What are we doing?

We're developing dedicated pathway and bikeway routes in Falconridge, Castleridge, Taradale, Saddle Ridge and Martindale, aligning with Calgary's established Pathway and Bikeway Network. These routes will focus on routes that serve students, recreation, shopping, and work destinations. When built, these routes will provide safe, healthy, and affordable travel choices for people of all ages and all abilities.

Why are we doing it?

High numbers of students and safety incidents are the two main reasons we are investing in pathways and bikeways in these neighbourhoods. Calgary data shows there are more students living near their school than in other parts of Calgary, and that this area experienced the highest numbers of injury collisions between 2017 and 2021. Designing safer streets for students will mean safer streets for everyone.

What will we do with your feedback?

In this Phase 1 - Discover: Your input will provide valuable local perspectives, opinions, and concerns, helping the project team understand the local context and needs of the area. Your input from this phase will be considered alongside factors such as cost, environmental impact, technical limitations, and long-range plans to inform design options that will be presented in Phase 2 - Explore.

At the conclusion of each engagement phase, a What We Heard report summarizing feedback will be produced and made available on this page.


Online engagement will be open from May 10- July 2, 2024


Think about the experiences of students, people with mobility challenges, parents with strollers / young children, and seniors travelling in the community. If we consider improvements for the most vulnerable it will make the pathways and bikeways safer for all!


  • Review Comments: Take a look at the comments left by your neighbors.
  • Thumbs Up or Down: Show your support by giving a thumbs up or express disagreement with a thumbs down.
  • Submit Your Idea: Feel free to share your unique ideas (maximum 140 characters per box).
  • One Idea Per Box: Aim for one idea per box to make it easy for others to react to each comment. You can add more than one idea if you like.

What else do you want The City to consider when improving the area for walking, biking, and wheeling?

Note: comments are pre-moderated - harassing, abusive, or non-inclusive speech won't be posted. (max 140 characters).

You have 140 characters left
Moderation Policy

27 June, 2024

Ebad Naqvi says:

Please add a divider for bikers/walkers to share the pathway around water and add benches in the parks for the kids/seniors.

26 June, 2024

Calgarian says:

We need more benches and more bike racks. More pit stops for cyclists to rest, charge ebikes, etc

26 June, 2024

Calgarian says:

Making sure the paths are safe to walk/bike also in the winter. Snow/ice removal will make it easier to bike all year round.

26 June, 2024

Ráz says:

Promote group rides to newcomers to help them positively experience urban cycling and negotiate challenges within our cycling infrastructure

26 June, 2024

Ráz says:

Ability for frequent pathway users to earn credits towards e.g. Free annual bike tuneups, transit tickets & safety gear like gloves/helmets.

26 June, 2024

Ráz says:

Digital counter signs that welcome and thank users as well as display the +ve accumulated environmental impact e.g. trees saved/ CO2 reduced

26 June, 2024

Ráz says:

Use recycled plastic bottles/caps with a high visibility colour which are 3x more durable than asphalt to resurface pathways along roadways

26 June, 2024

John says:

The city is doing a good job so far

25 June, 2024

Pete says:

V only saying need benches in the park along with path in the park . V live in Martindale near dog leach park V need benches in the park

25 June, 2024

Lynne Darlington says:

I would like to bike along Country Hills Blvd from 36NE to Barlow to access Nose Creek Pathway w/o having to ride as far N as 128

25 June, 2024

Lynne Darlington says:

The path along 96th Ave NE btwn 60th St & 68th Ave is missing. This is very dangerous for cyclists as we have to ride on a very busy route.

24 June, 2024

Anonymous says:

Lots of secondary suits on Martindale Drive and Blvd that need parking -some houses have 5-8 cars- worse when Dashmesh has events