Pets are important to Calgarians, and the bylaw helps create a safe environment for Calgary. Calgarians’ needs have changed since the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw was updated 12 years ago. An update to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw ensures that we are reaching as many people as possible and is creating effective compliance and education by recognizing new trends that will impact Calgarians’ and businesses. The bylaw is being reviewed as part of a Calgary Community Standards workplan item that came out of Service Plans and Budgets 2019 – 2022.
Goals for engagement are:
- Understand what Calgarians think is working with the current regulations, and what is not working.
- Seek input on what else should be included in the Bylaw.
Goal for phase two engagement is:
- Seek input on potential Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw amendments.
Thank you for providing your input. Phase 1 provided opportunities for you to have input into potential changes to the bylaw. In addition to the public and people who work with, and interact with, pets, we wanted to hear from Community Peace Officers and shelter staff. This page was for internal staff only and was open for feedback There were six areas of focus for this engagement and feedback was collected online until May 27, 2020. Your input from phase 1 is included in the What we Heard Report which can be found in the 'Important Links' section on the right of this page.
Input from phase 1 has been reviewed and is being used to help develop potential amendments to the bylaw. We want your feedback again in phase 2 engagement which will be from August 18 to September 17, 2020. This will be an opportunity for you to provide input into the potential amendments.
This bylaw impacts us all and we want to hear from pet owners, non-pet owners, and people who work with, and interact with, pets.
What else, if anything would you like to see changed, added or removed from the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw? Please explain your answer.
Click on the photos below to provide more detailed input on any of the six focus areas.
Feral, Stray and Roaming Cats
Urban Agriculture
Vicious Dogs
Dog behaviour in off-leash parks, public spaces and reasonable number of pets in a household.
Your input, along with public feedback and research will be used to revise the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. All input collected online and in-person will be used to develop potential amendments to the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw. We will then seek your input on potential amendments in phase 2 Engagement before presenting to the SPC on Community & Protective Services and City Council between January and March 2021.
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