 November, 2016

Richard L. says:

Get on with this proposal. It was recommended by the experts, but has been sidelined by interest groups.

8 November, 2016

Sunnyside says:

A Springbank reservoir makes abundant sense. Compared to catastrophic flooding, it's a bargain. The city was built in valleys; get over it.

8 November, 2016

Brenda L. says:

SR1 was not chosen by experts. GoA cherry picked from the Deltares report, ignoring the emphasis on "Make room for the River" Use Crown land

8 November, 2016

Jodi says:

I am a two time flood victim. I am in support of the Springbank reservoir. This is the best option for the city of Calgary.

8 November, 2016

James C. says:

I support concept 1. Floods occur frequently and 2013 proved that they threaten Calgary's entire downtown core, Stampede and Saddledome.

8 November, 2016

Brenda L. says:

Rivers are still stronger than any mitigation. Accept consequences of your decision. Crown land and options exist upstream. SR1is wrong.

8 November, 2016

NO SR1 says:

Sad to see people pushing for the destruction of someone else's homes, businesses and property to secure their own agenda. How un-Albertan!

8 November, 2016

Brenda L. says:

Staying on a floodplain is a choice. Flood mitigation is going to happen. Pushing consequences onto other Albertans is wrong. No to SR1.

8 November, 2016

Elizabeth M says:

Hello, I support the springbank reservoir. As a resident of elbow park, this proposal is the best option to protect the downtown core.

8 November, 2016

Jumping Pound Guy says:

Springbank will not be a beautiful lake with sailboats and cottages. Imagine a 7000 acre catch basin with rocks & silt & chain link fence.

8 November, 2016

Bob says:

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. This is easily the most effective, efficient flood mitigation solution.

8 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

Build Springbank now! Calgary remains vulnerable. And find a solution for the Bow.

8 November, 2016

Shauna says:

This mitigation is paramount for the vitality of the city of Calgary. It's urgency is immediate to protect the citizens and infrastructure

8 November, 2016

Tom says:

When Springbank is shown to be over $600M and McLean is $$350M, then can we all get behind McLean Creek?

8 November, 2016

Rick Simonton says:

In favour of upstream reservoirs.Would bring back the feeling of community. All buy out lots would be sold and new single family homes built

8 November, 2016

Shannon says:

We are a city built at the confluence of 2 rivers and must mitigate our flood risk to protect ourselves! I support the SR1 project.

8 November, 2016

Gary says:

This has been studied to death and shown to be the best first step to protecting against a repeat of the 2013 flood.

8 November, 2016

TerryMyles says:

This plan offers the best protection to most citizens with the least adverse effect on river flows or water quality.

7 November, 2016

Concerned Citizen says:

I have attended many meetings on the flood mitigation for our city. The Springbank Reservoir proposal seems the most logical for the problem

7 November, 2016

Embarrassed says:

As Calgarians, we are embarrassed that Calgary's Elbow River residents would want to expropriate other peoples' land to protect themselves!

7 November, 2016

Barb Morin says:

I care and am concerned but don't feel capable of making a well-informed decision about solutions.

7 November, 2016

Citizens are EQUAL says:

The first berm in Bragg Creek HASN'T even begun to be built. Anyone saying Bragg Creek already has mitigation started is wrong.

7 November, 2016

Alan Brimacombe says:

I just want this project to get under way to protect my home and my family. Every spring s tension occurs in my family that lasts for months

7 November, 2016

not happy says:

The Springbank dam increases flood risk to Springbank homes. The cost is ridiculous. Consider McLean Creek.

7 November, 2016

Grampa says:

TRJR would provide flood protection quickest. We have built great projects so don't let leaders tell us the. BEST too difficult

7 November, 2016

Mike B says:

Bow River Reservoir- there are no plans and no money to actually build a Bow River reservoir in our lifetimes, so this concept is a failure.

7 November, 2016

Robert Dick says:

I like this concept as it achieves so much in terms of preserving the Elbow as a healthy river, but the dry dam is there when needed.

7 November, 2016

Mikkel says:

Enviro and technical assessments are years away. Calgary wants assurance "ASAP". SR1 for 1.9B is an absolute terrible solution.

7 November, 2016

Grampa says:

SR1 embarrassment to our generation. City would still be vulnerable as gambles on size of flood. Leave great legacy Tri-River Joint Reservoi

7 November, 2016

Citizens are EQUAL says:

The Springbank Landowners' rights are being thrown out the window. DON'T build/rebuild on a flood plain! Poor city planners are at fault.

7 November, 2016

Rick B. says:

Springbank is not VITAL to the survival of Calgary. This project is misleading and has been since the get go.

7 November, 2016

DL says:

The trade-off of land (fairly compensated for) for the protection of Calgary is a no-brainer. We cannot afford to wait any longer.

7 November, 2016 says:

If $33 million in berms is GOOD ENOUGH for Bragg Creek, then $330million in berms is GOOD ENOUGH for equal, not superior citizens in Calgary

7 November, 2016

JJ says:

We should go ahead with both Upstream Reservoir Projects!!! We have studied this enough! It is time to take action before we suffer again!!

7 November, 2016

Ben says:

Lost our home in the flood. Moved to Springbank. So I strongly oppose SR1.More effective, less intrusive mitigation is available.

7 November, 2016

Shannon says:

It is critical that the springbank resevoir and Glenmore Dam upgrades move forward ASAP. It is indisputably in the public interest.

7 November, 2016 says:

The cost shown above DOES NOT include the cost of purchasing the land from the Springbank residents! This is misleading.

7 November, 2016

For All Albertans says:

Many were affected. Many need protection. Work together & all can benefit. See Tri-River joint Reservoir AB

7 November, 2016

Jocelyn says:

Springbank is the best solution to protect Calgary . Do not waste another year.

7 November, 2016

Blair M says:

vital to the protection of the city of Calgary. Vital that it is built ASAP.

7 November, 2016

Jeff says:

We need to do this project to protect Calgary from future flooding and mitigate future damages! The risk of doing nothing is too high!!!

7 November, 2016

For All Albertans says:

Water is a treasure not our enemy. Respect & value it with much needed water bank in mountain valley. See

7 November, 2016

SR1 boondoggle says:

I want my tax$ helping the masses. McLean or Tri-River Jt Reservoir would protect more Albertans than SR1. And use Crown land not private!

7 November, 2016

For All Albertans says:

Big problems require big minds to solve. Utilize great opportunity offered. See Tri-River Joint Reservoir AB

7 November, 2016

Hails says:

Protecting the economic core and the surrounding community are addressed by this concept so I support it wholeheartedly.

7 November, 2016

SR1 boondoggle says:

Why would you support SR1 when it will not protect you from Bow River flooding. Downtown suffered from the Bow, not Elbow!

7 November, 2016

K says:

"SR1 impacts the least amount of people"? Maclean Creek is on government owned land and a res there would protect Calgary + upstream towns.

7 November, 2016

For All Albertans says:

Enlist expertise of committed engineers,environmentalists hydrologists politicians. See Tri-River Joint Res

7 November, 2016

SR1 boondoggle says:

Alternatives to SR1 were not studied. More political science was involved selling SR1 as fast&cheap! Fed Govt see red flags, time will tell!

7 November, 2016

Thanks says:

I like concept 1 as the preferred option.

7 November, 2016

Sue Desmaries says:

As a Calgarian, I can't in good conscience support SR1. Don't make others pay for the city's decision to develop/live on a floodplain.

7 November, 2016

For All Albertans says:

Provide equal protection to all. See Tri-River joint Reservoir of Alberta

7 November, 2016

Gretel says:

Let's get the Springbank Reservoir built before a flood wipes out downtown Calgary.

7 November, 2016

Naomi says:

Several expert studies agreed this is the best option to effectively protect Calgary from a 1/100 year flood. Expedite the construction!

7 November, 2016

Peter Brimacombe says:

Impacts the least amount of people Best cost benefit ratio Least environmental impacts 2 governments have determined its the best option

7 November, 2016

D says:

Build berms in YYC. It's good enough for Bragg Creek? No to SR1 and Yes to MC1 Seems like a well organized blitz for the SR1 crowd tonite.

