About SAVE

Faced with a continued economic downturn and impacts of COVID-19, The City must find a balance between adapting our activities, maintaining safety, and protecting the environment, all while continuing to provide services to Calgarians.

The Solutions for Achieving Value and Excellence (SAVE) program will help The City look for new solutions to modernize our service delivery and reduce the burden on taxpayers while continuing to keep the citizen at the center of our decisions.

What happened during Phase 1 - Employee Engagement

In April 2020, we asked staff to share their valuable ideas for cost reduction or revenue generation. We received more than 1,600 ideas and over 370 of these ideas contributed to the development of the first wave of business cases.

The verbatim ideas from employees can be found here (1-500) and (501- 1,610). And a summary report of Phase 1 engagement can be found in the What we heard report. These documents are also provided in the links section.

What happened with all the ideas from Phase 1?

All of the ideas submitted were reviewed by the SAVE program team based on the program criteria approved by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).

The ideas were then validated, selected and prioritized for the development into opportunity statements.

The opportunity statements were then reviewed by ELT, and the most promising were developed into business cases, and presented to Council as part of Mid-Cycle Adjustments. The Wave 1 business cases can be viewed here.

Now, 22 projects are being implemented and the benefits realized.

Save results from phase 1 employee engagement
Wave 1 Business Cases

SAVE Goals

The SAVE program provides a strategic approach to meeting the fiscal challenges faced by The City.

  1. Improve service value
    We are looking to identify and implement at least $80 million in operational savings by 2022 and explore additional sources of revenue while aiming to maintain or improve overall customer satisfaction and citizen outcomes.
  2. Drive organizational performance
    The SAVE program seeks to further ongoing growth in the organization’s corporate culture. From its initial grounding in the One Calgary Service Plans and Budgets, the SAVE program will continue to promote a culture that is service- and citizen-focused, and one that embraces the values articulated in the 4Cs (Character, Competence, Commitment, Collaboration). We have an opportunity to contribute to a culture of increased collaboration, innovation and continuous improvement.

Why is employee engagement taking place now?

The financial targets for 2022 are going to be challenging. The numbers are bigger, and the timelines are tighter. On top of this, we have already completed many rounds of reductions, making savings harder to find.

With the successful ideas from the first round of employee engagement, we know that by working together and thinking creatively, we can reach our full 2022 goal.


Do you have a new idea about something The City could do more efficiently, or somewhere we could reduce costs, modernize our services or generate new revenue?

We are continuing to involve all City employees in this program to help provide innovative and creative ideas to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of our organization. This is an opportunity for us to work together and think differently, to find new and creative ways to improve our services and adapt to the current economic realities of our city.

This is an anonymous opportunity to share your SAVE idea. Please note that personal identifying information within your idea submission will be removed in all reporting and sharing of ideas. But if you would like to share your contact details in confidence we will keep you updated on how your idea progresses.

All of the ideas submitted will be reviewed by the SAVE program team based on the following criteria.

SAVE Criteria


This personal information is being collected by The City of Calgary under the authority of Alberta’s Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, Subsection 33 (c). It will be only used for project updates related to the SAVE project. If you have any questions, please contact Hayden, Engage Planner at 403-620-0792.


Help us know more about where ideas are coming from.


A What We Heard report will be completed for Employee Ideas - Phase 2 once all the ideas have been reviewed. Ideas will be shared with all employees verbatim, however any individual identification information and information not aligned with our respectful workplace policy will be removed.