While engagement specific to this community is presently closed, click below to provide feedback on the Neighbourhood Streets Program
About the project
As part of the Neighbourhood Streets Program, the North Hill Area Project will be implemented temporary traffic calming measures, improved crossings and park improvements along 1 Street N.E., 2 Street N.W. This project has been informed by engagement held over the last six years for Green Line, The City's local growth planning program's work in North Hill Communities and Main Streets, which all identified a desire to see reduced vehicle volumes and speeds along residential streets parallel to Centre Street N and to provide safe and comfortable walking and cycling routes.
This project includes:
- Installation of traffic calming measures using temporary materials on fall 2021.
- Park expansion at Balmoral Circus, transforming the paved intersection at 2 Street and 19 Avenue N.W. into park space and limiting vehicle access with temporary materials. The project team will engage with the community to find an appropriate balance between creating a quiet space for passive recreation adjacent to homes and creating an attractive and meaningful community destination before permanent landscaping in 2021.
- Completing pathway connections and improving crossings at high volume intersections with permanent materials in 2021.
Project Update - March 2021
Balmoral Circus Park Expansion Engagement – March 17 – 31, 2021
We gathered your feedback about design considerations for the space, to create an attractive and meaningful community destination. We collected feedback from March 17 – 31, 2021 and have now closed this portion of engagement for Balmoral Circus
The concepts being presented as part of phase 2 of engagement were developed by using technical analysis, consideration of what we learned through the fall/winter and what we heard in phase 1. Engagement is always meant to supplement the overall project planning and implementation.
We will be using your feedback to help inform the final design for Balmoral Circus Park. Construction, transforming the intersection of 2 Avenue N.W. and 19 Street N.W. into a permanent expansion of the park, will being in summer 2021.
Diagonal Diverters
Next steps for diagonal diverters and other potential traffic calming measures planned for 2021 are currently under review. The City will be making changes, such as location and orientation, based on feedback provided during fall engagement and data collection planned to take place later this year. Thank you for providing your feedback to help us understand the impacts of the diagonal diverters as traffic calming measures.
The What We Heard report from the first phase of engagement and key themes are guiding some changes we are exploring. These themes are:
- diverter placement and design to eliminate vehicles cutting around them
- review of maintenance issues to allow for effective usage
- allow for more effective community access to local destinations
More information will be available later this spring.

Project Goals
- Ensure that as more people choose to live and work along the North Hill Main Streets (4 Street NW, Centre Street N, and Edmonton Trail NE), the nearby residential streets remain pleasant and quiet routes where neighbours connect and have safe options for all ages and abilities to travel throughout the area.
- Discourage vehicle shortcutting along 1 Street N.E., 2 Street N.W. while still giving vehicle access to local residents by ensuring routes are intuitive and align with local destinations.
- Complete pathway and sidewalk network connections.
- Enhance the residential street environment and create community amenities and green spaces.
- Maintain local vehicle parking and access where possible.
- Collect feedback on the effectiveness of the temporary traffic calming measures in meeting the project goals for the community and users.
- Collect feedback on the park expansion for Balmoral Circus by finding an appropriate balance between creating a quiet space for passive recreation adjacent to homes and creating an attractive and meaningful community destination.
This round of engagement is now closed for input. Thank you for your feedback.
Please feel free to review the WHAT WE HEARD report here for results from this round of engagement.
We recently collected further feedback about design considerations for the space, to create an attractive and meaningful community destination. This most recent engagement occurred from March 17 – 31, 2021. For more information on this portion of the project click here.
Park expansion at Balmoral Circus will transform the intersection at 2 Street and 19 Avenue N.W. by changing roadways into park space within the circle and preventing vehicle access with temporary materials.
This will have a traffic impact to those living along 19 Avenue N.W. by creating a cul-de-sac condition at 2 Street N.W. and the removal of some parking at the intersection.
We want to find an appropriate balance between creating a quiet space for passive recreation adjacent to homes and creating an attractive and meaningful community destination.
How do you feel about the changes?
Diagonal Diverters
Next steps for diagonal diverters and other potential traffic calming measures planned for 2021 are currently under review. The City will be making changes, such as location and orientation, based on feedback provided during fall engagement and data collection planned to take place later this year. Thank you for providing your feedback to help us understand the impacts of the diagonal diverters as traffic calming measures.
Diagonal diverters are raised medians, bollards (posts) or planters, or another type of treatment placed diagonally in the middle of a four-way intersection to allow traffic circulation while reducing vehicle speeds and cut-through traffic.
To the greatest possible extent, these interventions seek to maintain local vehicle parking and access. Diagonal diverters continue to allow vehicle access to all homes, though depending upon origins and destinations, some trip routes might be slightly changed.
- Decrease short-cutting and reduces volume of vehicles on street
- Provides all directions access for people walking and wheeling
- Retains vehicle access to all homes
- Maintains all existing curbside parking
- Barriers placed diagonally across an intersection, restricting vehicle through movements
Balmoral Circus
We want your feedback about design considerations for the space, to create an attractive and meaningful community destination. We will be collecting feedback from March 17 – 31, 2021 by clicking on the box at top of this page or click here. This is now closed but you can click to view the questions that were asked and updates.
Park expansion at Balmoral Circus will transform the intersection at 2 Street and 19 Avenue N.W. by changing roadways into park space within the circle and preventing vehicle access with temporary materials.
This will have a traffic impact to those living along 19 Avenue N.W. by creating a cul-de-sac condition at 2 Street N.W. and the removal of some parking at the intersection.
We want to find an appropriate balance between creating a quiet space for passive recreation adjacent to homes and creating an attractive and meaningful community destination.
Comfort Level
Neighbourhood Streets - The Big Picture
North Hill Questions
We have closed the Q&A section. We will be answering the remaining questions after the holidays. The Q&A section was implemented to provide consistent answers to questions and provide opportunity to reflect on others viewpoints.