7 November, 2016

joel says:

All I'm seeing here from SR1 supporters is: save my skin, screw everyone else! Not the Alberta way when there is a solution for all. Go MC1!

7 November, 2016

Ian says:

Springbank was selected by experts as the best solution to mitigate against the dire consequences of another flood like 2013. Let's do it!

7 November, 2016

K says:

I do not support SR1. It protects to few at to high a cost. Build on gov. land so everyone wins.

7 November, 2016

Todd says:

Save our families and our lives, complete the Springbank Res now!

7 November, 2016

K says:

Why dam perfectly good farmland and homes when Maclean creek (on crown land!) could be damed and used for tourism and wildlife habitat?

7 November, 2016

Patrick says:

The time is now to complete the SBR. Until it is done 100,000+ Calgarians live in fear of another catastrophic event like 2013.

7 November, 2016

Cam says:

Cncpt 1 has the best balance between protecting Calgary's downtown, and river communities, and the cost and effectiveness of other choices

7 November, 2016

Patricia Steele says:

I support the Springbank option. I feel upstream flood mitigation is critical to the long term viability of the City as a whole.

7 November, 2016

Justin says:

We urgently need to build the Springbank off stream reservoir project . Do not waste another year.

7 November, 2016

Doug says:

I am a strong supporter of the spring bank reservoir. This has taken a very long time to move this project forward and protect the downtown

7 November, 2016

Lillian says:

I strongly support the Springbank Dry Dam project and act now

7 November, 2016

Adam says:

Please build the Springbank Dam project ASAP

7 November, 2016

Oscar says:

Please do it. I understand the importance of community engagement but it's more important to act and implement programs to protect our city.

7 November, 2016

Jay says:

Springbank res should be the #1 solution and needs to be completed asap.It is practical & cost effective and will save lives & billions of $

7 November, 2016

sam says:

Yes to Springbank Dry Dam project. Please start right away.

7 November, 2016

EBA says:

Immediate protection of people and property. Longer term solutions should still be looked at and Sprinbank off stream first.

7 November, 2016

Victor Juchymenko says:

As a professional engineer, my opinion is that this is the no brainer option.

7 November, 2016

Jeanette says:

Both SR1 and MC1 will sacrifice wildlife habitat, but MC1 is on crown land and will protect more communities. Talk about the greater good!

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

It took multiple rewrites of the Deltares report to get to even a luke warm endorsement of SR. That's not science, that is politics.

7 November, 2016

Jeanette says:

Please actually read the studies on SR1, it's not the magical solution it's being promoted to be! Build at MacLean instead...

7 November, 2016

Matt says:

Upstream mitigation on the Elbow River makes sense and needs to happen! Support Springbank Dry Reservoir and /or McLean Creek Reservoir.

7 November, 2016

Cam inglis says:

It is the most complete way to protect the city core and its residents and impacts the fewest citizens

7 November, 2016

Calgarian says:

Upstream mitigation must be put in place ASAP. Insurance providers will not bail out the same people they helped in 2013.

7 November, 2016

JCB says:

The Springbank Reservoir is the best option for protecting Calgary's downtown core.

7 November, 2016

Matt Weir says:

I support the upstream Springbank Damming, in order to mitigate the flow of runoff and other variables collecting on the Elbow River

7 November, 2016

Neil says:

SB reservoir is the most objective solution.

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

Deltares report was based on preliminary engineering design by AMEC in 2014. This decision was not based on thorough science. Gotta call BS

7 November, 2016

Unbelievable says:

3 years after the flood, I can't believe we are debating whether flooding land or downtown homes and businesses is preferable.

7 November, 2016

CD says:

Being more concerned about fields covered in silt, rather than hundreds of families' homes filled with mud is selfish and misguided

7 November, 2016

Stan says:

From a macro, long term view, SB reservoir is a must. We need to act now!

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

The process to get to SR1 was neither thorough nor objective. Only stakeholders consulted were within Calgary city limits. McLean is better

7 November, 2016

Rob-Elbow says:

Upstream reservoir was my initial and pervasive solution to the downstream flooding effects.

7 November, 2016

animji says:

This is very important for our city.

7 November, 2016

dmaucoin says:

Three years into this process and we are still discussing this. Build the Springbank Dam and get on with it.

7 November, 2016

concord says:

Springbank must go ahead. Calgary is the economic engine of Alberta and almost was completely flooded if the Elbow continued to rise.

7 November, 2016

Pat says:

I support the Springbank Reservoir project and urge that it be completed as quickly as possible to mitigate flooding and drought.

7 November, 2016

Mike says:

Complaints of potential "mudflats" and "ruined" grasslands are complete exaggerations. The parkland flooded in 2013 has completely regrown.

7 November, 2016

neil says:

reduce environmental impact from any sizable flood compared to dry dam impact.

7 November, 2016

Calgary resident says:

All the alternatives have been studied thoroughly and this is the clear and most practical solution to protect our city

7 November, 2016

neil says:

decease stress of over 100,000 people directly effected in 2013. protect downtown Calgary and surrounding areas from huge potential losses.

7 November, 2016

HJM says:

This is by far the best option. By next spring, it will be 4 years, the communities and the city cannot afford to wait any longer.

7 November, 2016

Steve says:

Please go ahead with SR1 ASAP! The City can not go through another 2013 flood and neither can my family! It makes sense cost wise!

7 November, 2016

Kathy says:

I support construction of dam in springbank (flood mitigation).

7 November, 2016

Anne says:

I cannot support SR1 and am astounded at how many wish to secure their own well being at the expense of others. Please build MacLean creek!

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

I am a Calgarian and will stand with my Elbow River neighbours to support McLean Creek. I will not support harm to my Springbank neighbours

7 November, 2016

Protect our City says:

We came within a foot or so of losing downtown and impacting many more Calgarian residences and businesses. Mitigation makes sense.

7 November, 2016

Common Sense says:

People who don't like a result complain about the process. Springbank reservoir just makes too much sense.

7 November, 2016

Michael says:

The Springbank reservoir was selected after a thorough and objective evaluation of all viable alternatives.

7 November, 2016

Andrea says:

The Springbank reservoir is vital to protect the most people for the least impact.

7 November, 2016

mclean better says:

Strengths - someone thought of it Weakness - doesn't consider McLean Cr Mclean Creek doesn't take private land, SR1 will be a mudflat

7 November, 2016

Susan says:

After attending a flood mitigation workshop and exploring the concepts in depth, full implementation of the Springbank reservoir is urgent!!

7 November, 2016

David Evans says:

The strength of concept 1 lies in its dual purpose. It provides both flood protection measures and used to retain water during drought.

7 November, 2016

MC says:

SR1 is far too expensive and does not protect enough people- if we can all agree on MC1 we can all benefit.

7 November, 2016

SEM says:

This is NOT a popularity contest. The best solution should be based on science, monetary benefits and quick implementation.

7 November, 2016

kevinL says:

We must build springbank reservoir! Benefits far outweigh the cost. We must protect downtown & the hundreds of homes in river neighborhoods

7 November, 2016

YYCtoobig says:

Inappropriate and overbuilt solution for homes built on flood plain. Reservoir further upstream to create mountain recreation opportunities.

7 November, 2016

C.W. says:

I support the position of The Calgary River Communities Action Group

7 November, 2016

C& a says:

We are fully support

7 November, 2016

YYC says:

Protection of Alberta's economic centre is vital. Fully support SR1. Build it asap!

7 November, 2016

Betty says:

I support the Springbank Project. Do it now.

7 November, 2016

C. W. says:

Mitation needs to begin on this project (Concept 1) and be completed quickly to prevent another 2013 diaster so costly to all Albertans.

7 November, 2016

Betty says:

Calgary suffered severe flooding in 2005 and in 2013. These floods caused massive economic and personal losses. Prevent further flooding now

7 November, 2016

Sandy says:

Dams are required to protect the low lying areas in Calgary, let's get on with it!

