
Each location listed has been identified as either:

  • Enhancing Playspace - Playground upgrades


  • Reimagining Playspace - Replacing old playground equipment with new park amenities that encourages community gathering and play.
Woodlands Map

To provide your feedback on the reimagined park space located at 12 Woodglen Close SW (WBN325) please provide your input below. If unfamiliar with some of the suggested elements please refer to our imagination gallery on this page.

  • Reimagining Playspace - Replacing old playground equipment with new park amenities that encourages community gathering and play.

To provide your feedback on enhancing the playspace located at 40 Woodward Cr. SW (WBN427) please add your input below.

  • Enhancing Playspace - Playground upgrades

Thank you for your time and input on the possible future of this park space. We will evaluate responses along with parks planning and budget availability to make our decisions which we will report back to you on this page prior to work commencing.

To return to the main Playground Lifecycle Page please click here.