In 2009, Council approved the Calgary Transportation Plan (CTP). It reclassified Shaganappi Trail to an Arterial Street from a Skeletal Road and identified the corridor as a primary route for transit, cycling and HOV (high occupancy vehicles). In addition, the CTP confirmed that the Bow River crossing recommendation would be removed. This means that Shaganappi Trail will no longer function as a north to south connector across the river.
These changes require us to revisit how Shaganappi Trail was designed in the south end. The South Shaganappi Study will work with stakeholders and the public to determine the best way of addressing these challenges and ensure the future design of the study area meets the needs of the community.
Through this study, we will align the future corridor plans for Shaganappi Trail with the CTP, the Municipal Development Plan (MDP), and adjacent land use plans. We will also develop a long-term vision for Shaganappi Trail that accommodates all modes of transportation and is integrated with surrounding communities and land uses.
For more detailed information about the study, please visit the South Shaganappi Study webpage.
Phase 3A: Preferred Concept Selection
We know that draft recommended plans are improved when they incorporate the knowledge of those who live and work near the study area and those who use the use the road network. We hosted engagement opportunities for public participation for all those that use the south end of Shaganappi Trail.
In Phase 3A we asked for your feedback on draft short-term and long-term recommended plans and ideas for 43rd Street, click below to see the plans. See the What We Heard Report for a summary of feedback received.
Draft Long-term Recommended Plan:
Draft Short-term Recommended Plan (including 43rd Street ideas):
Short-term Recommendations
43rd Street
Learn about what that has taken place so far in a brief summary of each phase of engagement below.
Phase 2B: Concept Development and Analysis
As part of Phase 2B: Concept Development and Analysis, in November 2016, we asked Calgarians to evaluate the short- and long-term preliminary concepts using the study’s objectives and community themes developed in Phase One: Project Initiation and Definition.
Review the preliminary concepts and open house boards here.
Calgarians had an opportunity to evaluate the short- and long-term preliminary concepts at a public open house held on November 24 and through the online tool that was available from November 25 to December 12, 2016.
An invite-only event for the adjacent communities of Montgomery, Parkdale and Point McKay was also held on November 23, 2016. We recognize that Calgarians living in these communities may have unique perspectives that are not necessarily shared with those in other communities. This invite-only event provided them the opportunity to share their feedback before the broader community.
In addition, an invite-only event for property owners potentially impacted by the long-term preliminary concepts was held on October 19, 2016. This invite-only event provided them the opportunity to share their feedback before the broader community.
Read the What We Heard report to learn more about the feedback that was provided. The input we received, along with technical review, helped us identify a set of draft recommended plans to present to Calgarians in June 2017.
Phase 2: Concept Development and Analysis
In April 2016, we hosted Design Idea Workshops for adjacent communities and the public to share ideas about possible changes to the study area. Participants worked with a technical illustrator to sketch potential designs and explore ways to achieve the study’s goals and objectives. View the display boards and read the What We Heard Report.
The project team reviewed the design ideas and comments provided by the workshop participants. During the review, we recognized that nearly all the design ideas produced contained six common design elements.
We also reviewed the study area from a technical perspective and identified five additional technical elements for consideration. Both the design and the technical elements were reviewed and refined by the Community Advisory Group at the end of April.
Rather than focusing on a select few design ideas in the online survey as originally intended, we made the decision to request feedback on the elements in order to gain a better understanding of the community's vision for the study area. The online survey was available May 11 – 25.
In November and December 2016, we hosted in person public engagement opportunities for adjacent community residents and the public, and an online opportunity, to evaluate five options for the long-term recommendation and a draft short-term recommendation. Please read the What We Heard report and verbatim public input.
Phase 1: Project Initiation and Definition
In November 2015, we invited area residents and businesses to an open house. Over 100 attendees were introduced to the study and asked to provide their concerns, values, issues, and hopes. We also provided an opportunity to submit input online from November 19-December 03. If you were unable to participate, you can view the open house boards. In addition, you can read a summary of the input collected during this phase. The Community Advisory Group also had their first meeting in January. This group was formed to help develop evaluation criteria and ensure community interests and needs are addressed in the preferred concept at the completion of this study. For more information, go to calgary.ca/southshaganappi.
The final short-term and long-term recommendations were presented to the public in March 2018.
Presenting final recommendations to Committee and Council (Spring/Summer 2018).
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