7 November, 2016

Protect Calgary says:

The Springbank project has been objectively proven to be the best project to protect neighbourhoods and downtown Calgary. I support it!

7 November, 2016

Larry Fichtner says:

Let's get this project underway before we run into another event similar to 2013!!! The whole downtown is at risk!!!

7 November, 2016

Betty says:

SR1 is NOT the cheaper option. An honest cost assessment has not been done. Much more land needed than proposed, wildlife affected as well.

7 November, 2016

Robert Edgar says:

Strength is a must in order to protect Calgary

7 November, 2016

Betty says:

A FEW springbank landowners? How ignorant and selfish can you possibly be! Hilarious! MC1 to protect several communities! Do your research.

7 November, 2016

Make it happen says:

Protecting Calgary's downtown, infrastructure, and Communities. Minimizing potential loss of life.

7 November, 2016

Flooded twice says:

We must do this. Sometimes the "needs of the many" outweigh the "needs of the few" - not just in the movies. Get it done!

7 November, 2016

Steve says:

SR1 has been studied by environmental companies and two governments. Stop the time wasting and build it before another 2013 flood arrives!

7 November, 2016

Siren says:

an upstream reservoir may unfortunately impact some individuals, but it is necessary to protect the city as a whole

7 November, 2016

Johannes devries says:

The springbank diversion plan is an absolute necessity

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

Springbankers are NIMBYs? what does that make those who only want the Elbow in their backyard at certain flow rates?

7 November, 2016

No to SR1 says:

The cost benefit analysis has grossly underestimated the cost of SR1. You were warned if it goes through it's not the cheapest/best option.

7 November, 2016

Shannon says:

This is not just about Calgary! Maclean Creek won't destroy our heritage ranches & protects Bragg Creek!

7 November, 2016

John says:

The most cost effective option to achieve flood mitigation goals. Maximum effect, minimum disruption. But treat those affected fairly!

7 November, 2016

Nadir says:

This seems the best option but I would leave the decision to the experts. The main issue is to do something to mitigate Calgary flooding.

7 November, 2016

Len Sandrin says:

Upstream mitigation is absolutely necessary to prevent catastrophic flooding in the city. It is the most important piece of the solution

7 November, 2016

Flooded out says:

Get it done already

7 November, 2016

Mh says:

Springbank will be a good start. We need this for the city and as someone who was flooded out in 2013, will go a long way for piece of mind

7 November, 2016

Mightbeuseful says:

Where will the folks from Springbank bring their kid's 4H animals if the Calgary Stampede Grounds are underwater? What about flames fans?

7 November, 2016

Andrew says:

I fully support the concept of an upstream dam to protect the city. If Springbank is the best location for this, then so be it.

7 November, 2016

No $$$ says:

Why should any of my tax $ be spent for people who buy homes in low areas, then want the us to save them. You made your choice live with it

7 November, 2016

Linda Taylor says:

I support the Springbank option which has been reviewed & confirmed as the best option to protect Calgary & further downstream communities.

7 November, 2016

Blake O'Brien says:

This seems like the only logical "solution" to me.

7 November, 2016

Bob G says:

As victims of 2013 flood, it is a misconception that we were offered buyouts and that insurance covered our losses. It cost us huge $.

7 November, 2016

Lynn G says:

We strongly support the Springbank Reservoir project to protect our communities and the downtown. We cannot afford another 2013 flood.

7 November, 2016

Brandon says:

what is the cost to clean out the debris after a flood event? I'm concerned about air quality from a dust bowl.

7 November, 2016

Paul Baay says:

This seems to be the he only long term solution to properly protect the economy of one of the most vibrant cities in the world.

7 November, 2016

Brandon says:

It is not cost effective. The concept design is only protecting a select few communities over smaller towns and communities outside Calgary.

7 November, 2016

Arthur says:

I want and support the Springbank off-stream Reservoir Project. This is the best option . What are we waiting for?????????

7 November, 2016

Mary says:

I strongly support the Springbank off-stream Reservoir Project-------we must protect our communities and downtown Calgary.

7 November, 2016

DS says:

Our neighborhood and city urgently need mitigation. The Springbank dam is the best solution from a cost-benefit perspective.

7 November, 2016

Mary says:

I strongly support Springbank off-stream Project-----we must protect our communities and downtown Calgary '

7 November, 2016

Mrs. Harper says:

Fact-Alberta Gov't Environment Dept has never studied SR1-Ask them yourself-They have never seen the file. Biggest myth this is well studied

7 November, 2016

Pat says:

With the amount of damage done in 2013, the reservoir is the only answer. Stop talking about this and let's have some action.

7 November, 2016

HCole says:

Is this not a provincially funded project? Why is only Calgary being protected and not other Albertan communities? No to SR1, Yes to MC1.

7 November, 2016

HCole says:

I don't want my tax dollars going toward a project that only protects some while sacrificing others.

7 November, 2016

RickyG says:

An upstream Elbow River dam is a better solution protecting more communities like Bragg, Redwood, Springbank and Tnai lands along with Calga

7 November, 2016

Mary says:

I strongly support the "Springbank offstream Reservoir Project, Mary

7 November, 2016

basyas says:

Maximize use of excess water to areas of the province that are drought prone. Irrigation!

7 November, 2016

H says:

The Sprinbank Reservoir solution is the most effective and well thought out solution to avoid a repeat disaster and needs to proceed ASAP.

7 November, 2016

Hannah Geist says:

Why doesn't this map show the full scale of the dry dam (almost the size of Airdrie!)? More misinformation meant to push SR1. Go Maclean.

7 November, 2016

SR1 Please says:

We have seen the destruction of a large portion of the City of Calgary. Not convinced that SR1 will destroy grassland. It doesn't equate.

7 November, 2016

hgfjg says:

Has anyone even looked at the plans for SR1? They have water running uphill! No to Springbank! Dam Maclean, protect everyone!

7 November, 2016

Maureen says:

The SB reservoir has been studied and best serves the city .It has been approved; a few neg private interests should change the decision

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

RockyView County is opposed to SR1. They state it will sterilize farmland, contaminate water and pollute the air. No upside for RVC. Yes MC1

7 November, 2016

BL says:

I fully support the Springbank option. It protects river communities BUT just as importantly, protects downtown businesses -small & large.

7 November, 2016

T says:

The Springbank Option has been reviewed by a number of experts and comes out as the best alternative overall. It's time to committ to it.

7 November, 2016

DJ says:

As a flooded resident I can tell you that the biggest myth is that we were offered a buyout, or indeed any public funds at all.We paid!

7 November, 2016

Greg L. says:

Doesn't anyone realize 2013 was a freak occurrence that will never happen again in our lifetimes? Why ruin any communities over nothing?

7 November, 2016

no sr1 says:

What ever happened to being good neighbours? A dam at MacLean Creek would offer the most protection without further destroying communities.

7 November, 2016

basyas says:

Prague floods. Vienna does not. They figured it out and DID something!

7 November, 2016

basyas says:

Instead of buying land, agree to cover crop or property losses if and when flood occurs. MB farmers still farm beside the dike.

7 November, 2016

CW says:

The Springbank option has been throughly vetted by two governing parties (Conservatives & NDP). Please end the delays and begin construction

7 November, 2016

basyas says:

If downtown Calgary is not protected head offices will leave Calgary particularly in light of the higher tax rate that now exists in AB.

7 November, 2016

Tyler says:

AS albertans are paying for this, it must protect the most albertans possible. Not just YYC Elbow River communities.

7 November, 2016

Eric M says:

I feel Springbank dam is not right. Protect more people is a must. SR1 does not provide equal protection to all citizens, in YYC our out

7 November, 2016

Maria says:

Springbank is the most viable option to protect homes, businesses and important city infrastructure. Calgary cannot afford another 2013.

7 November, 2016

Jeff says:

Springbank's wide input channel will safely ingest large debris (many large trees) whereas McLean's narrow flow channel is susceptible. Duh

7 November, 2016

Tom Kent says:

great idea. need to protect downtown and water from Elbow wants to go to Bow once it overflows banks. get Springbank done soon!

