View the Final Design

Final Design

Following the second phase of engagement on the Rundle Manor affordable housing redevelopment, we used feedback to further refine the final site design and building design. This design takes into account the following key themes that we heard from you during our previous phases of engagement:

  1. Fit with the community: The roof line, window sizes and patterns, were resigned to better fit with the existing neighborhood
  2. Parking: All required parking is located on site, with dedicated parking for each unit, plus 22 visitor spaces.
  3. Density: The density of the site has been reduced to 135 units and two townhomes from the original design have been removed.
  4. Outdoor and shared spaces: Two large outdoor courtyards and private interior amenity spaces have been integrated into the design.
  5. Pedestrian mobility: A series of pedestrian paths provide connections within and through the site.
  6. Safety: The site has been designed to foster safety, including exterior lighting, an integrated camera system, and private entries for most ground floor units.

Please see below for images of the final site layout, as well as artist renderings of the proposed building design.

Final Site Plan

Rundle Phase 3 - Final Site Plan

Rundle Phase 3 - Final Site Plan

Final Design Artist Renderings

Artist renderings of the final design from various perspectives

Final Design Q & A

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About the Project

On June 30, 2021, Calgary Housing Company closed the Rundle Manor residential complex. While Rundle Manor is a valuable asset in the provision of affordable housing, it is no longer practical to make major investments into the 40-year-old complex. In its place, a new affordable housing residence will be redeveloped on the property.

The site meets key criteria The City of Calgary uses to select sites for affordable housing, including nearby community amenities like groceries, transit, schools, parks and recreation areas.

The Rundle affordable housing redevelopment will allow for:

  • 135 units in the redevelopment
  • Better integration into the community
  • A mixed-income rent model
  • Gives Calgarians of varying income the opportunity to live in their neighbourhood

Phase 2 - CLOSED

During Phase 2, we asked you review the proposed design and answer the questions listed below. At that time, you were asked to review these slides to learn about the design and then answer the questions below.

The results of this survey and the the findings from the Phase 2 virtual sessions were then incorporated into a Phase 2 - What We Heard Report.

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Phase 2 Q & A

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