Thank you for visiting. Your feedback is important to us. This page is dedicated to stakeholders who work in the pet industry in some capacity. You were invited to share your feedback on this private webpage. This page was designed for targeted stakeholders. If you believe there are other stakeholders who should share their input in the next phase of engagement, please email petbylaw@calgary.ca so that we may reach out to them directly.

Thank you for sharing your ideas, and commenting on ideas that others have shared. We recognize that each of you comes with your own experiences and expertise. We saw thoughtful dialogue and this rich conversation will help us make purposeful updates to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw that is reflective of the needs and wants of Calgarians.

We collected your input online from April 30 – May 27.

Now, grab a coffee and/or snack, make yourself comfortable and have a look at your ideas and those of your peers.


Pets are important to Calgarians, and the bylaw helps create a safe environment for Calgary. Calgarians’ needs have changed since the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw was updated 12 years ago. An update to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw ensures that we are reaching as many people as possible and is creating effective compliance and education by recognizing new trends that will impact Calgarians’ and businesses. The bylaw is being reviewed as part of a Calgary Community Standards workplan item that came out of Service Plans and Budgets 2019 – 2022.

Goals for engagement are:

  • Understand what Calgarians think is working with the current regulations, and what is not working.
  • Seek input on what else should be included in the Bylaw.

Goal for phase two engagement is:

  • Seek input on potential Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw amendments.


Thank you for providing your input. Phase 1 provided opportunities for you to have input into potential changes to the bylaw. In addition to the public and internal employees, we wanted to hear from people who work with pets in some capacity. This private page was used to replace the workshops originally scheduled in phase 1 engagement.

There are six areas of focus for this engagement. You were invited to provide your input into any, or all, of the focus areas by clicking on the tiles below. All questions were optional.

We hope you had an opportunity to engage in a meaningful conversation with each other on the various topics. The purpose of this format was to foster a similar experience of the group conversation of a workshop.

Your input from phase 1 is included in the What we Heard Report which can be found in the 'Important Links' section of https://engage.calgary.ca/petbylaw.

Input from phase 1 has been reviewed and is being used to help develop potential amendments to the bylaw. We want your feedback again in phase 2 engagement which will be from August 18 to September 17, 2020. This will be an opportunity for you to provide input into the potential amendments.

This bylaw impacts us all and we want to hear from pet owners, non-pet owners, and people who work with, and interact with, pets.


We would like to take a moment to introduce ourselves. Some of the people involved in the project team are:

Jennifer - I am the project manager for the Responsible Pet Ownership bylaw review. I am excited to hear all of your input on how we can improve the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw.

Ryan - I am the project sponsor as well as the Chief Bylaw Officer. We are seeking to update the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw to ensure that the City is reaching as many pet owners as possible and is creating effective compliance and education.

Kristen - I am the Research Coordinator for this project. My job is to measure what Calgarians think, want, and prefer, and see how groups think alike or differently.

Marcia - I am the Engage Planner for this project and am excited to hear your ideas. I believe that stakeholder input helps us make better decisions.

Damien - I am the Superintendent of Bylaw Services and I oversee the bylaw officers that educate Calgarians and enforce the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw and other bylaws.

Various - As the Communications Planners for RPO, it’s important to us that we reach as many stakeholders as possible in order to make well-informed decisions.


1) Please tell us which sector of the pet industry you are primarily affiliated with?

Select one.

You have 50 characters left.

Click on the photos below to provide more detailed input on any of the six focus areas.



Your input, along with employee input, public input and research will be used to revise the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. All input collected online and in-person will be used to develop potential amendments to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. We will then seek your input on potential amendments in phase 2 Engagement before presenting to the SPC on Community & Protective Services and City Council between January and March 2021.

Barking Lot – a cat-alogue of ideas

This section was used to capture your ideas not captured in engagement. Thank you for your thoughts. We look forward to reviewing them.

27 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

The issue that I have is that what bothers someone is subjective. You cannot have a law that is open up interpretation to each individual.

21 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

Thanks for this opportunity. Will there be a chance to request a ban on the retail sale of animals including dogs, cats, rabbits....

21 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

It's important that bylaws don't punish responsible owners or dictate how they care for their dogs. Please keep this in mind when reviewing.

20 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

Why is the time for the next live Q&A 5pm-6pm tomorrow evening, but the poll on the right clearly states 6pm-7pm was the most popular time?

15 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

Lack of clarity in the bylaws and with enforcement. Officers are forced to interpret as they see fit in a lot of cases.

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

2/2 betterment of all who use our public off-leash parks. Thank you, Kim O'Mahony kim@dawgtired.ca

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

I would like to see a meeting with canine care specific business stakeholders. A place where we can share ideas and create policies for 1/2

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

Health and welfare, as well as breeding practices of puppies, kittens and rabbits being sold in pet stores is a huge concern!

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

I am in agreement with a former post about prohibiting the sale of puppies/kittens/rabbits in pet stores due to welfare concerns

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

An issue with all focus areas above is the lack of education being provided to the public.

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

Urban Chickens are common in most cities...education is our issue. I would like to pilot an ed program and see if opinion/support swells

14 May, 2020

Anonymous says:

Why can I only type 140 characters in some places? I need more room to give you my answer...


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