7 November, 2016

Jeff says:

With the Springbank project being closely positioned to the City, it provides snow/rain protection sourced on the greatest land area. Duh.

7 November, 2016

Mary Saucier says:

By far my biggest concern to the time it is taking to begin the Spring bank Reservoir!!!! What is the hold-up?

7 November, 2016

Mary Saucier says:

My biggest worry just now is that the decision to build the upstream reservoir on the Elbow river, which caused by far the greatest damage

7 November, 2016

Darlene rogers says:

I am not an environmentalist nor do I have scientific credentials but it makes sense to protect our city from upstream activity.

7 November, 2016

PTSD says:

Yes, still PTSD symptoms! Action on Springbank is needed to protect YYC lives, businesses and homes and to help turn around our economy.

7 November, 2016

fklein68 says:

I fully support this concept. I think it would protect the city with very little negative impact. Only some 20 landowners would be affected

7 November, 2016

F Cropper says:

SR-1 needs to go ahead as soon as possible to protect the citizens of Calgary and the downtown core. Do not wait!

7 November, 2016

Jean Beca says:

Equal protection from river flood to all citizens/communities Protect Calgary's economic core? I live in Rideau Rocksbough.DOIT

7 November, 2016

Richard says:

These upstream reservoirs are essential to protect people and property in Calgary. Building dykes/concrete walls is not enough; we need both

7 November, 2016

Rich says:

Properly assess the McLean Creek option using recent data (NOT the outdated data of the previous and current governments)

7 November, 2016

DnT says:

Flood Mitigation is critical to the long term safety and prosperity of Calgary. Springbank is the best option for Calgary, period.

7 November, 2016

Roxboro Owner says:

SR1 has been thoroughly studied, and has been rigorously compared to the alternatives. It is clearly the choice to be made. Action is needed

7 November, 2016

Dooley r says:

Clearly this is required since the repeat of a 2013 flood or worse would have a terrible impact on the city, Alberta and nationally.

7 November, 2016

Concerned owner says:

Environmentalists will stall McLean Creek indefinitely. We need flood protection now, so I support Springbank and improving Glenmore Dam.

7 November, 2016

Concerned owner says:

Two provincial governments have agreed on Springbank. Let's proceed. We cannot afford another downtown flood, caused by the Elbow River.

7 November, 2016

ratfink says:

There is no comparison between the massive damage to an entire city from another flood, and the minimal disruption to a few landowners.

7 November, 2016

Jason says:

It is ludicrous this decision is based on public opinion versus which will protect the city the best. Concept 1 is the best choice.

7 November, 2016

HD says:

The environmental impact of flooded appliances and building materials headed for the landfill is enormous compared to water in a field.

7 November, 2016

ratfink says:

Please get this project underway. It will protect everyone. Don't let a few vocal landers owners obstruct the right solution.

7 November, 2016

dbe says:

Build the springbank reservoir asap. Enough time has been wasted.

7 November, 2016

DJ says:

SR1 would have prevented tens of thousands of families losing their homes and billions of dollars in damage. Build it now!

7 November, 2016

Allan says:

Need to protect Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows as well as Calgary.

7 November, 2016

Agata korth says:

Please just get this dry dam completed, we've all discussed this every which way possible....we are sick of discussing, just get it built!!!

7 November, 2016

SR1 NOW says:

Baloney that a few dozen people can NIMBY and keep Calgary at risk. Expropriate, the rent pasture back to the original owner. SR1 NOW

7 November, 2016

SR1 NOW says:

Floods caused many BILLIONS of damage. And will happen again. Do not forget 2013. SR1 NOW

7 November, 2016

NDM says:

Maclean Creek is the best initiative and perhaps finding an insurance company that insures for floods in the interim.

7 November, 2016

SR1 NOW says:

Naysayers complain that dust will blow out of SR1. Don't they think dust will blow out of flooded Calgary? SR1 NOW.

7 November, 2016

SR1 NOW says:

SR1 land will still be grazing land 99% of the time. It is not lost, in spite of what a VERY FEW NIMBY types say.

7 November, 2016

SR1 NOW says:

Springbank is the best choice. Being downstream of McLean Creek the Springbank option can catch water from the mountains AND the foothills

7 November, 2016

Mbhannam says:

It is now going on four years post flood. Our neighbourhood is still rebuilding. PLEASE build the spring bank dam and let us rest easy.

7 November, 2016

Angelique says:

Protecting our city and rivers are mandatory. This is the strongest option to prevent and assist in another devastating flood.

7 November, 2016

Mandy says:

The ability to support a 2013 flood level is essential to protect not just residents along the Elbow river, but also Calgary's economic core

7 November, 2016

MB says:

Please get moving on SR1. The benefit to the entire inner city of Calgary outweighs the concerns of a few Springbank residents.

7 November, 2016

PP28 says:

does nothing to protect the communities of Bragg Creek or Redwood Meadows. It will destroy heritage farm lands and families in Springbank

7 November, 2016

Tim says:

Springbank dry dam is the best solution.

7 November, 2016

Sally says:

Since when did destruction of a community become an acceptable choice when there are alternatives? Mclean Creek, the Tunnel or Tri River!

7 November, 2016

BM says:

Action SR-1. McLean Creek will never happen so stop putting it out as some viable option. You're all just distracting from viable options.

7 November, 2016

Rachel says:

It seems like a few dozen landowners against hundreds of thousands of Albertans that need the downtown core protected. Let's move on SR1

7 November, 2016

protect everyone says:

Upstream mitigation is LONG overdue. Build SR 1 before another catastrophic flood affects ALL Calgarians.

7 November, 2016

BM says:

Action SR-1. Three years have passed since Calgary was shutdown. Stop the navel gazing. It's embarrassing. Springbank will be fine.

7 November, 2016

SR1 please says:

Sediment management is easier in a dry reservoir as the reservoir is not continually subject to daily sedimentation - flood events only.

7 November, 2016

gm says:

Build! The Springbank Dry Dam is the best choice as a first defence to protect the citizens and the economic core of Calgary

7 November, 2016

Michael Mulloy says:

I am in favour of the Springbank reservoir

7 November, 2016

Conrad says:

Calgary cannot afford another flood.We must build the Springbank dry dam!!!

7 November, 2016

tdwr says:

The Springbank Project is in the public interest of the City of Calgary, and the operations of downtown Calgary.

7 November, 2016

david says:

best overall option ... fully support this plan.

7 November, 2016

Percy Lazdins says:

Not an option. as it makes no sense!!!! Does not protect Red Wood Meadows, Bragg Creek and residences in between.

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

Protection of Calgary must be top priority given the number of people with property and livelihoods at risk.

7 November, 2016

NH says:

We support the Springbank Dry Dam. Please act quickly to protect the homes of families in the path of Elbow River flooding.

7 November, 2016

Bbiddell says:

Please proceed with spring bank- this will benefit the most people and homes by far and we can't risk this extensive damage again!

7 November, 2016

Living on a hill says:

Pandering to rich fools who buy riverfront property and then cry when it floods. Work with Mother Nature and buy out flood plain properties

7 November, 2016

Paul V. says:

I think this solution affects the least amount of people and is a fair balance to all parties. Please proceed ASAP.

7 November, 2016

LMH says:

Protect our city. Build SR1. It will benefit the majority. We need mitigation now!

7 November, 2016

Kim says:

We need to do this ASAP!!!

7 November, 2016

Build springbank says:

Protect downtown calgary and build spring bank

7 November, 2016

MR says:

The Springbank Dry Dam is the essential choice as a first defence to protect the citizens and the economic core of Calgary and Alberta.

7 November, 2016

Bryan W says:

Springbank Reservoir is the best solution: its quick, relatively inexpensive and least likely to run into environmental roadblocks.

7 November, 2016

David Calnan says:

I support the idea. It is low impact and low cost solution. It will protect in some flood events and provide needed time in all.

