The City of Calgary has received an application to redesignate (rezone) an area of land directly beside Canada Olympic Park.

The current land use for this area, as outlined in the Canada Olympic Park and Adjacent Lands Area Structure Plan, supports the following development on this site:

  • Development across the disturbed and undisturbed areas.
    • A hotel with up to 100 rooms, a restaurant, retreat centre and a spa; or
    • Low density residential development within the natural undisturbed area (subject to further review of environmental constraints).

The proposed land use would allow for:

  • Limit development to only the disturbed area.
  • Preservation of the undisturbed natural area.
  • Public access agreements to allow public use of the natural areas on the site.
  • Additional residential density which would allow for residential buildings up to 5 storeys in height (a Floor Area Ratio of 2.5).

Specifically, the applicant is seeking to redesginate 3.1 hectares of land located off 85 St S.W. from special purpose future urban development (S-FUD) to multi-residential – medium profile district (M-2) and special purpose urban nature (S-UN) to allow for multi-residential units and the preservation of environmentally sensitive areas to be dedicated to The City.



This opportunity for input is now closed. Thank you for your input. A What We Heard Report will be posted here once the feedback has been reviewed.

The proposed land use could change several aspects of the property. Using the drop down menus below, let us know your top three priorities for consideration. Let us know why each of these priorities is important to you in the comment boxes below.

Why is this important to you?

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Please give special consideration to natural space, maximum number of units, traffic, view and residential versus hotel use.

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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.