Current Area Plan

South Macleod Centre is located in the southeast quadrant of Calgary, southeast of the intersection of 210 Avenue S.E. and Macleod Trail S.E. and between the communities of Walden and Legacy. This site falls under the South Macleod Centre Area Structure Plan (ASP) which envisions the site as the future “heart” of the Legacy and Walden communities; serving as the Town Centre. An Area Structure Plan (ASP) is a medium to long-range planning document.

The existing policy, outline plan, and land use allows for:

  • three commercial areas that form a “town centre” for the communities of Legacy and Walden
  • opportunities for the incorporation of multiresidential development throughout the plan area
  • a maximum building height of 5 storeys or 20 metres
  • a Main Street and Pedestrian Promenade that runs east to west
  • a Commercial Street that connects the community of Walden to the community of Legacy

[See SITE MAP tab for existing plan map]

Proposed Land Use Concept

The draft land use concept under consideration would allow for:

  • four commercial zones, with the Core Commercial Zone in the centre of the plan area
  • opportunities for the incorporation of multiresidential development throughout the plan area
  • a maximum building height of 8 to 10 storeys or 32 to 40 metres
  • a Plaza/Promenade that runs north to south

[See SITE MAP tab or below for proposed concept map]

To see all of the information boards that were presented at the Open House, click here.


The South Macleod Centre Area Structure Plan (ASP) encompasses approximately 26 hectares of land located between the communities of Walden and Legacy in southwest Calgary. The area is bounded by 210 Avenue SE to the north and Macleod Trail S.E. to the west.

Existing South Macleod Centre Policy 2013, Outline Plan and Land Use

Proposed Draft South Macleod Centre Land Use Concept


What is an ASP?

An ASP is a medium to long-range planning document for a new community. This document refines and implements The City’s broad planning objectives and policies of the Municipal Development Plan, the Calgary Transportation Plan, local area plans, and other plans and policies by promoting logical, compatible and sustainable development. It guides and directs the specific land use, subdivision and development decisions that collectively determine the form that the plan area will take. These development decisions include the provision of essential services and facilities, land uses, transportation systems, population, jobs and densities, and the sequence of development.

Local Area Plans provide policy for specific communities. They bridge the gap between overall City growth policy and the specific character and local character of each community.

What is an Outline Plan & Land Use Amendment?

Outline Plans and Land Use Amendments are detailed, developer-driven proposals that must conform to the requirements of the ASPs. The Subdivision and Development Permit stages are when development commences within these areas.

Why are changes being proposed?

Policy and land use changes may be considered when an applicant/landowner submits an application to The City that varies from the existing Council approved policy or established land use.

The applicant/landowner has proposed the following changes to South Macleod Centre ASP policies to support their revised vision for the site:

  • reconfiguration of the land use concept, building heights and amenity space
  • reconfiguration of the mobility network
  • reconfiguration from a main street to a commercial village core
  • earlier delivery of daily needs, which may include a grocery store
  • revisions are needed to facilitate opportunities for residential development


The City of Calgary asked for public input on this amendment to the South Macleod Centre Area Structure Plan (ASP). Participants provided input on the questions below.

While we asked for the community’s thoughts on the project, it doesn’t necessarily mean that the applicant will implement everything that the community suggests. The plan for the site must balance many factors including existing City policy goals, landowner’s rights, technical feasibility, and stakeholder’s feedback.

Please review the What We Heard report to learn what we asked and the feedback we received in-person and online.


The application was approved by City Council on September 12, 2017. View the Council public hearing minutes and video.