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

Maclean Creek is not necessary to protect those upstream of SR1 & will take 10 years to be put in place, if ever.

7 November, 2016

Springbank says:

Import to proceed with spring bank due to cost benefit to the downtown corr

7 November, 2016

Sue says:

Build Springbank. It is the best option for the money and for the environment. The Elbow flooded downtown Calgary!

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

Residents upstream of SR1 have already seen mitigation measures instituted to protect Red Wood Meadows & Bragg Creek

7 November, 2016

Linda Gardner says:

We need to get moving on this as soon as possible. Time is of the essence. The further we are away from 2013, people start forgetting.

7 November, 2016

BowRiverResident says:

There needs to be more than just operational changes on the Ghost Reservoir - need more storage capacity on the Bow to properly protect YYC!

7 November, 2016

SRCJ says:

The destruction of pristine grasslands & agricultural land is disturbing. What is motivating the NDP to renege on their stance b4 election?

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

Require Springbank reservoir to be built ASAP - the #of residents hurt by flooding greatly outweighs the few well off landowners impacted

7 November, 2016

Greater Good says:

Just curious if the DDSB folks realize the folly of their arguments? 2 very different governments came to the same conclusion. YES TO SR1!!

7 November, 2016

SRCJ says:

This approach causes environmental & ecological damage to the Springbank area, and leaving the effluent in situ introduces health concerns.

7 November, 2016

SRCJ says:

This plan is not the most comprehensive solution available as it provides no protection to Bragg Creek & Redwood Meadows.

7 November, 2016

Gail M says:

Calgary residents expect empathy for flooding, yet show none for their upstream neighbours? Dam MacLean Creek and keep everyone safe!

7 November, 2016

SR1 yes says:

Nutrients from floods can be beneficial to grasslands. City waste in our rivers can't be good for downstream irrigation / municipalities.

7 November, 2016

JKS says:

ruining springbank to protect Calgary still does nothing for those residents upstream of springbank, other solutions make more sense.

7 November, 2016

James says:

Maclean offers protection to the most number of people and costs are predictable. SR1 will cost the province too much for coverage of few.

7 November, 2016

EB says:

The health and economics of the whole city, along Bow and Elbow Rivers, hangs in the balance as we stall on mitigation upstream. Build it.

7 November, 2016

SR1 now says:

Rockyview is moving ahead with local flood mitigation in Bragg Creek. We also need to protect a large population in Calgary.

7 November, 2016

SG says:

Maclean Creek is the best option. Protection to Bragg Creek, Redwood Meadows and Elbow residents. Even NDP knew this to be true pre election

7 November, 2016

sdb says:

Springbank has been proven to be the best option, with less environmental impact. DO IT QUICKLY! Protect Calgary.

7 November, 2016

ka says:

the options have been analyzed and springbank is the best option to protect the elbow and downtown. Do not delay

7 November, 2016

Anthony says:

The govt's figures for land acquisition at Springbank are way too low. What is really going on here? And the proposed dam is ENORMOUS.

7 November, 2016

Coexistance says:

Off Stream storage would be empty most often. Could off stream reservoir land continue to be used for grazing in non flood season? SR1 go!

7 November, 2016

Margaret says:

Buying 6800 acres of farmland makes no sense. It would cost us tax-payers billions and not be effective. Build berms and barriers.

7 November, 2016

PTSD says:

It is ridiculous that a handful of people upstream of Calgary continues to put the entire city at risk. Build Springbank soon!

7 November, 2016

Sandra says:

People seem to think that a dam at Springbank will protect ALL Calgary. It won't. It will only protect along the Elbow River,

7 November, 2016

Grass and Cattle says:

Temporary flooding of grasslands could work for livestock and grassland. Mclean Creek would require massive clear cutting of trees.

7 November, 2016

dc says:

Why is this a popularity contest? We need upstream mitigation measures now. Two successive government have chosen SR1. Get on with it!!!

7 November, 2016

Luellaj says:

This option provides no protection for any community upstream of Springbank. Use McLean Creek.

7 November, 2016

Action Required says:

Options have been closely analyzed. SR1 has the best CB ratio and the least environmental impact. Time for action. SR1 Please!

7 November, 2016

Practical Catchment2 says:

80% of the excess runoff is generated in the mountains before it ever gets to Bragg Creek. SRI being downstream of Mclean does not help.

7 November, 2016

Practical Catchment says:

SR1 is closer to Calgary and will catch more upstream runoff than McLean Creek ever could. SR1's proximity to Calgary makes more sense.

7 November, 2016

Marc says:

Such a bad plan. Springbank resevoir makes no sense - cost or practical considerations. Protect upstream communities! Use MacLean Creek!

7 November, 2016

Flood Safety Risk says:

One death from flooding is too many; it could easily have been much worse. Failure to protect a major City is unacceptable. SR1 ASAP.

7 November, 2016

Fisheries says:

Off Stream storage has less impact on fisheries. Stream flow interruptions are minimum during normal operating stream flow. Yes Sr1!

7 November, 2016

emee says:

We need Upstream Reservoirs for both the Bow and Elbow Rivers. Please proceed with SR1 and plan for the Bow River ASAP.

7 November, 2016

WMR says:

This option makes the most sense considering all perspectives: environmental, community impact and financial. Proceed NOW!

7 November, 2016

JamesYYC says:

SR1 avoids the need for walls 6m to 10m high along the Elbow, RUINING community. Confined by walls, flood water height will be greater!

7 November, 2016

Sustainability says:

Off Stream Storage is more sustainable to manage in the long term. Build SR1 Now

7 November, 2016

Cost of No Action says:

The Environmental Cost of doing nothing is too great. Flooded Calgary businesses pollute our rivers. Build Sr1 now.

7 November, 2016

JamesYYC says:

Safety DICTATES SR1. It is only 10m high and can avoid being used before it is safely finalized - unlike MacLean Creek (50m high).

7 November, 2016

Fran says:

Enough fear mongering. No one in Calgary was harmed by any toxic dust - and we had all of Calgary's sewer in our basements. Yes to SR1

7 November, 2016

JamesYYC says:

Safety is ALL IMPORTANT with dams, particularly high dams (50m) like MacLean Creek. Poor rock and vulnerable during the lengthy construction

7 November, 2016

Long Term Vision says:

The Environmental cost of not building SR1 is too Great. 90,000 tons of incremental waste in Calgary Landfills from 2013 alone. Build SR1!

7 November, 2016

Protect us! says:

8 grizzlies in Springbank? They'll be just fine. The grizzly corridor at McLean Creek however will pose a major problem. Build Springbank!

7 November, 2016

Build the reservoir says:

Do you seriously think the professional environmentalists will let McLean Creek see the light of day? Not likely. Build SR1. Only option.

7 November, 2016

Build it! says:

The dry dam is being engineered as a reservoir that could be used for longer term containment, e.g., if a drought. It's the best option!

7 November, 2016

Enough already says:

Toxic flood mud? Really? Fear mongering is all that is. Your grassland will survive. All our lawns did just fine. Build the dry dam.

7 November, 2016

Stop fear mongering says:

The province will remediate any harm to the Springbank land. No one did that for Calgary and all the grass survived just fine. Build SR1!!

7 November, 2016

build SR1 says:

Very tired of the fear mongering. Flood mud will not kill your pasture. City parks and lawns all recovered without any mitigation.

7 November, 2016

False Info says:

Parks all over the city were covered in flood mud. Guess what? After some rain they all looked good as new. Nothing died. Build SR1!

7 November, 2016

JamesYYC says:

RE SR1, the current EIA is taking FAR too long. Cut time in half and let the NRCB decide if it is adequate. SR1 s/b flood ready Spring 2019.

7 November, 2016

Sara says:

Ranchland is not usable after flooding. Lack of oxygen and light kills grassland. Disease laden dust bowl left. Google dry dam photos.

7 November, 2016

JamesYYC says:

SR1 will put river water on prairie grass a couple of times a century. Zero environmental impact compared to power plants, refineries, etc.

