Phase 2 is now completed

Phase 2: What We Heard Report - Now Available

Project Update - June 2024

Phase 2 Engagement is completed, please see engagement details below.

Phase 2 What We Heard report here.

You can view the Phase 1 Engagement report here.

Thank you for your time and input.


The MNP Community & Sport Centre, situated in Calgary's Lindsay Park, serves as a vital hub for high-performance athletes and community users. The MNP Centre is expanding and will become the main Aquatic Recreation Facility for downtown and we want to ensure that the facility is accessible and welcoming for all. The City is committed to providing safe travel choices, especially to regional recreation facilities. Learning from Calgarians will help us understand any travel barriers that make it hard to walk, bike or choose transit to reach MNP.

This engagement will help our project team understand challenges and potential solutions to better welcome visitors to MNP Community & Sport Centre (MNP). The plan will also fulfill The City’s commitment to the community to thoroughly review the area transportation network and collaborate on improvements. The final strategy will be used a roadmap for future investment that connects with the feedback we receive.

Phase 2 Engagement

Throughout Phase one engagement, a number of short- and long-term improvements were identified in the areas of Mobility and Safety. We would like to know how you would rank these improvements in order of importance. Improvement projects will be determined based on a number of factors and your feedback will help to prioritize these projects.

Help us rank these improvements

Phase 2 Additional Information

Site Inventory Maps

The north part of the study area is city owned while the parcels immediately south of MNP Centre are privately owned. The study looked at improvement opportunities on both city owned and privately owned land.

Site Inventory - City Owned Land

The close proximity of the Elbow River presents difficulties for the expansion of roads and the creation of new pathways. The study explored methods to reduce disruptions to the surrounding natural habitats. This ensures that any improvements made will be considerate of the environment.

Site Inventory - Environmental Area

The Flood Hazard maps illustrate the floodway and flood fringe regions. Given Erlton Station’s location, any overpass construction within the floodway will require further investigation in the future. This is to ensure that any development is safe and sustainable.

Site Inventory - Flood Maps

Around the MNP Centre, Lindsay Park is home to numerous mature trees and native shrubs. Furthermore, the streets to the south of the MNP Centre are lined with existing trees. These trees could potentially present obstacles for future endeavors such as the expansion of roads or the establishment of new road alignments.

Site Inventory - Public Trees

Additional Suggestions

There were also a few suggestions regarding navigation in Lindsay Park and the surrounding area these will be addressed by the appropriate departments as funds allow.

Navigation Suggestions

Phase 1 Engagement


Next Steps

While funding has been secured to conduct this study, the construction of recommended improvements remains unfunded at this time. The City is actively pursuing potential funding sources that could be used for future implementation efforts.

Thank you for your time and input, we look forward to keeping in touch as the project continues to progress.