Supporting community well-being

City Charters will improve the well-being of citizens in Edmonton and Calgary by supporting service delivery and building community through the development of public spaces. Charter proposals in this area fall under three themes:

  1. Affordable housing
    • Affordable housing is a fundamental need in large cities.
    • Affordable housing improves individual health and well-being and helps to support education, social inclusion and financial security.

      Proposal examples:
      • Provide the cities with the flexibility to innovate and partner with the private sector to prevent loss of affordable housing due to demolition or condominium conversion.
      • Ensure the cities are able to have affordable housing commitments, through housing agreements, that follow the property title and stay with the land.
      • Provide the cities with the ability to define affordable housing within their municipalities in a manner that reflects local needs and circumstances.

  1. Non-profit support
    • Municipalities will be able to best use municipal and provincial capital funding when building arts, culture, recreation and sports facility projects in partnership with non-profit organizations.

      Proposal example:
      • The cities will be able to exempt community facilities, developed in conjunction with non-profit partners, from both municipal and provincial property tax during construction or renovation periods.

For more details please see the City Charters Overview Package on the Government of Alberta website.