7 November, 2016

James Cran says:

Springbank is absolutely the best item. It is cheap and quick to build and safe during construction while MacLean Creek is dangerous (50m hi

7 November, 2016

Sara says:

SR1 will kill the grassland, contaminate groundwater and blow diseases towards Calgary. Environmental concerns are real. Use McLean Creek.

7 November, 2016

Colleen says:

Upstream reservoirs are a good idea, but why not further upstream than Bragg Creek, why Springbank?

7 November, 2016

Colleen says:

Why are Springbank and communities upstream from Springbank considered acceptable sacrifices? Calgarians need to consider others too.

7 November, 2016

Tom says:

The so called "independent" study done by Deltares was not much more than a book report. Lots of "according to the reports" in it. Dam MC.

7 November, 2016

John says:

We need Upstream Reservoirs for both the Bow and Elbow Rivers. Time to proceed with SR1 and plan for the Bow River ASAP.

7 November, 2016

Khan says:

SR1 has far less impact to the environment as MC is further upstream, affecting countless wildlife habitats. SR1 is the smart choice.

7 November, 2016

BL says:

SR1 has been researched and has been shown to be the best option. It has been over 3 yrs since the flood and time for SR1 to proceed.

7 November, 2016

Calgary-1 says:

Springbank was approved by two separate government bodies, after extensive studies, scientific data was used to come to the right conclusion

7 November, 2016

CM says:

Please explain how can they acquire 6,800 acres of prime ranchland (and riverfront) at a cost of only $40 million? Less than $6K per acre?

7 November, 2016

kc says:

@Basement Water: Why are Urban lives and livelihoods more important than rural ones? The MacLean dam would protect everyone!

7 November, 2016

Mbetzner says:

We absolutely need protective measures for both the Bow River and the Elbow river. Massive property damage occurred along both systems.

7 November, 2016

kc says:

Drought will be a much bigger issue in the coming years than flooding. What good will a dry dam do? Build MC1!

7 November, 2016

LLG says:

Why should some be sacrificed for the good of others when an option to protect everyone exists? Dam MacLean Creek!

7 November, 2016

K says:

@ Martin: SR1 opponents care VERY MUCH about flood mitigation that works for all involved, that's why we are pushing for MacLean Creek.

7 November, 2016

Jeff says:

I support the Bow River reservoir. It's a necessity for flood mitigation in Calgary.

7 November, 2016

rsw says:

Springbank is necessary and benefits ALL Calgarians. We must protect the core and Springbank is the BEST option.

7 November, 2016

LL says:

I support the Springbank project.

7 November, 2016

Evonne says:

DO NOT unnecessarily delay the Springbank mitigation project. The Springbank Project is in the best interests of Calgarians and Albertans.

7 November, 2016

Paul says:

The Springbank dam will protect from the environmental damage of the massive clean up and rebuild. One years worth of landfill usage for ex

7 November, 2016

Paul says:

The cost benefit analysis of losing the downtown core for an extended period (which almost happened last time) needs to be considered.

7 November, 2016

Concerned citizen says:

As an individual who wants flood mitigation and has reviewed all options, I see MANY issues with SR1. MC1 protects more ppl. No to SR1.

7 November, 2016

Basement Water says:

Note to the selfish lot of Springbank land owners; this is about protecting a city & lives NOT some farmland.

7 November, 2016

Paul says:

An independent study, confirmed by the NDP, have identified Springbank as the best upstream solution for the Elbow River

7 November, 2016

Calgary-1 says:

We need protection for the city of Calgary, downtown core, and the 100,000 residents that were last affected by the flood. SR1!!!

7 November, 2016

Terri says:

Only those who live outside Springbank support this dam, not those who actually will be affected by the project. It's an unhealthy choice.

7 November, 2016

#WOEISME says:

Poor Springbank owners, your soooooo right. Let a city of 1M plus be vulnerable so your cattle can graze. Build it!

7 November, 2016

mly says:

MacLean Creek - YES!!!! No to SR! Where does Bragg Creek fit into this scenario?? Why would we want to be exclusive?

7 November, 2016

Protect YYC says:

There is simply no way that MacLean Creek, given environmental concerns, would ever be built - so build SR1. Now. Period.

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

97% of letters to CEAA were against SR1. These well researched, carefully drafted letters outlined many environmental concerns. No to SR1.

7 November, 2016

Martin says:

I support SR1 - Don't Dam Springbank don't care about mitigation. Period.

7 November, 2016

Bob says:

I fully support SR1!

7 November, 2016

MelanieS says:

Why not manage dams better? Lower Ghost and Bearspaw every spring? Nice star on map please show actual size of Springbank Drydam. McLean #1.

7 November, 2016

Nenshi says:

MacLean Creek is a better solution. Cheaper, faster, and helps all involved communities.

7 November, 2016

Greg says:

The options have been well studied (i.e., SR1, MacLean Creek Dam and the Glenmore Tunnel) - the conclusion is that SR1 is best.

7 November, 2016

ProtectYYC says:

The Springbank project has been objectively proven to be the best project to protect neighbourhoods and downtown Calgary. I support it.

7 November, 2016

Save YYC says:

Premier Prentice picked the SR1 as the best option after a full review. Don't kid yourself - Mclean Creek will never be built.

7 November, 2016

PProtectYYC says:

The Springbank reservoir is a NO-BRAINER! Sorry Springbank residents, the very few of you affected cannot deny a city of 1.1M protection.

7 November, 2016

LaurieEH says:

SR1 will contaminate Calgary water & ruin agricultural lands & wildlife habitat for YEARS! Dam McLean Creek & protect EVERYONE upstream!

7 November, 2016

Donna Robinson says:

Residents of Springbank should not be flooded out to save those in the City of Calgary. Use Maclean Creek option to protect everyone.

7 November, 2016

Clay Robinson says:

Maclean Creek protects everyone on the Elbow River including Bragg Creek and Redwood Meadows. Springbank protects only the City of Calgary

7 November, 2016

Calgary now says:

I strongly support the Springbank project. The landowners will be treated fairly and receive far better compensation than any flood victims

7 November, 2016

Aileen for YYC says:

Stop flood water from entering the City - starting with the Springbank project. It's the only hope for protecting our future as a City.

7 November, 2016

Modernize YYC says:

We are a modern City and we need modern protection! Build the springbank off-stream reservoir and figure out how to fix the Bow.

7 November, 2016

Karen W says:

Duff's Ditch had opponents too - but is now viewed as a huge success! Get on with it Alberta - build the Springbank project!

7 November, 2016

Yes to protection! says:

Yes to Springbank! We can't leave the downtown vulnerable. Both rivers flood the Core - start now!

7 November, 2016

Build now! says:

Springbank land is grazing land and can continue to be used for that the majority of the time. Build the dry dam and protect the City!

7 November, 2016

Say no says:

8 Grizzle bears settled and are living in the proposed Dam area, not to mention countless other animals. Don't destroy their habitats.

7 November, 2016

SR1 says:

Inconvenient Truth: Yes - SR1 protects the Core which is flooded by BOTH RIVERS! Build Springbank now and fix the Bow too!

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

Calgary needs protection - just like every other major city in the world. Start with Springbank - build the dry dam ASAP!

7 November, 2016

Harold says:

Good job province for acting swiftly post-flood to find solutions. Build SR1 now and find solutions on the Bow. Protect Calgary!

7 November, 2016

Say no says:

These are heritage ranches that have had generations ranching and farming on them. But why would Albertans care about that?

7 November, 2016

Merran says:

Build Springbank dry dam now! And find a solution on the Bow. The province is doing a great job- keep it up!

7 November, 2016

SR1 Now says:

The province acted swiftly post-2013 flood to find solutions for flooding. SR1 is the first project that needs building. Fix the Bow too!

7 November, 2016

Val in Calgary says:

I strongly support protecting Calgary and the first project we need to get done is the Springbank dry dam.

7 November, 2016

Harold says:

Yes, protect downtown. Springbank does NOT protect downtown. Other options need review. No to SR1, it is misguided.

