About the Study
As part of the Sarcee Bow Functional Planning Study, The City is exploring ways to enhance safety and traffic flow at Sarcee Tr and Bow Tr S.W. In Fall 2024, during Phase 2 public engagment, The City shared concept options for the Sarcee Tr and Bow Tr intersection and corridors and asked for public feedback.
Wildwood Community Engagement
In the concept options presented, the project team proposed a new access to Edworthy Park from Bow Tr S.W. Based on the feedback, the project team determined that further engagement is needed to better understand the Wildwood Community’s preferences.
As a continuation of the Phase 2 engagement process, we’re seeking your feedback on proposed options for Edworthy Park access.
Engagement opens on March 3.
To learn about the work that has been completed on the Sarcee Trail/Bow Trail Functional Planning Study, visit www.engage.calgary.ca/sarceebowstudy