Project Update

Saddle Ridge Naming Project Update

Public Engagement for this project is now closed, and the What We Heard Report is now complete – the link to the report can be found here. The alternative naming proposal submitted by the community will proceed as a separate naming file due to a lack of connection to the site.

These Engagement findings will be taken into consideration by the Asset Steward when making a final recommendation to Council. For questions regarding this project please contact

Project Background

The City of Calgary has received a naming application for a new park, #SAD027 in the northeast community of Saddle Ridge.

The naming of public assets in Calgary is regulated by The City’s Naming, Sponsorship, and Naming Rights Policy.

City Assets are most commonly named in response to applications from external parties. Applications that have fulfilled initial community support requirements are reviewed by the Asset Steward's team within Administration for compliance with the policy requirements. If a naming application is compliant, the Asset Steward becomes responsible for initiating broader public engagement in accordance with The City’s Engage Policy. Such engagement is highly dependent on the size and impact of the Asset, but as a rule, it aims to create inclusive and transparent conversation about the proposal. Depending on the outcome of such engagement, the application may proceed to the approval stage. In situations of multiple naming proposals, alternative proposals that have fullfilled initial community support requirements shall undergo similar public engagement as the initial naming application. The engagement findings are taken into consideration by the Asset Steward when making a final naming recommendation to Council.

We are soliciting feedback on this naming proposal from citizens living in Saddle Ridge and those in neighboring communities on the proposal to name the park “Guru Teg Bahadur Park”. You can submit your feedback on this naming proposal until November 28, 2023.

If you wish to submit an alternative naming proposal for this park, email The City at If you do not register your interest in submitting an alternative proposal via email to The City by end of this engagement period, the original application will proceed to the decision-making stage by City Administration/Council.

Please note that alternative naming applications must include a letter of support from the Ward 5 City Councillor and at least one community organization (i.e. the community association, a local historical society, a religious organization with a community presence, etc.). Applicants will also need to secure at least 100 signatures in support of their proposal. Applications that are not compliant with the Municipal Naming, Sponsorship, and Naming Rights Policy will not be included in the next round of public engagement.

Thank you for taking the time to participate in this engagement process. Your feedback will help to inform City Council’s decision about naming this park.

Park Location