Chaparral values being a safe, active, naturally beautiful, well connected and family-friendly neighbourhood.

Residents outlined what was important to them, focusing on the themes of people, places, programs and possibilities. The City worked with residents to identify projects that would support the vision and be possible in their neighbourhood, and then residents prioritized the projects.

These projects will enhance community identity, contribute to the beauty of the neighbourhood, and build a vibrant community. Through these projects, residents in Chaparral will be able to better explore their neighbourhood as a result of pathway maps and stencils. Residents will also have more gathering places, contributing to stronger connections in the neighbourhood.

The following is a summary of programs, services and/or small-scale infrastructure improvements The City of Calgary will implement in partnership with residents of Chaparral:

Improvement Project Project Details Target Completion Date
194 Avenue Beautification Enhancing 194 Avenue with public art. Fall 2018
Please note: Public Art projects are on hold until a corporate direction is confirmed.
Active stencils on pathways Activity stencils on pathways such as hopscotch, mazes or jumping games. Spring 2018
Wayfinding These are maps or artistic markers such as distance or walking travel times to community landmarks, directional signs or highlights of traffic changes. These would be added to various sidewalks and pathways to better connect the Ridge, Ravine and Valley and to link to pathways; specifically, Chaparral Boulevard and 194 Avenue. Fall 2018
Please note: Public Art projects are on hold until a corporate direction is confirmed.
Youth Programming This is an opportunity for youth to develop new skills and friendships while participating in activities Summer 2018
Paint the pavement community art project Adding visual interest to a street reminds motorists that they have entered a vibrant and active community and encourages them to drive with appropriate attention and care. Summer 2018
Gathering Space in the Valley Create a gathering space in the Valley which may include gazebo, stage, outdoor theatre or outdoor rink. All options would be dependent on a feasibility study and timeline review.
Community bootcamp fitness program This free program brings people together and provides an opportunity for neighbours to connect, exercise and have fun. Summer 2018


Below is a list of projects that residents mentioned to us, some are currently underway and fit within your neighbourhood vision some are not possible for The City to do as part of this program and we want to tell you why.

Playground updates - The Community Association is currently working with The City to replace a playground in the community.

More benches along valley to ridge pathways system - when investigated further; it was identified there are currently six benches along this pathway.

We also heard the following were identified as a priority for your neighbourhood, however these are out of scope for This is my neighbourhood:

Sidewalk repairs - From mid-March to mid-October, The City repairs streets, curbs, gutters, lanes and sidewalks. Repairs are reviewed annually and prioritized city-wide according to safety issues and damage severity. More information found here.

Bike lanes - out of scope for this project. More information on bike ways by visiting the parks and pathways page.

Splash park, permanent skate park/pump track – out of scope for the project. This City developed a Skateboard Amenities Strategy in 2011 that saw three new skate parks open at Chinook Park, Southwood and Huntington Hills in 2016. Five additional sites are expected to be ready by 2018.

Lighting along pathways - Out of scope for this project as a lighting assessment is required to determine lighting needs. All City neighbourhoods can be offered a Calgary Parks lighting evaluation. Evaluations are based on safety, use of park, commuter traffic, and community support.

Bus shelter by the ravine -The City currently installs and maintains 25 new shelters each year citywide. Requests for shelters are added to transit’s shelter request list to determine which locations a shelter will be installed. We consider factors such as adjacent land uses, number of passengers using the stop, proximity to other shelters, exposure to the elements and the availability of land for a concrete pad. Each year these requests are evaluated based on the shelter priority list and the top 25 requested locations will be installed. The remaining locations are carried over for consideration in next year’s evaluation process.


Thank you to everyone who participated and shared ideas with us, the public engagement is now closed. The initiatives will begin implementation in 2018.A full summary report of everything we heard during the engagement can be found here. For What We Heard reports for each of the engagement phases see below.


The report of what we heard when Chaparral residents prioritized initiatives created at the idea workshops to make their vision a reality is available here.

Idea workshops

The report of what we heard during the Chaparral idea workshops is available here.

Vision Poll

The vision statement for Chaparral is: Chaparral values being a safe, active, naturally beautiful, well connected and family-friendly neighbourhood.

Vision Words

Thanks to everyone who provided input into the neighbourhood vision words. All the ideas you provided can be found in the What We Heard Report.


Input is now closed. Below are the questions we asked in November-December. The report of what we heard is available here.

Below you will see the 11 initiatives for Chaparral. Each initiative has one question (a) to help us understand what you feel the impact of each initiative would be on the community. Then there are questions (b, c) about the same initiative asking about the details that City staff need to know if that initiative goes forward.