7 November, 2016

Meg says:

Yes to the Springbank Dry Dam! It's doable. It's needed. It must be done!

7 November, 2016

Calgary says:

Save Canada's economic engine and start with the Springbank Off-stream Reservoir!

7 November, 2016

AB says:

This Concept - flood infrastructure on both rivers - is absolutely the way to go. Build Springbank now and fix the Bow too!

7 November, 2016

SaveCalgary says:

Tearing down homes and skyscrapers in Calgary is not a viable solution. Springbank project is. Build it ASAP and fix the Bow too!

7 November, 2016

Say no says:

The Springbank Dam will be a health hazard to anyone who lives down wind or down stream, they have no plans to clean it up after flooding it

7 November, 2016

Urgent!! says:

The Elbow and Bow Rivers both flood downtown. Start with SR1 for the Elbow and find solutions for the Bow. It's urgent!

7 November, 2016

Harold says:

The BOW River caused the majority of the City's grief. WHY is a fix on the Elbow being pushed? SR1 is bad public policy and irresponsible.

7 November, 2016

Still Vulnerable says:

Yes to Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir! It's about time. Look at Duff's Ditch? A 70 year dry spell has left us complacent. Wait no longer

7 November, 2016

Say no says:

There are other options that don't destroy one community to save another, choose McLean Creek.

7 November, 2016

Protect us! says:

The majority may not be as loud as the minority - but make no mistake, this City wants the Springbank project built ASAP!

7 November, 2016

Paul YYC says:

SAVE THE CORE or whoever you are, stop spamming under different names. It only shows desperation.

7 November, 2016

Save the city says:

Calgary was built on the confluence of two rivers. Both need fixing. Start with Springbank dry dam and find a solution for the Bow!

7 November, 2016

Say no says:

The Springbank reservoir is bad public policy, a health hazard after it being flooded and is a huge environmental impact to animals homes

7 November, 2016

LM says:

It's ludicrous that no action has yet been taken, almost 4 years after the flood. Build Springbank! It is objectively the best choice.

7 November, 2016

Calgary! says:

Springbank is the best solution for Calgary. Do not delay. Prioritize this important public works project! Work with the province!

7 November, 2016

Say no says:

Why is it okay to flood out one community to save another when they live on a flood plain. Why punish one community to save another.

7 November, 2016

Save our City says:

I strongly support the Springbank project. It protects thousands of homes and businesses and is needed to protect the Core.

7 November, 2016

Harold says:

McLean Dam and Tri-River Joint Reservoir were not thoroughly reviewed as options. Springbank Dry Dam is irresponsible water management.

7 November, 2016

Save the Core says:

Yes to Springbank Off-stream Reservoir. Protect the downtown by fixing both rivers ASAP!

7 November, 2016

Build Springbank! says:

City water engineers have repeatedly said the Elbow contributes to flooding downtown - which cannot be protected without fixing both rivers.

7 November, 2016

Protect Downtown says:

Both rivers flood the Core - the centre of our City and basis of our province's economy. Build Springbank and find a fix for the Bow!

7 November, 2016

No more flooding! says:

Like all mitigation measures, the Springbank dam will negatively affect some, but will benefit a much larger community and economic centre.

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

Inconvenient Truth 4: SR1 will create ideal conditions for the breeding of Mosquitos. Zika mosquitos have made it to Canada. Calgary next?

7 November, 2016

Protect the Core says:

Calgary needs the Springbank dam and a fix on the Bow. Both are needed to protect the downtown Core, City Hall, the East Village, etc.

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

Inconvenient Truth3: Agricultural lands can be used after flooding. 90 days without oxygen or light will kill all vegetation and crops.

7 November, 2016

LMack says:

The Springbank project has already been objectively proven to be the best to protect downtown Calgary & communities. I support it.

7 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

Build SR1. There is strong support in Calgary. Along with empathy for the Springbank landowners - but they will be treated fairly.

7 November, 2016

Save Downtown says:

The Core floods from both rivers. We can't save the core without upstream mitigation on both. Start with Springbank and find a fix for Bow!

7 November, 2016

Save the Core says:

The City of Calgary knows that the Elbow contributes to flooding the downtown. Fix both rivers - starting with the Springbank project.

7 November, 2016

Fix the Elbow! says:

Calgary wants SR1. Yes - the Elbow contributes to flooding downtown. Both rivers need fixing. Let's get on with fixing the Elbow ASAP.

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

Inconvenient Truth 2: Stantec Project Report 5.3.5. Residue from SR1 may contain raw sewage susceptible to blow into Calgary on west winds.

7 November, 2016

Average citizen says:

Springbank background suggests that governments are listening to private wealthy people Vs looking at wise spending of provincial tax dollar

7 November, 2016

Save Calgary! says:

There is strong support in Calgary for the Springbank reservoir - especially amongst those well informed. It's our only option. Build it!

7 November, 2016

Save the City says:

Calgary needs the Springbank dry dam. Using private land for public works is an old concept. Happens all the time for the greater good.

7 November, 2016

LW says:

Springbank Reservoir is presented as a " quick Fix" Do we want quick fix or spend our tax dollars cost effectively. good for all

7 November, 2016

Harold says:

SR1 opposers are not against prudent flood mitigation. City Land Use needs review. City needs a plan, not on the backs of others!

7 November, 2016

save calgary says:

Yes to the Springbank dry dam. It makes sense. Keep the flood water out of the City. The land will be useable for grazing when no flood.

7 November, 2016

LW says:

Springbank Reservoir .. most overall costly project . Combined costs for it, Bragg Creek, Redwood meadows, and First nations besides losses

7 November, 2016

Yes to mitigation says:

Build Springbank! The government is being pragmatic. McLean Creek would never get built. Too many contingencies. Expropriation is normal.

7 November, 2016

Jim says:

Inconvenient Truth 1: Stantec Project Report 5.3.4. SR1 may contaminate groundwater and wells. Springbank relies on clean water wells.

7 November, 2016

Baymare says:

The Springbank Reservoir- is bad public policy. Does not protect Bragg Creek, Redwood or Tsuu Tina. It takes homes, heritage and businesses.

7 November, 2016

Stop Floods! says:

Yes to Springbank! McLean Creek has too many contingencies and will never get built. Where does that leave Calgary? Protect YYC!

7 November, 2016

Stop Floods! says:

The less vocal majority wants SR1. Anyone informed on flood mitigation understands why it's the best solution. Fix the river!

7 November, 2016

YesSR1 says:

I strongly support building the Springbank project and finding a solution for the Bow. Please do not delay! Their is strong support!

7 November, 2016

Fix YYC says:

Calgary is vulnerable to floods. Why?? It's embarrassing. Please build SR1 ASAP and find a solution on the Bow.

7 November, 2016

Protect YYC says:

Yes to Springbank Dry Dam. The City needs protection. And find a solution for the Bow too.

7 November, 2016

City wants SR1 says:

Build SR1. Calgary needs it and everyone wants it! Strong support in the City for those informed on flood mitigation.

7 November, 2016

Prioritize fixes! says:

We need the Springbank Off-Stream Reservoir and a fix for the Bow. Please make this a priority for the City!

7 November, 2016

Yes to dry dam says:

Springbank landowners will be fairly compensated and many will be able to retain the grazing use of their land. Please build SR1!

7 November, 2016

Build the dam says:

Studies have shown SR1 to be the best contender. Please build it ASAP - this City cannot handle another devastating flood.

7 November, 2016

BP says:

Upstream Reservoirs are a good solution to protect Calgary's communities & economic core. Proceed with Springbank & a Bow River Reservoir.

7 November, 2016

Yes to the dry dam says:

There is strong support for SR1 - in spite of a vocal minority. Expropriation is an oft-used tool for public works. Build SR1.

7 November, 2016

Urgent Fix Needed says:

Please build SR1 right away. 2020 is the best timeline. It's so far off! Every year the City is at risk.

7 November, 2016

Upstream Mitigation says:

We need upstream protection on both rivers. Find a solution for the Bow and build SR1 ASAP. The vocal minority will be fairly compensated.

