Project Update - May 2021

In January 2021, City Council voted to continue having private-sector shared e-Scooter and e-Bike (micromobility) services. The private-sector companies providing the services will be required to:

  • continue to cover all City administrative costs to regulate and manage the program; and
  • adopt new City requirements to address citizen concerns.

The new requirements are based on Calgary's experiences during the pilot program, and best practices from other jurisdictions in North America with similar programs.

In April, companies completed an e-Scooter Competitive Permit Application and The City is reviewing the applications.

In May, we will announce 2 companies that will have a permit to operate shared e-Scooters this year. The City will provide the program framework, and the program will be fully funded and operated by the 2 companies.

For more information on the program, please visit

Project Update - December 11, 2020

Overview of the pilot

The 2-year shared e-Scooter and e-Bike (micromobility) Pilot started in Oct. 2018 and ended Oct. 31, 2020. During the pilot, there were 3 private-sector operators (Lime, Bird Canada, and Roll) and 1.9 million trips.

2020 Shared e-Scooter Survey – What We Heard Report is now online

Thank you to everyone who provided input on Phase 3 of the shared e-Bike and e-Scooter (micromobility) Pilot. Participants had an opportunity to provide feedback through an online survey from Sept. 16 to Oct. 7, 2020.

We received over 7,300 responses. Your feedback has been used to help inform what the future will look like for shared e-Bikes and e-Scooters in Calgary.

You can now read the What We Heard Report containing the 2020 public survey results.


Earlier in 2020, we installed Share & Go Parking zones to provide users a dedicated space to park the shared e-scooters that will not block or inhibit other sidewalk users. Additionally, users can park scooters in the 'furniture zone': the part of the sidewalk in line with bike racks, trees or trash bins.

Scooter companies will now be implementing fines for those users who continue to improperly park their shared e-scooter once they have completed their ride (e.g. in the middle of the sidewalk).

For more information on how to report improperly parked shared e-scooters, or other changes to the pilot, please visit