What is the Floodway?
The Floodway is the river channel and some of the land next to the river.
- Floodways carry the bulk of the floodwater, at higher speeds and greater depth than anywhere else in the floodplain.
- This is the highest risk flood hazard zone and is generally unsuitable for buildings and development.
Where is the Floodway?
The floodway boundary in Calgary is not changing substantially in the draft updated Provincial flood map.
- The floodway includes some properties with buildings built before our first floodplain map, and parks and open spaces.
How do we regulate today?
Today new buildings or structures cannot be built in the Floodway, except:
- Replacing an existing single-family home, semi-detached home, backyard suite, or accessory building AND
- Following the same footprint as the existing structure.
Since the floodway is the most regulated Flood Hazard Area in the Land Use Bylaw (Zoning Bylaw), additional regulations around living spaces in basements remain as an opportunity to explore for further flood risk reduction and resilience.