1. Dog off-leash area

To further explore a location for an off-leash area. This is a space where people can safely bring their dogs to run, walk and play freely.

Projected cost: under $5,000

2. Community entrance sign repair

Community entrance sign repair at Stoney Trail and Chaparral Blvd to contribute to the beautification, pride and connection to the neighbourhood.

Projected cost: $5,000 - $20,000

3. 194 Avenue Beautification

Enhancing 194 Avenue with public art. Public art contributes to the beautification of the neighbourhood. Residents told us they enjoy public spaces more and feel a greater sense of community pride and connection when they view artwork they influenced.

Projected cost: $5,000 - $10,000

*See question below for types of public art projects.*

3b) If this initiative were to go forward, what would be your top two preferred options for 194 Avenue beautification?

4. Active stencils on pathways

Active stencils could be fun activity additions like hopscotch, mazes or jumping games. Residents told us this would encourage walkers to interact with the stencils and make the walk more enjoyable with an element of fun or surprise.

Projected cost: $1,000

5. Wayfinding

These are maps or artistic markers such as distance or walking travel times to community landmarks, directional signs, or traffic changes highlights. These would be added to various sidewalks and pathways to better connect the Ridge, Ravine and Valley and to link to pathways; specifically Chaparral Boulevard and 194 Avenue.

Pathway maps enhance community identity, increase peoples' knowledge of the neighbourhood, contribute to walkability and assist residents in exploring and discovering new areas of their neighbourhood.

Projected cost: $5,000 - $10,000

6. Scavenger Hunt

An outdoor family-oriented event to encourage people to walk, explore and locate specific items/landmarks in the neighbourhood. It could serve as an unveiling of public art (see initiative idea #5) and would be an opportunity to meet neighbours in a fun way and learn about orientation and wayfinding. Could also help link the community between the Valley, Ravine, Ridge and Lake areas.

Projected cost: $1,000 - $3,000

7. Youth Programming

This is an opportunity for youth to develop new skills and friendships while participating in activities. This increases social resiliency and develops a sense of investment and ownership in the community.

Projected cost: $3,000 - $5,000

*See question below for types of Youth Programming.*

7b) If this initiative were to go forward, what would be your top two preferred options for youth programs?

8. Paint the pavement community art project

The creation of art and place-making brings people together, promotes a sense of community, builds connections and strengthens relationships. Adding visual interest to a street reminds motorists that they have entered a vibrant and active community and encourages them to drive with appropriate attention and care.

Projected cost: $3,000 - $5,000

9. Public art education course

Public Art 101 is a 3-hour workshop with artists about how public art contributes to the beautification of the neighbourhood. Residents enjoy their public spaces more and feel a greater sense of community pride and connection in interesting and attractive spaces.

The Public Art 101 sessions provide ongoing support and professional development opportunities to artists who are transitioning their practice from studio work to the realm of public art. Topics are chosen based on the needs and interests expressed by artists.

10. Place-making

Create a gathering space in the Valley which may include gazebo, stage, outdoor theatre or outdoor rink. All options would be dependent on a feasibility study and timeline review.

Projected cost (varies based on particular option): $15,000-$20,000

11. Community bootcamp fitness program

This free program brings people together and provides an opportunity for neighbours to connect, exercise and have fun while building upon their sense of involvement in a vibrant neighbourhood.

Projected cost: $1,000-$5,000

11b) If this initiative were to go forward, what would be your top two preferred options for the timing of a fitness program?

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.

Vision Statement

From July 28 to August 8 we asked for your preference on the vision statements. See below for results.

Pick the vision statement you think is best for Chaparral.

This poll has concluded.

  • Chaparral values a safe, active, beautiful, connected, and family-friendly neighbourhood.
    27% (11 votes)
  • Chaparral values safety, having activities for all, and being a beautiful, well connected neighbourhood.
    12% (5 votes)
  • Chaparral values being a safe, active, naturally beautiful, well connected and family-friendly neighbourhood.
    61% (25 votes)
Total Votes: 41


The City created This is my neighbourhood to work with residents to create a community visions that helps guide the delivery of City programs, services and small-scale infrastructure improvements.

This is my neighbourhood began in 2015 with a group of 14 inaugural communities. As part of the This is my neighbourhood program, The City partnered with the first group of neighbourhoods to deliver more than 100 programs, services and small-scale improvement projects that residents requested. Overall, This is my neighbourhood will take place in 28 neighbourhoods over four years from 2015 to 2018.


The initiatives will begin implementation in 2018.