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Equitable investment in social and physical infrastructure and services can reduce systemic racism. Investments itself become a tool for the community to participate and reach their full potential to succeed.


Certain Calgary neighbourhoods receive less investment and resources: Community shared that parts of the city with higher populations of Indigenous, Black and diverse Racialized individuals received less investment and attention. Key examples mentioned: community maintenance, neighbourhood beautification (trees, flowers, landscaping), snow removal, children playgrounds, street cleaning, pedestrian access, community services and street lighting.

There is underinvestment in key services: Services that were most needed by the community were usually understaffed and underfunded. This led to community members taking on ‘band-aid’ solutions as opposed to prevention-focused solutions.

Culturally appropriate services are overlooked: There is underinvestment in culturally appropriate facilities, which are key to feeling a sense of belonging in a community. For example, The City’s engagement feedback for the Symons Valley project included requests for a multi-faith centre for Muslims to pray due to the large population of Muslims in the area.

Access to food: Food deserts are another theme relevant to underinvestment that was raised in consultations. Community members noticed that they did not have enough healthy food options in the vicinity surrounding their home, and that these areas had higher immigrant populations.


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