7 November, 2016

Ross C says:

As an Alberta taxpayer and YYC resident and business owner, SR1 is wrong. A dam at McLean is the responsible thing to do.

7 November, 2016

Fix Calgary says:

Build SR1 for the Elbow and find a solution for the Bow ASAP. This City needs protection. ASAP!

7 November, 2016

Protect Calgary says:

It's embarrassing this City has no flood protection - it's had more than dozen major floods in the past 120 years. Get SR1 done!

7 November, 2016

Yes to Springbank says:

It's unfortunate that expropriation may be required - but it's quite common for public works. Build Springbank ASAP!

7 November, 2016

calgary citizen says:

We Must protect the city, a few will be inconvenienced, but properly compensated. the land in question is not historically significant.

7 November, 2016

Build SR1 says:

Springbank is essential. The city remains vulnerable and this is the best identified option. Bragg Creek protection is already underway.

7 November, 2016

Yes to SR1 says:

Build Springbank as soon as possible. The city cannot afford another devastating flood. And find an upstream solution for the Bow River!

7 November, 2016

kc says:

Rehab what's left of Maclean Creek (now a giant gravel pit full of atvs) into a dam/rec area/ natural habitat. Protection on crown land.

7 November, 2016

cdorr says:

I strongly support the Springbank Reservoir. Please move to protect our inner city communities and downtown. It's time.

7 November, 2016

KC says:

No to SR1! It destroys yet another community and protects only a fraction of the people Maclean Creek would!

7 November, 2016

Hal Couillard says:

Carving up valuable and historic agricultural land is insane as an alternative. Maclean Creek is already owned by the crown. Go there.

7 November, 2016

JN says:

The economics here are a lie! Land values are incorrect and no costs for expropriations. The Cost benefit makes no sense. A fail. A lie.

7 November, 2016

Adrian Nagy says:

I do no t agree with the proposed plan, I believe that their are alternatives that are probably better and less intrusive to the parties

7 November, 2016

K says:

Damming McLean Creek will protect more people and doesn't destroy another community. And is already government owned land

7 November, 2016

Anne says:

Environmentalists and First Nations against this plan. Build berms and use McLean.

7 November, 2016

Lucy says:

This option does not protect downtown or anywhere along the Bow. It is a strange and unproductive idea. What is really in the govt's mind?

7 November, 2016

Lesley says:

No Springbank Dam! Environmentally dangerous and unpopular with Calgarians. Use crown land at McLean Creek

7 November, 2016

DL says:

This is the best plan. It is so important we make this happen. The benefits are significant.

6 November, 2016

Keep Your Promise says:

NO to SR1. McLean Cr protects more people and doesn't destroy another community. Bow caused most damage to Calgary.SR1is bad public policy.

6 November, 2016

Ryan says:

More research needs to be conducted for the McLean Creek dam. It's crown land, and will provide a recreational area in the future. NO to SR1

6 November, 2016

Shawn says:

This is the best plan. Let's go ahead and get the Springbank and Bow reservoirs done!

6 November, 2016

SG says:

What happened to #AlbertaStrong? Stop looking to destroy the ranching community in Springbank and consider the other options. Maclean Creek.

6 November, 2016

sg says:

I support the springbank reservoir project. This must be completed soon to protect the economically vital portions of the city.

6 November, 2016

Concerned says:

Both Springbank and additional dams on the Bow River are needed to avoid another national catastrophe which will cost billions.

6 November, 2016

Concerned says:

Downtown Calgary and all the communities along the Elbow and Bow rivers must be protected from future floods. Concept 1 is the best option.

6 November, 2016

Jamie says:

SR1 is not cost effective, and proposed costs have not been realistic up to this point.

6 November, 2016

Jamie says:

Why should one community should be protected at the cost of several others?? Dam McLean, Say NO to SR1.

6 November, 2016

Mark says:

People against SR1 want Calgary protected. They just don't want Springbank destroyed as well. McLean Creek is the best option.

6 November, 2016

Marlene says:

Springbank wants flood mitigation to benefit all. Build MC1 and everyone wins.

6 November, 2016

Larry says:

Springbank Dam will destroy 6,800 acres of ecologically significant private land. McLean Creek land is free and will protect far more people

6 November, 2016

CW says:

Flood mitigation should never involve flooding one community to protect another. SR1 is poor public policy.

6 November, 2016

Marlene says:

SR1 does not provide any benefit other than in the event of a flood- build McLean for drought and flood protection.

6 November, 2016

SR1 is wrong says:

If I had been a victim of the 2013 flood the last thing I'd want is to fling injurious affection onto anyone else for my future well being.

6 November, 2016

DM says:

"YES" to the McLean Creek Dam "No" to the Springbank Dam.

6 November, 2016

SW says:

Completely against Damning Springbank. A complete eye sore

6 November, 2016

Tom says:

Myth 5 - SR will prevent $billions of damage. $750 million according to report on gov.ab. SR will cost more than that. Dam McLean Cr

6 November, 2016

Deborah Ward says:

This is devastating to a longstanding rural community with founding forefathers still in this area. more common sense approach needed

6 November, 2016

PG says:

Given the risks to downtown Calgary and affected communities, and the ~ $6 billion cost of previous flood damage, SR-1 is a must!

6 November, 2016

HM says:

SR1 studies only go so far. Who knows where the ranching sediment will end up? Likely in Calgary drinking water and filling up Glenmore dam.

6 November, 2016

Larry Fichtner says:

The Springbank project and the raising plates on the dam are a big and vital start to full flood mitigation. Downtown Calgary is at risk.

6 November, 2016

Larry Fichtner says:

I am a very strong proponent of upstream flood mitigation and I believe that the two projects that are in process are absolutely mandatory.

6 November, 2016

HEM says:

Map needs to show the entire 6300 acres that flood will effect for SR1. Private land grab. MC1 would be on crown land saving all communities

6 November, 2016

MK says:

The City of Calgary needs to align with the Province's efforts in support of Springbank off stream reservoir

6 November, 2016

Tom says:

How can diverting water kilometres off stream to stagnate possibly be more natural than holding it within the river valley? Dam McLean Cr.

6 November, 2016

LAR says:

McLean proposal offers better protection for more folks & use of Crown lands would be fair for all at risk, urban and rural Albertans alike.

6 November, 2016

No more floods says:

I'm in favor of the Springbank Reservoir. This project is taking way too long. Let's get on with it. Save the inner city.

6 November, 2016

D says:

Springbank off stream reservoir is the superior solution and should proceed first.

6 November, 2016

C.R. says:

No to Springbank, Yes to MacLean.

6 November, 2016

Protect downtown yyc says:

More than 3 years post flood and all we have to show is fingers crossed that there is no new flood. Time to act!!!

6 November, 2016

hoffthehammer says:

It is essential that we undertake the construction of the Springbank upstream reservoir to protect the city.

6 November, 2016

Tom says:

Myth 3 (again) SR opponents are against flood mitigation. Fact - We have consistently advocated for McLean Cr to protect more Albertans

6 November, 2016

NO SR1 says:

SR1 SUPPORTER u r proving why you guys dig a deeper hole for ur selves with every statement.

6 November, 2016

Mark says:

McLean protects more people and communities without destroying valuable farm and ranch land. SR1 is a mistake that should not be built.

6 November, 2016

NO SR1 says:

Poor SR1 SUPPORTER. Take people's homes and biz and community cause of ur wet drywall. Typical attitude from these FOLKS. Drywall B4 PEOPLE?

6 November, 2016

SR1 Supporter says:

Here's an idea. Let's have the Prov offer the buy-out to every impacted homeowner in the City at the 2012 tax assessment. Any guess on cost?

6 November, 2016

SR1 Supporter says:

One wonders if the SR1 opponents spent any time at all seeing first hand the devastation in Calgary. How much drywall did they pull down??

6 November, 2016


SR1 SUPPORTER you fighting a losing battle. Get behind McLean and lets get mitigation.